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Pain with Trimax

Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 12:58 am
by engine10
Has anyone had success with Bi Max after having too much pain with tri max? My urologist wants me to try Bi max but said it’s not as potent as Tri max.

Re: Pain with Trimax

Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 9:24 am
by Lawnman
There are so many threads on this.
Yes. Bimix works. Trimix, for me, caused a terrible ache. Bimix works great, and its ache free. It took a few months to find the right dose. All is well.
Be patient, you will get there.

Re: Pain with Trimax

Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 11:40 am
by Sean762
Keep in mind, the active ingredients in Bimix are more likely to cause priapism and scarring than the main, pain inducing ingredient (alprostadil) in Trimix. The risk is still small, relatively speaking, but it's there. Some guys do get used to the ache of Alprostadil...but it can take several months and some never get used to it, so there's not much alternative.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Re: Pain with Trimax

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 10:37 am
by 1760 yards
Trimix causes pain for me as well.

I am a "recreational" user of injectables so I do not use it enough to think I will get use to it.

Bimix causes me to pain.

It also takes longer for it to work for me. Example: if I inject Trimix, I get hard in 5 minutes.

Bimix takes about 15-20 min and seems more like a natural erection.

It has taken me awhile to get my dose dialed in but now I use 7 units and that keeps me hard for 2+ hours.

As mentioned above, be prepared. Keep fast acting Sudafed and phenylephrine on hand.

Re: Pain with Trimax

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:50 am
by ejefowe
I started using Trimix a few months ago. 6 uses in fact. I had been using Alprotidil only, and found the pain associated with it was putting me off continuing its use. I find the Trimix works better, and the pain is much less......but STILL THERE. My urologist is having them add lidocaine to the mix. The pharmacist tells me they do this for patients who have pain with Trimix. I am hopeful and will let you know how it works.

Re: Pain with Trimax

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 3:04 pm
by 1760 yards
Is the lidocaine for the actual injection pain, or does it numb your cock completely?

We have prescription numbing cream that my wife uses when she wants anal sex and it will numb my cock to the point I can't feel it and there for can not cum.
So I have to wear a condom if that is the activity we are doing.

So if that is the result of TriMix with lidocaine, I would give it a pass and try bimix.

I'm very happy with bimix after switching from trimix.

Re: Pain with Trimax

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:49 pm
by Edthefiddleman
The lidocaine in not for the injection so you don’t feel the needle. It is for the deep pain in the internal penis (corporal bodies) where the medicine ends up. It is caused by the prostaglandin component of the Trimix. It is a common occurrence. It is an achy burning discomfort that may last three hours or more after injection. The last time I used Trimix (without lidocaine) it hurt for 3 hours. Tried ice bag, switched to hot bath, then back to ice again without much relief. I took Tylenol that took the edge off, but it was time that finally fixed it.