Caverject for Psychological Ed

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Re: Caverject for Psychological Ed

Postby ahuman » Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:01 pm

another question that I have is whether you really stay rock hard even after ejaculation and without any arousal. because I usually lose all arousal after ejaculation for a while and I'm not sure if that's normal but I think so. since there are reports of people saying that they can keep going even after orgasm, therefore if it's normal to lose arousal after ejaculation, then that would mean that the injections do keep you hard irrespective of your arousal level?

that is actually one of the primary reasons why I'm even going to try injections, because I suffer from premature ejaculation and if I won't be able to maintain a good erection for sex after ejaculation then I'd be back to square one and getting tormented by OCD thoughts.

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Re: Caverject for Psychological Ed

Postby sogwap » Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:13 am

ahuman wrote:another question that I have is whether you really stay rock hard even after ejaculation and without any arousal. because I usually lose all arousal after ejaculation for a while and I'm not sure if that's normal but I think so. since there are reports of people saying that they can keep going even after orgasm, therefore if it's normal to lose arousal after ejaculation, then that would mean that the injections do keep you hard irrespective of your arousal level?

that is actually one of the primary reasons why I'm even going to try injections, because I suffer from premature ejaculation and if I won't be able to maintain a good erection for sex after ejaculation then I'd be back to square one and getting tormented by OCD thoughts.

I suggest keeping a spreadsheet of all of your injections and results.
Noting the date, amount injected, location of injection (left/right side), duration of erection, strength of erection, and a Notes field.
Keeping a spreadsheet will help you find the ideal amount of injection for the time you want. It also helps to remember which side you injected.
The Notes field could be anything notable such as you had a second round, the effect ejaculation had, the wife wasn't interested, or wild sex...

I had the same questions as you have had. PE (premature ejaculation) was one of the reasons I started Trimix.
For myself I tried to hold back, then I learned to have what I would call silent ejaculation, usually after a couple of minutes. After this, I was more energized to engage in the activity.

I will note my wife some time (still) gets upset when I ejaculate. Which I believe is conditioning from otherwise normal sex where sex ends when the man ejaculates. However in most cases (at least for myself) I find I can get more into the action after ejaculation. In some cases it seems like multiple orgasms.
Your results may vary.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

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