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can trimix be used more than once a day?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:43 pm
by beachcamper
Has anyone used Trimix more that once a day? If yes how far between injections?

Re: can trimix be used more than once a day?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:24 pm
by JimStars

I have to confess I've been using Trimix shots sometimes twice in one night ... once at bedtime and then again in the morning 6-8 hrs between. (Alternating left and right injection sites as always). There's no difference I can perceive in length of time or hardness level (meaning no residual additive effect of prior shots). Supposedly the frequency of shots might affect fibrosis (more shots more chance). I've not been able to detect any nodules or knots or even ribbons n' bows! No curvature. Nothing but straight.

So if you do not make a habit, and you just need that morning boost ... (But I am not a medical professional -- just a user). Your uro will caution you I am sure, and if you are even more cautious then you might reduce the level at the second shot or something until you know for sure yours does not carry over from prior shots.

Report back with results -- future peeps will benefit from live fire testings!


Re: can trimix be used more than once a day?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:01 pm
by antelope
Doc told me to wait 48 hours between shots. I've shortened that to 24 hours a couple of times with no bad results, but I would be very cautious about anything that's likely to cause scarring. The good news is that many guys, including me, have reported residual effects from a single injection for 24 hours or more. After about 6 months of use, I started getting "morning after" wood virtually every time.


Re: can trimix be used more than once a day?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:41 pm
by beachcamper
My wife is one who would like to go mutiple times in one night, So my question is more like can I do an ninjection with in lets say 4 hours?

Re: can trimix be used more than once a day?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:26 am
by antelope
Beach, if you experiment carefully with the dosage, you can figure out how much joy juice you need to stay hard for 4 hours--or to get hard again after a couple of rounds. Even after "deflation" begins, I have found that you can rouse the little dude right back up with the right stimulation. You don't need another shot.


Re: can trimix be used more than once a day?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:46 pm
by merlin
Theoretically - one can inject oneself daily as long as they have at least 6 - 8 hrs between injections. Listen to Antelope, he's getting better spontaneous erections since using his mix. Here this all the time and it's a good thing- but remember, your vascular status will dictate whether this happen or not.

Re: can trimix be used more than once a day?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:55 pm
by ohohiakane
I would not make a habit of multiple injections in a short time period. My Uro says that Peyronies begins with a microscopic scarring. It would seem that the "not more often that 48 hours" rule is to give any tiny injury to heal before the next injection.

Now that I am 74, it is not a problem for me to wait. I envy you your libido and the willingness of your partner! :-)


Re: can trimix be used more than once a day?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:05 pm
by merlin
Gentlemen - scarring occurs from trauma to tissue. Scarring can occur from bleeding....but for the most part it forms over long periods of time. Bleeding inflames tissue and over time this inflamed tissue can scar. Now, does all this scar tissue result in peyronies plaque ? probably, but there are some who may argue this point. To avoid scar, be sure and hold pressure over the needle injection site for at least 2 minutes. If you take blood thinners or even 81mg lo-dose aspirin, you should probably extend that pressure time to 5 minutes. You'll hear a different opinion on this every time, but you get the point.

Re: can trimix be used more than once a day?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:28 pm
by vladtepes
Very much depends on each one healing process. Scar tissue and plaques (then Peyronies) are result of inflammation.
If someone have tendency to develop scar tissues it will be even from one injection.
Some will never have any problem from 1000’ts of injections.


Re: can trimix be used more than once a day?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:52 pm
by dtwarren1942
I usually inject once a week or occasionally twice a week; however, last Tuesday my first injection of 15 units generated only a nice chubby. I felt either my 4 month old Trimix was not effective or I missed the target so I injected 5 more units into the other side with only slightly better results. I then injected an additional 10 units with a longer needle into the original side and got my usual 1.5 hour hard erection.

Not sure what the problem was, but I have not experienced any unusual side effects from the multiple injections within thirty minutes though the original injection likely did not make it into the CC. Not sureh whether the 48 hour rule applies to number of injections or just effective injections.