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Semi-Erection 4+ hours after injection, okay?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 1:53 am
by frwmw1
Hello, I trialled a trimix formulation, it went well.

I maintained an erection for over an hour which then slowly subsided.

Is it a concern if a semi-erection is still there after 4+ hours? Where the erection is less than 50%?

Priapism requires a full erection, right?

Re: Semi-Erection 4+ hours after injection, okay?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:49 pm
by frwmw1

Re: Semi-Erection 4+ hours after injection, okay?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:17 pm
by bldoink
You're fine. If it's only 50% you're getting some blood flow. Have a bourbon and relax.

Re: Semi-Erection 4+ hours after injection, okay?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:40 pm
by fordman44
I'll jump in here since no one has responded to your post. I don't think you have an issue with a possible priapism if you are under the four hour time frame and have started loosing your "firm erection". It's pretty normal to have a "chubby" for some time and should be no area for concern. Just take this advise knowing that I am no Doctor and is only given as an opinion.

Re: Semi-Erection 4+ hours after injection, okay?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 6:41 am
I certainly understand your concern. The leaflets and many doctors are somewhat vague on this very comon but extemely important subject. There needs to be a more detailed explanation about at what point rigidity becomes partial erection and detuminece and ceases to be cause for worry. I too have had anxiety over long response to injections which lasted three hours or more but were not firm enough for penetration after twenty minutes. Fear of priapism kept me from getting adaquit dosage adjustments. From what i have learned,when your erection fails to the poin that you can't penetrate even if it returns temperarily your are detuminessing and in no danger.

Re: Semi-Erection 4+ hours after injection, okay?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:34 am
by rjdoan
One of the reasons I decided to get implanted, aside form the developing curve, was that I had a lingering three-hour erection afterwards even using Sudafed and I was worried that I might have to go to the ER at some point. Getting implanted has relieved that worry as well as improving overall my quality of life--so far.

Re: Semi-Erection 4+ hours after injection, okay?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 5:18 pm
by frwmw1
Thanks for the replies. I'm now finding the erections no longer last 4+ hours. I'm not sure if that's good or bad but it is what it is.

Re: Semi-Erection 4+ hours after injection, okay?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:43 am
by zachcrane
I get four hour erections quite often and have to take 240mg of Sudafed for it to subside. They aren’t usually full on rigid but definitely at about 75% so I’m just cautious and start taking Sudafed shortly after I finish up in the sack.

Re: Semi-Erection 4+ hours after injection, okay?

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 4:37 am
by dhiker99
I have issues with prolonged stiffy if I use an effective dose as well. Besides Sudafed another thing you can do to knock down a worrisome boner is push-ups, stair climbing, squats...anything that pumps up other muscles draws blood away from your penis and helps softening things up

Re: Semi-Erection 4+ hours after injection, okay?

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 12:37 pm
by bldoink
As I've too often suggested, try adding a novelty (sex shop) cock ring to the mix. You may find you can use a little less juice to achieve satisfactory results, thereby potentially avoiding the longer than desired erection issue. You'll need to experiment to find rings that work for you. Expect some rejects. I'm currently using a "Perfect Fit" set of about 10 different sizes that come on a little traffic cone looking thing. I've posted links before but it's an individual thing to find ones that work for you. I recommend silicone rings but there are other options that work for other guys. You want stiff enough to help but not so stiff it cuts off all blood flow and and leave you time limited like medical grade rings used with a VED.

Good luck.