A method I use to make things feel more natural.

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A method I use to make things feel more natural.

Postby Anon-E-Mouse » Wed Nov 13, 2019 7:29 pm

Hey guys just figured I would share this in case it helps someone else out. So once you start on injections I understand it takes some tries before you perfect the injection process and find the proper dosage that works for your particular needs...etc. Maybe because of that sex feels more "scheduled" than in the "heat of the moment" and that could take away from some of the feelings you guys share. I mean of course us guys just want to get hard and please our ladies on command, yet we are here in the forum because obviously we need to use the medicine and I'm sure most of our partners know and are understanding to this.

When I was first getting started it was a process like 1) some indication that sex is likely about to happen 2) you go get the medicine ready, which takes maybe 3-5 minutes then 3) you inject and then stall for 10-20 minutes waiting for you guy to be fully ready 4) then you start foreplay and sex in a ready state...etc. The process was a bit unnatural feeling and felt scripted. Sorta took some of the fun out of it.

One method Ive perfected over my first year of using injections was to always keep some prefilled syringes in the fridge in a discreet location. When you know that sexy time is likely to start you excuse yourself to the restroom and inject discreetly. Now if your medicine normally puts you rock-solid around say 10 minutes then 5 minutes before that time you want to start the whole heavy kissing & touching part of sex so that as the medicine starts to kick in and inflate your guy your lady is feeling this and it's giving off the impression that she is the sole reason for you getting hard which adds a little passion to process.

For example, its natural for us to want to have our lady get wet on their own. Its an indication to us that she is turned on by you and wants you. When she requires lube, sure it's an easy fix and you can have a ton of fun but it sorta takes away some of the notions that you're the reason shes ready. Same thing in reverse. Give her the impression, despite both knowing the real truth, that your getting hard solely by her touching and kissing you. It adds a bit of passion and fun to sex despite knowing you need medicine.

Maybe this was redundant and everyone already knows this method. For me starting out I didn't and its something I learned myself. Maybe it helps someone else out that just getting started. This method also works great for guys that are dating and maybe don't want to fully disclose the use of injections just yet to their partner. Your just a guy that needs to use the restroom then comes out, starts to get aroused and sex occurs naturally.
38yr old Male - Taking 150/5/50 TriMix Injections & T injections

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Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:39 pm

Re: A method I use to make things feel more natural.

Postby Robert66 » Thu Nov 14, 2019 12:31 am

2 problems a little needle phobia and a vernos leak so using a ring to get started is a give away but us older guys shine with our 1 hour errection to our younger counterparts natrual but often done in15 min
edex and tri mix 45/1/27 26 units

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