First Time Jitters

Sticking a needle Where? Courage, guidance and help.
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Re: First Time Jitters

Postby jpinewood » Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:20 pm

I use trimix a few years back and now I am back on it again. I curious I cannot remember how much pain the needle cause upon injection....I have been prescribed 30 gauge 1/2" needles,... Any help would be appreciated...
66 years old. Married 43 years, I have dealt with ed for many years, new trimix user

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Re: First Time Jitters

Postby bldoink » Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:54 pm

Welcome to the forum.

Minimal pain and for some guys no pain. It's generally not an issue. Did or is your doctor going to do a demonstration injection in his office so you know how to inject properly?
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: First Time Jitters

Postby PrnceABear » Thu Jan 17, 2019 2:35 pm

Don't be nervous - it's pretty easy.
I'd recommend a 30g, 1/2" 1mL syringe. I've never used a self-injector - just a regular syringe.
Be sure to: 1. wash your hands FIRST. 2. clean the area of injection well with alcohol - let the alcohol dry. 3. clean the top of the bottle (rubber area) with alcohol. 4. Turn the bottle upside down and put the needle in the bottle through the rubber. (A 30g needle is very thin so be careful to not bend the needle when putting it through the rubber on the bottle!). Draw back the appropriate amount. Draw a bit more so when you remove the needle, you can hold it upright and expel some liquid out of the needle (to make sure there's no air in the syringe). 5. Hold your penis tight against your thigh - identify the area of injection away from a vein - on the side - inject quickly. Depress the plunger slowly to inject the tri-mix. 6. Remove the needle and immediately apply pressure to the injection site. Hold that for 1 to 2 minutes. 7. Discard the needle in an approved puncture proof discard bin (available for purchase at any pharmacy - keep the box - when the bin is full, you can mail it in for disposal.
After injection, you should feel the effects within 10-20 minutes.

There should be lots of online videos that show you how to do it (try
As fas as pain goes, it's REALLY minimal. The key is to inject quickly (not slowly). Really, it barely hurts at all.
Be sure you keep pressure on the puncture site (with a gauze) for a couple of minutes after the injection.

Start with the smallest dose (5 units?) to see what happens. You can always increase it a bit the next time.
A little goes a long way - trust me.
I like it when it makes me engorged, but not fully hard. In that state, a bit of stimulation does get it fully hard and ready to go, but doesn't make things uncomfortable.
Good luck.

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Re: First Time Jitters

Postby DP5689 » Tue Aug 06, 2019 4:19 pm

Anon-E-Mouse wrote:Still on my initial prescription of Tri-Mix and injecting between 0.04 - 0.06ml and achieving a 2 - 3.5hr erection. I usually get a rock solid boner and after I come the first time its so rock solid that it sorta hurts but I try to use that time to go round 2 and sometimes round 3. Sometimes when I want to just be one-and-done Im stuck laying around with a boner for another 1-2hrs after Im done with sucks but isn't that bad.

I don't use my Autoject, still going manually despite my extremely shaky hands by reclining the sofa halfway and resting my injecting hand on my thigh to stabilize it. The pain is still pretty minimal. Yeah I don't like it but the end result is sooo awesome.

How have the injections been going for you? I have a similar problem in that my hands shake a lot. I use autoject with varying success, but lately it's been failing more often than not. I have one that injects the medication, and the pharmacy sold me one that injects the needle but lets you inject the medication. With how much my hands shake I'm just really not comfortable injecting by hand even though I know it's preferable.

I'm curious, do you hold your penis pulling the skin taught with one hand then use the other hand to both hold the needle and press the plunger in?
Mid 30's. I have had ED for years after a couple of injuries. Suspected venous leak.

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Re: First Time Jitters

Postby Anon-E-Mouse » Tue Aug 06, 2019 9:40 pm

Iluvatar wrote:
How have the injections been going for you? I have a similar problem in that my hands shake a lot. I use autoject with varying success, but lately it's been failing more often than not. I have one that injects the medication, and the pharmacy sold me one that injects the needle but lets you inject the medication. With how much my hands shake I'm just really not comfortable injecting by hand even though I know it's preferable.

I'm curious, do you hold your penis pulling the skin taught with one hand then use the other hand to both hold the needle and press the plunger in?

I’m going on month 8 or 9 now, still highly prefer and only do manual injections still. Pain is still extremely minimal and getting a 2-3hr porn star dick with 0.05ml. I find that pulling the skin back makes the initial prick faster and easier which is better for shaky hands. Sometimes when fully inserted needle I get terrible shakes so I sorta just pause until the shakes slow down, then finish the injection. Honestly once you’ve done it 20 times you totally relax and the shakes do become less since your not nervous for the injections.
38yr old Male - Taking 150/5/50 TriMix Injections & T injections

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Re: First Time Jitters

Postby DP5689 » Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:13 pm

Anon-E-Mouse wrote: Honestly once you’ve done it 20 times you totally relax and the shakes do become less since your not nervous for the injections.

I was to that point, but after having several misses in a row resulting in zero erection but a little bit of bleeding and some bruising that last for about a week I'm back to worrying about it. Nothing catastrophic, but it's still annoying.
Mid 30's. I have had ED for years after a couple of injuries. Suspected venous leak.

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Re: First Time Jitters

Postby Robert66 » Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:29 pm

Anon-E-Mouse wrote:So after a successful first injection at 5 units and lasting about 20min like an idiot I went up to 9 units thinking the duration would be a bit longer (Was hoping for 45min) and it lasted 4 freaking hours which was NO fun after the first hour. I took 120mg Suafed around the 2hr mark, tried ice packs and cold showers along with exercise and just barely around the 4hr mark did it start to deflate. Shit hurts after awhile.

I learned my lesson, just adding 4 units makes a drastic difference. DONT PLAY AROUND WITH THIS STUFF.

My mix is 150/5/50, not sure if that's the norm, strong or light compared to others.

Dam i am jealous my mix is 16.7/0.58/17. And i inject 65 units and still use 30mg of VIAGRA for my 30 min errection why cant you thin it out with 200 units of saline water. Where did you get that mix i want some
edex and tri mix 45/1/27 26 units

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