Tri mix ?

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Re: Tri mix ?

Postby Klimas » Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:26 pm

Interesting idea. Having trouble picture exactly how it works but will certainly will attempt to give it a try.

I in a spot now where I would consider myself completely impotent. I have never said this word out loud let alone on a forum like this. I will continue push the injections option but I am caught in a situation where injections either do nothing Or go right to priapism - risky proposition when all you want is to experience sexual pleasure. Pills don't work and it is rare I can induce and maintain an erection naturally. I feel I am a bit young for implants and I am hoping other medical options might be right around the corner so I don't was t to do anything that I cannot reverse (I assume implants are not reversible).

Does anyone ever feel like what should be so easy and second nature now has become so complicated that you don't even want to pursue anymore. This is probably what has reduced my desire somewhat lately. Just very disappointed right now.
44 Years Old
Diagnosed Hypogonadic age 36
Self-Testosterone Cypionate Injections Weekly
ED Diagnosed - Delayed Orgasm / Anorgasmia
Trimix Injections (started Oct 2016)[/size]

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Re: Tri mix ?

Postby Donnie1954 » Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:52 pm

44 is young, but not to young if nothing else works. After my radiation therapy for prostate cancer, nothing worked but a VED. :( The VED gave me a 'rock hard'
erection, but it was like f..... with a brick and not at all (even painful) pleasant experience for my wife. :( I considered an implant. It has been one month. Absolutely NO regrets. I'm bionic now with an erection on demand for as long as we want! :D
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Tri mix ?

Postby mantaman » Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:55 pm

I had radiotherapy for PC at the age of 50 ,everything worked as normal until about 18 months after the treatment and then BAM,over the course of one week I became impotent. I went through the NHS urologist,trying Cialis,Viagra and Caverject (at 20mcg) without any decent results, it was heartbreaking as I had just started seeing a new woman. Finally tried the Vacuum pump but found it awkward and pretty painful,after about 20 minutes of sex my d*ick was really sore. We can't get Trimix over here in the UK so I'm going back to the urologist to try a bigger (up to 40mcg) dose of Alprostadil/Caverject, at least until I can find a way to get Trimix shipped over here.
One thing I have noticed after using the vac. pump is that I am starting to get night time/morning erections again- not full erections,more like 70%, but definitely an improvement. I believe that all patients should be given a vac. pump after PC treatment as an aid to recovery. I didn't start using mine until about 2 years after becoming impotent and believe that if I had used it sooner then I may have made a better or full recovery from ED.
ps, my desire for sex waned too, as you said,what was normally a spontaneous enjoyable experience turned into hard work.

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Re: Tri mix ?

Postby 2010FLHK » Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:16 am

Has anyone tried using
cialis, etc. with the injections? Does that seem to help or is that not a good idea?
60 yrs old, Radical Prostate surgery Aug 2015, Tri-mix user after 1 yr. of surgery.

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Re: Tri mix ?

Postby cincinnatus1951 » Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:09 pm

Yes, I used cialis successfully until my prostatectomy. Then used pills,(all three not simultaneously) no help. The moved to trimix. Had very incosistent results with trimix. Eventually went to "combination therapy" 5mg cialis daily and 50mg viagra before an injection. Long story short, still inconsistent results, very long and sometimes painful erections. Ergo I am bionic. Once you move to combination therapy, it is time to seriously start researching implants including surgeons.
Age 79, Wife 77 Married 52yrs RPP Dr Brian Miles, Houston Methodist, July 2013. Used VED, pills, MUSE, and trimix with no or mixed results. 18cm Titan, one RTE by Dr Mohit Khera, Baylor, Houston, Jan 2016

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