Injections stop working after only 4 months?!

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Re: Injections stop working after only 4 months?!

Postby Zebulun » Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:00 pm

I've been injecting trimix since Feb 2022. I am 76 yrs. old. The trimix worked well most of the time but I used a very low dose about 7 units. I still to this day have a lot of obsessive thoughts and performance anxiety. I'm pretty sure most of my ED is psychogenic. I used sildenafil and Cialis for about 10 years, and they worked excellent. I went through some big life changes, depression, anxiety and they seemed to not work much any longer. Saw my urologist an Dr. gave lots of blood tests and everything seems normal. He gave me trimix ici prescription . It worked well but starting at 20 units seemed too much, erection lasted too long so I experimented with dose levels. I started at 5 and worked up the dose to 7, 8, 9 and now 10. It worked well at 7 then it started to seem to not work as well any longer. Seems I've had more anxiety and worry over this and now seems it has become harder to ejaculate. I'm pretty sure I'm injecting properly, and I know I've done it improperly twice as it didn't work those times. Today the 10 gave me some near erection response but not a full erection. Thought about injecting more, maybe 5 more units but I've read we're not supposed to inject more than once in 24 hrs. I'm wondering if the stuff has lost its strength. It expires in about 10 days (the date labeled on the bottle is 1/30/23) I believe the stuff is supposed to be good for six months after it being mixed. Even though I have dealt with anxiety and depression while using trimix it worked pretty well for me in spite of my head/brain not cooperating. Going to try again tomorrow with a fresh vial of Trimix. Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions???

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Re: Injections stop working after only 4 months?!

Postby Pumpkinman » Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:23 pm

Zebulun wrote:I've been injecting trimix since Feb 2022. I am 76 yrs. old. The trimix worked well most of the time but I used a very low dose about 7 units. I still to this day have a lot of obsessive thoughts and performance anxiety. I'm pretty sure most of my ED is psychogenic. I used sildenafil and Cialis for about 10 years, and they worked excellent. I went through some big life changes, depression, anxiety and they seemed to not work much any longer. Saw my urologist an Dr. gave lots of blood tests and everything seems normal. He gave me trimix ici prescription . It worked well but starting at 20 units seemed too much, erection lasted too long so I experimented with dose levels. I started at 5 and worked up the dose to 7, 8, 9 and now 10. It worked well at 7 then it started to seem to not work as well any longer. Seems I've had more anxiety and worry over this and now seems it has become harder to ejaculate. I'm pretty sure I'm injecting properly, and I know I've done it improperly twice as it didn't work those times. Today the 10 gave me some near erection response but not a full erection. Thought about injecting more, maybe 5 more units but I've read we're not supposed to inject more than once in 24 hrs. I'm wondering if the stuff has lost its strength. It expires in about 10 days (the date labeled on the bottle is 1/30/23) I believe the stuff is supposed to be good for six months after it being mixed. Even though I have dealt with anxiety and depression while using trimix it worked pretty well for me in spite of my head/brain not cooperating. Going to try again tomorrow with a fresh vial of Trimix. Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions???

A vile of Trimix does lose its potency as it ages especially if its just kept in the refrigerator. Your doses are low and you can ease your anxiety knowing that your not using that many units of all especially for your age.

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Re: Injections stop working after only 4 months?!

Postby ape1100 » Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:26 pm

Zebulun wrote:I've been injecting trimix since Feb 2022. I am 76 yrs. old. The trimix worked well most of the time but I used a very low dose about 7 units. I still to this day have a lot of obsessive thoughts and performance anxiety. I'm pretty sure most of my ED is psychogenic. I used sildenafil and Cialis for about 10 years, and they worked excellent. I went through some big life changes, depression, anxiety and they seemed to not work much any longer. Saw my urologist an Dr. gave lots of blood tests and everything seems normal. He gave me trimix ici prescription . It worked well but starting at 20 units seemed too much, erection lasted too long so I experimented with dose levels. I started at 5 and worked up the dose to 7, 8, 9 and now 10. It worked well at 7 then it started to seem to not work as well any longer. Seems I've had more anxiety and worry over this and now seems it has become harder to ejaculate. I'm pretty sure I'm injecting properly, and I know I've done it improperly twice as it didn't work those times. Today the 10 gave me some near erection response but not a full erection. Thought about injecting more, maybe 5 more units but I've read we're not supposed to inject more than once in 24 hrs. I'm wondering if the stuff has lost its strength. It expires in about 10 days (the date labeled on the bottle is 1/30/23) I believe the stuff is supposed to be good for six months after it being mixed. Even though I have dealt with anxiety and depression while using trimix it worked pretty well for me in spite of my head/brain not cooperating. Going to try again tomorrow with a fresh vial of Trimix. Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions???

i have recently reached the almost end of a vial of trimix that i got also in FEB2022 and have noticed once it gets this low the efficacy falls off. i usually use 5 units for about 4 hours and lately the last few injections of 5 only last about 2 hours. if i up the dose to 7 or 8 it gets me back to 4 hours. once i start a new vial and if i use 7 or 8 is way too much and i always end up going back to 5. this is the second time this has happened so my thoughts are that is does lose power. so a new vial should be better with your usual dose.
50+ yrs old. married 25+ years. hypothyroid, on TRT. 10+ years ED, viagra, cialis now 50% ineffective. now on trimix 2MG phentolamine/30MG papaverine/20MCG alprostadil

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Re: Injections stop working after only 4 months?!

Postby AmansinCali » Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:36 pm


You didn't say, but I assume you keep the tri-mix solution frozen until you use it. It seems to keep well long after the expiration rate if you keep it frozen.

I am 78 and received my implant 4 months ago.

Early on I used the oral meds until I lost vision in one of my eyes then was told to never use it again or I would risk going blind in my other eye. I moved to injections, and they worked really well for me for about a year and a half, then became unreliable to the point I had 3 failures in a row. I know you know what that feels like. I had already found my surgeon and was set up to get the surgery when I decided I needed it, after the 3 failures I decided I needed it.

Once I made my decision I never looked back, never doubted, I just submitted to my surgeon to do what he thought was best for me. I had a very textbook recovery, and the implant is functioning perfectly. I have had absolutely no regrets.

The advice you will often hear on Frank Talk is to choose your surgeon wisely, it is best to go with a high-volume surgeon who has his techniques fine-tuned to the point he has eliminated problems in the recovery.
Used Viagra & Cialis until lost vision in one eye due to AION, therefore can never use pills again, then tri-mix 1 1/2 years until unreliable. Implanted 9/20/22 at 77 years old by Dr. Yafi, UC Irvine. Married 55 years wife 76. 20cm Coloplast Titan.

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Re: Injections stop working after only 4 months?!

Postby Zebulun » Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:55 pm

Thanks Aman,, Yes, I do keep it in the freezer till I'm ready to puncture a new vial. Hopefully, the stuff just lost it's strength and the new stuff will work well. I've always been concerned about a priapism but now it seems to not be enough of a dose. ??? I'd be quite reluctant to get into an implant btu if that would be necessary I "THINK" I'd go for one. Stay well !

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Re: Injections stop working after only 4 months?!

Postby Pumpkinman » Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:27 pm

Zebulun wrote:Thanks Aman,, Yes, I do keep it in the freezer till I'm ready to puncture a new vial. Hopefully, the stuff just lost it's strength and the new stuff will work well. I've always been concerned about a priapism but now it seems to not be enough of a dose. ??? I'd be quite reluctant to get into an implant btu if that would be necessary I "THINK" I'd go for one. Stay well !

You're using low units especially for your age and your even concerned about getting a priapism so that means its really working...If I were you I'd be highly reluctant to get a Implant. You should be able to use the injections for a very long time. Most people just say injections aren't "working" anymore and jump into a implant because injections can be a hassle. Either way good luck in what you choose to do.

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Re: Injections stop working after only 4 months?!

Postby Zebulun » Fri Jan 20, 2023 12:49 pm

Have used 10 units trimix yesterday and it didn't work. Thought my trimix might have expired so used new vial this am, 10 units but it didn't work again. Plan on using 15unit in a few days. ??? A dose of about 7 units worked well for several months, even stayed up, (off and on) for about 3 hours initially. Found a method on this site that does help getting hardon to go down , works pretty well. Now having issue with maybe not using enough. Emotional roller coaster!! Hope the increase to 15 works for me. maybe I need a different mixture of trimix ?? I had a right knee total replacement 10/20/22 and had to avoid screwing for about 4 weeks. Had just started to get "back in the saddle" regularly and then caught covid over Christmas and New Year. Seems my reemergence of issues started after all that BS. Been depressed some and anxiety doesn't help either. Maybe I'm just not using enough ?? I Set up another appt. with urologist for Feb. 2.

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Re: Injections stop working after only 4 months?!

Postby Rider1400 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 3:27 pm

I started w a low strength tri-mix at about 5-7 units for an hour and a half hard on. Within 2 months it took 12-15 units fir the same. Then 2 months later it took 24-30 units to work and then again a few months later it would only last 20 min so went up to 35-40. At this point I noticed some scar tissue and several small bbs in area I was injecting. At this point I went to a urologist who performed a Doppler test with injection and determined I had a bad venous leak. I had never had any problems with using shots but was as you are frustrated to no end with terrible inconsistencies. Almost as bad as not getting hard, you get hard w shot then halfway thru a good session it starts going limp. Started process for implant and within 5 months I was bionic. At this point I’ve been implanted 8 months and never looked back. It took several months to get everything broken in and comfortable but now it’s the most amazing thing! Best sex and erections on demand that I’ve had in the past 6-8 years! Can’t say fir you but I knew it was time to end the frustration of inconsistency.
58year old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong and loving it!

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Re: Injections stop working after only 4 months?!

Postby Zebulun » Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:31 am

Thanks for the in-depth insight and information. Glad it’s working out well for you. Planning to up the trimix dose in a couple days. Also seeing the my uro on 2/2/23. I’m to ask about the test you referred to and see about it for me. In my head at least I believe my issue has been psychological, I do have some BPH but “ so far” Prostate has been ok but I think my age has a lot to do with what seems like smaller and more difficult ejaculations and getting it up. I used sildenafil for about 10-12 years and it worked great up to almost 76 yrs. old. Then a major move to a new location, quitting working almost completely and subsequent issues with my wife of 56 yrs. I became depressed . My obsessive thinking just compounded bad thoughts and screwing issues started to surface. My brain seemed to be my big issue . Started the trimix back in March 22 and I’m still messing around with proper doses. Have always been a compulsive type and find it very difficult to not try and fix everything in my head but obsessively think the worst and go through a constant battle trying not to worry. Really don’t want to take the meds that can help that since they just make sex issues worse. I do take a low dose of bupropion 150 mg and not sure if that might just anxiety issues worse ?? Just hoping the trimix or whatever ic injections work as they have up till now given me the edge to overcome psychogenic ED . Certainly don’t want to have an implant but it’s somewhat comforting to know that is still an option.

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Re: Injections stop working after only 4 months?!

Postby Biker22 » Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:01 pm

Update - The Invicorp (You cant get anything else other than Invicorp or Alprsotadil in UK) is getting less and less effective

I tried
- a constriction ring before injection (and during)
- taking viagra at the same time
- I taken two ampules at once (double the dose youre supposed to take)

So the effect is completely different from when I first started taking it. Originally about 5-10 mins after injection I felt everything happening in my penis not elsewhere in my body. 1/2 ampule would last 3-4 hours, rock hard. Now when I take it 5-10 mins later I can feel my face flush, headache, sinuses etc like when you take a high does of Viagra. Then I get an almost completely ususeable semi for 30-45 mins.
weirdly the final 30-45 mins results in a better erection than the first half of its effect but its still 85% at best

For me thats no good. I have always had almost no sensation in my cock, i remember being a teenager and a girl mentioned that to me. So unless its fully hard and stretched I have NO feedback to whether its up or soft or just any pleasure at all. Its like its someone else's cock to be honest. I'm getting so fed up with it I cant even look at it, it just saddens and repulses me. So basically this is really starting to affect my mental health.

So I'm sat here thinking I need to do something about it so I can stop thinking about my f*cked up cock that I've had my entire life. Its Never worked even when I was a teenager. I'm just looking at the 1980's implant option and just f*cking amazed that a manual pump in your ball sack is the height of 2023 surgery and that its just two companies who have made token efforts to modify the design for reliability.

I mean my friend had a major heart attack at 42yrs, while he was under local they threaded a stent into his main heart artery (aorta) which was 80pc collapsed and fixed him up. He was conscious while they were doing this amazing work. but try Fix a mans cock as either not enough blood going in or too much going out, then its beyond us for some reason. I just cant get my head around it (I'm from a University biological science background).

There are risks with all surgery I know, there is one guy on here who had to have a revision, got infected, had to fit a malleable, hopes to have another surgery back to IPP in a years time once its settled down. Its so difficult to work out how many men are happy with it vs forum members who have had a lot of trouble. 98% patient satisfaction clearly is NOT correct with the number of guys on here having trouble.

Basically I'm at the end of my tether with this, as I know so many of you are too. I just don't know what to do anymore, Dr Ralph who I have seen will say its time for an implant. I'm just frustrated when I see that 1980's tech, that and the unknown risk but I guess hey if its f*cked anyway whats to lose right? Well I suppose there is pain to gain?
UK based, 48yrs Old, had ED all my life. PDE5 pill no longer work on their own, Currently on 0.5ml of Invicorp (Aviptadil 36mcg/ 2.85mg Phentolamine). Injections efficacy dropped after Covid infection, took 4-5 months for injections to start working again

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