Why do people jump so soon to implant?

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Re: Why do people jump so soon to implant?

Postby Mikedsy » Thu Aug 24, 2023 9:37 pm

Another implant guy here who generally looks only at the implant forum but occasionally checks the injection one because I did spend 1.5 years injecting and feel pretty knowledgeable on it and would gladly post something if I thought it would help anyone. It was a hard decision to go to implant, luckly insurance coverd it and it was less than 4000 for me. Injections never worked as well for me as I have seen for others but I still would have stayed with them if they had not totally stopped working. "Every One is Different" in this game and that can't be overstated. For me, now just 5 months in, it is so close to what it was before prostatectomy that i couldn't be happier and would get a revision asap if it failed.
Prostatectomy 1/28/2021 @ age 62
No response from pills, Injections 4/12/2021, Salvage radiation 3/21/2022, Injections stopped working 8/2022, Implant 4/11/2023 AMS CX 18 w/1 cm rte on right side only. Penoscrotal with separate incision for reservoir.

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Re: Why do people jump so soon to implant?

Postby Pumpkinman » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:01 am

Mikedsy wrote:Another implant guy here who generally looks only at the implant forum but occasionally checks the injection one because I did spend 1.5 years injecting and feel pretty knowledgeable on it and would gladly post something if I thought it would help anyone. It was a hard decision to go to implant, luckly insurance coverd it and it was less than 4000 for me. Injections never worked as well for me as I have seen for others but I still would have stayed with them if they had not totally stopped working. "Every One is Different" in this game and that can't be overstated. For me, now just 5 months in, it is so close to what it was before prostatectomy that i couldn't be happier and would get a revision asap if it failed.

If you had no response from pills and Injections "quit" working which is crazy then you were a prime candidate for implants and they were made for people like you in your situation. It just seems a lot of people jump to soon to implants for convenience when theres no telling what ED treatments make "Arise" in a few years.

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Re: Why do people jump so soon to implant?

Postby Mikedsy » Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:21 pm

So many thoughts. I like to think it is a very personal choice and don't want to fault anyone for doing it, or not. There are definitely surgeons who push it and profit well from it. And ads from manufacturers that want to convince you it is the best thing ever. In a period of a few weeks, the duration from my Bimix plummeted. From 3+ hours to 10-15 minutes, to 0. Progressed up to the strongest Quadmix they would give me and even with cock ring I got to the point were it was too rubbery and usless. Too depressing to even try any more (happily married). When I first started injections it was exciting just starting the prep. I was lucky to find a great surgeon, which IMO makes all the difference and was lucky enough to have an easy recovery and no issues, and I could afford it. Just read another really scary failure story on the Implant forum, so you can't discount the risk. Given all this, if I could go back in time and get the implant at the same time I had a prostatectomy, I would not hesitate. For this lucky man, it is, I'm at a loss for words, how (freakin awesome) it is.
Prostatectomy 1/28/2021 @ age 62
No response from pills, Injections 4/12/2021, Salvage radiation 3/21/2022, Injections stopped working 8/2022, Implant 4/11/2023 AMS CX 18 w/1 cm rte on right side only. Penoscrotal with separate incision for reservoir.

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Re: Why do people jump so soon to implant?

Postby Rufian » Sun Aug 27, 2023 11:04 pm

KenJ1947 wrote:I can't say I jumped from Viagra (Cialis) to an implant. I tried to use Cialis for several years after it stopped working. Viagra gave me the sinus headaches and stuffiness. ED had a strong grip on me. After some time "off" for medical reasons, my wife said she wanted to have sex again. I tried pumping--"normal" pumps to keep my dick working and to preserve length and girth (8"x5.75") and a VED with constriction rings (radically NOT natural and very uncomfortable). I was probably too late with the pumping. I tried the shockwave treatments with no results whatsoever. I learned to satisfy her with my tongue. I tried injecting that stuff in my dick which remained mostly limp, but with a lot of burning. I tried a couple of strengths and amounts. After reading lots and lots of posts here, I finally decided to go for an implant. My wife hadn't given up on the idea of me screwing her again. We have enjoyed making love again. I should've done it many months before.

Youre also 75

No comparison to a man who is in his or late 30s. If viagra stops working for us, then is either injections or the implant. The implant is very expensive, you need great insurance but also more revisions

You got medicare which literally pays for the implant for free

Injections are used by thousands of men for many years too

In your case and at your age the implant makes sense it may the only surgery you may need as is very unlikely youll be having sex at 90 assuming you get to that age

For a 35 year old, the decision to get an implant is not easy, especially if you havent tried injections or if injections work good

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Re: Why do people jump so soon to implant?

Postby Rufian » Sun Aug 27, 2023 11:12 pm

Mikedsy wrote:Another implant guy here who generally looks only at the implant forum but occasionally checks the injection one because I did spend 1.5 years injecting and feel pretty knowledgeable on it and would gladly post something if I thought it would help anyone. It was a hard decision to go to implant, luckly insurance coverd it and it was less than 4000 for me. Injections never worked as well for me as I have seen for others but I still would have stayed with them if they had not totally stopped working. "Every One is Different" in this game and that can't be overstated. For me, now just 5 months in, it is so close to what it was before prostatectomy that i couldn't be happier and would get a revision asap if it failed.

It all depends on the cause your ed

For some people injections may work for many years their physical cause may be minor or may a combination of a small physical factor with performance anxiety

In someone older like you the injections may stop working as your blood flow may have gotten so much worse that not even injection can help it

All the injection does is bring blood and keep it there

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Re: Why do people jump so soon to implant?

Postby crazyjoe » Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:49 am

Mikedsy wrote:Another implant guy here who generally looks only at the implant forum but occasionally checks the injection one because I did spend 1.5 years injecting and feel pretty knowledgeable on it and would gladly post something if I thought it would help anyone. It was a hard decision to go to implant, luckly insurance coverd it and it was less than 4000 for me. Injections never worked as well for me as I have seen for others but I still would have stayed with them if they had not totally stopped working. "Every One is Different" in this game and that can't be overstated. For me, now just 5 months in, it is so close to what it was before prostatectomy that i couldn't be happier and would get a revision asap if it failed.

I agree with Mikedsy and don't agree with Bldoink that implant guys come here only to proselytize -- I have offered positive suggestions to help injectors a number of times.
75, used pills, injections -- all lost effectiveness. Titan implanted by Eid in Feb '22.

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Re: Why do people jump so soon to implant?

Postby bldoink » Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:33 pm

crazyjoe wrote:I agree with Mikedsy and don't agree with Bldoink that implant guys come here only to proselytize -- I have offered positive suggestions to help injectors a number of times.

Oh there's no doubt implant guys go to the injections sub-forum to proselytize for implants. I'd have to read too many old posts to name names and I wouldn't want to do that anyhow. But it seems to happen frequently.

I wouldn't claim that no implanted men ever come to the injections sub-forum and make valuable posts. Some have. I would never discourage that. Unfortunately they seem to be a small minority. They should have valuable information to share. Encouraging useful information.

More often it's implant guys making posts in the injections sub-forum that are discouraging rather than encouraging, provide nothing helpful and frequently suggest, or outright claim that the implant is the only logical solution. Frequently it's guys that never had consistent success with injections. Some may have never been good candidates for injections. They aren't a good option for some. Others just never got injections figured out for assorted reasons. Reasons such as lack of desire for the option to work, ignorance, insufficient advice from doctors or even doctors that want to do implants for their own reasons.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: Why do people jump so soon to implant?

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:40 am

I have also had this question. I think many younger men are quite impatient with their bodies or maybe it is lack of experience. For some of them, I think they want that guaranteed erection no matter the scenario/situation and no matter what they feel like on the inside. Maybe they think it is more discreet than injections. Also from reading the posts here on FT it seems many are hoping to enlarge. You see all this talk about proper sizing, and the rear tip extenders and other stats. Sometimes it looks like you just pick what size you want. Maybe these are some reasons that help motivate decisions?

For me personally it is always least invasive as first choice. I think less cutting and disturbing is best. Unfortunately I've been circumcised, so that would be genital surgery #1. Anything else is just adding up and possibly adding more problems. I think guys should accept the way the male body and reproductive system works. Sometimes erections weaken but it's not the end of the world and maybe sometimes it just means we need more direct stimulation and foreplay and kissing. Sex should be something that is relaxing and fun not scary and robotic.

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