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Re: Tri-Mix, et al, Side Effects??

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:38 am
by Larry10625
Stew52 wrote:
Cigar56 wrote:
Stew52 wrote:Cautions well placed about laymen giving medical advice. But the vast majority of what is offered here as advice is advice given by one's Uro verbally or in handouts.

Actually, I think just the opposite. I beleive most of the information here is from the poster's own personal experience. And that's where the danger is. What works for one person may be disastrous for the next.

That's why we should all consult our OWN doctors and not assume an anonymous poster is reciting verbal instructions or handouts from his urologist.

Better for you to get your most trusted information direct from YOUR uro, not third-hand from someone on an anonymous forum. As for research, we all have access to the same source -- Google.

I got a 12 page injection manual from my Uro and have a massive 4 point font instruction and drug info sheet from Caverject boxes. Much of the info guys give here - while indeed personal experience and valuable - may vary greatly from that written information for better or worse. It's all opinions and personal experience, like the rest of the interweb. But yea it's skin and a penis and not a carb or head rebuild. It's like a bell-shaped curve with much FT info in the middle corresponding to the norm of conventional wisdom Uro advice, but some/much laying outside that common sweet spot. Lest we all need to put a medical disclaimer on each post like some meticulously do (lawyers much?) perhaps a disclaimer box at the top is best. I really hate to say it but this board and my experience seems to be somewhat ahead of the practitioners, at least the ones I've run into. Not to say I discount that but do consider it with all the other info.

As far as side effects, I'd not really seen a thread on that yet so wondered if anyone else had done any research. THAT's why the board is here I assume, to share learned informatiion. So far the best list of possible side-effects and drug interactions I've found is WebMD on Caverject. And I suspect that is quite incomplete. I can relate many horror stories of friends and relatives suffering horrible side effect consequences of LT Rx drug use under the LT watchful eye of an MD. I've dodged a few bullets there myself by doing my homework.

Stew, the problem is that we are getting new members every day and they need to know that not all the info they get is from a doctor. Now, having said that, I got many more tips and tricks from here because the people offering the advice actually have implants but, because I knew it was their opinions and tips, to use or not to use was my choice knowing full well that it was coming from an experienced member and not a urologist. It doesn't have to be a wordy disclaimer, something as short as "IMHO" will do.


Re: Tri-Mix, et al, Side Effects??

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 2:32 pm
by Stew52
Well I don't plan to put on a medical info disclaimer on all my posts. This is the internet and unless a post is by an actual MD, and not just quoting one, it is only personal experience and opinions IMO. Lest we all have to post a disclaimer, I suggest a banner at the top that "This is all just user personal experience, anecdotes and opinions and not medical professional advice, etc."..

When I go to WebMD Drug & Supplement user reviews i I understand those are users personal accounts. Whether they followed the use instructions, did not discuss possible drug interactions with their MD or pharmacist, do not understand common side-effects, over or under dosed inadvertently, took it without food when indicated to take it with food, took it with recreational D&A, etc. etc. THAT user info is just what it is: free error-prone internet info that is in the puzzle together with all the other info. Whether a car, engine, chainsaw or medical site "it's all just personal experience and opinions", good and bad, and buyer beware.

Personally I'm actually much surprised that we've been using this stuff for 10, 20 years and there seems to be so little information available here or elsewhere on side effects and interactions. I always read and study that stuff that comes with my Rx's. I've said here from the beginning that this is like voodoo medicine. I like the result but understand so little about it. And really so little about how the erection function works anatomically such that the drug use can be most effectively integrated (in theory) subject to personal use experience. That's at least not how I roll. Ergo, my little test on some components for allergy or sensitivity was very revealing. NO one told me what would happen if I inadvertently injected it into non-venous tissue - hemorrhage.

So all this philosophical warning BS is interesting and way off topic here - what are the possible side effects to BOLO for and what are use interaction precautions w/r/t other Rx, OTC, supplements and rec D&A. What questions should we ask our GP and/or Uro in this area, preferably before use? My Uro frankly did not ask many questions about general health and other drug use. He knows my prostate and penis well (even removed a stricture). If anyone has info or insights to add, fire away, no MD required.

Re: Tri-Mix, et al, Side Effects??

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 3:29 pm
by Cigar56
Stew52 wrote:
So all this philosophical warning BS is interesting and way off topic here - what are the possible side effects to BOLO for and what are use interaction precautions w/r/t other Rx, OTC, supplements and rec D&A. What questions should we ask our GP and/or Uro in this area, preferably before use? My Uro frankly did not ask many questions about general health and other drug use. He knows my prostate and penis well (even removed a stricture). If anyone has info or insights to add, fire away, no MD required.

It's all Larry's call. He's the moderator and has the last word.

Re: Tri-Mix, et al, Side Effects??

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:30 am
by bldoink
I believe I was the one that mentioned the liver. I believe my post mentioning it was vague and brief enough that it should be clear that no conclusions should be drawn from it, just cautions. "When stacking injections close together I believe there's also some concern with liver damage." Perhaps I should have more clearly expressed my ignorance on the topic but I thought it was worth considering and should suggest further research if "stacking" or whatever you wish to call it, is being considered. The link Cigar shared is about as vague but still information worth considering: "However, papaverine injections may cause altered liver function, and penile bruising and fibrosis."

My urologist at the time prescribed me Edex but supplied me with a handout from the Heart & Family Health Institute titled "Injecting Yourself With Papavarine (With Or Without Phentolamine or Prostaglandin)" that included this text: "This treatment for Impotence is not without risk. Some patients report such complications as bleeding, infection, severe scaring of the penis, prolonged painful erection, and impaired liver function."

Yeah, more vague information. Take it or leave it or outright ignore it. Your choice.

For the present I will, on occasion, inject on back to back days. It will be the exception and not the rule. I will still not rule out injecting more than once in 24 hours. If I do, I most certainly won't do it frequently.

It appears there is still some witchcraft involved in this dick sticking process.