Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

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Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby trimixtraveler » Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:41 pm

Dear all,

I'm 45 years old divorced guy with children and with ED and in the dating scene. Sort of an uphill battle to get intimate with somebody but I hope I would. Need advice on how to locally travel with trimix to girlfriend house and inject in the bathroom without leaving any trace.

My story:
I serviced my last girfriend with a combination of Muse and cialis. Both could be carried in my pocket and apply in the bathroom in less than 2 min. The sex was ok but the happiness last short before my tool gets the usual alprostadil pain thanks to MUSE and then I get the stuffy nose, body ache, and headache thanks to cialis, and 2 hours later I was questioning if all the pains worth the short reward.

Armed with courage I switch to Trimix, my two urologist were the worst and did not even help with the first injection. But THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO POSTED HERE i gathered the knowledge and courage to inject myself alone for the first time and worked great and like anything before.

I injected 4 times alone to practice, break the fear, and figure out the right dose. Now that I am finally comfortable with the whole procedure I can do the injection operation under 5 min. Time to try it with a woman but dont have a girl friend currently.

It is not easy to deal with ED at only 45, seduce a girl and get to the point of having sex. And of course no women in their middle 30s want to learn on first intimacy date that you need to inject something in your cock in order to work. So I won't have any support from my partner initially.

Questions are:
1) How can I carry the stuff, and make it so that I can be like any normal guy having a good time at her apartment?
2) Whats the best way to conceal and carry a syringe? Is it even legally? What if the police stop me? I don't want to be mistaken by an addict concealing syringes
3) Should I take a pre-loaded syringe and chill it for the ride or bring the vial with me, exposing the vial to room temperature and potentially my pocket for a while?

Thanks in advance guys. You already silently help me out to get to this point. I always suffered ED an my erections with Trimix are better than when I was 24.

Last edited by trimixtraveler on Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Cajun Jeff
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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby Cajun Jeff » Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:51 am

You will be a rocket fuel junkie when you figure out the dose. Just me thought is preload and be ready to inject. Before sex excuse yourself go to bathroom and inject get back and make out while the juice goes to work. Good luck.

Cajun JEFF
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby antelope » Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:56 pm

I agree with Jeff. Preload a syringe and take it with you--maybe in a ziploc bag with one of those little freezer thingies. that's what I do when we travel.

Be sure to put the cap back on the needle tip. and don't position the syringe in your pocket or briefcase so that the plunger might get pushed in accidentally.

Better yet, invite her to your place.

Baton Rouge
Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby JimStars » Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:30 pm


The only slight flaw with your whole plan (that you use it in secret to hide your ED) might be what to do after you stay over night and she is hoping for more in the morning after Trimix effects have long worn off.

I guess if you put the first shot to really good use and it lasted for an hour or two or 3 even then you could legitamately plead exhaustion in the AM. Try that one I guess.

I use a blue gel cold pack that never really freezes solid, stay flexible, and it can fold in half easily to maybe an inch thick, so it can at least fit in your jacket (and protects the syringe). Trimix will still be OK to use even if it got to room temp, but you don't want to push luck for too long.

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby ventura » Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:25 pm

I am hoping for Vitaros to finally get on the market. The Gel that you put on your Penis and in 6 minutes hopefully you will have a erection. It is suppose to be out in Canada any day now. Hopefully in the USA real soon.
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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby Spartan » Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:04 pm

Travel like a diabetic with your syringe. There are a variety of cold packs used by diabetics to transport their syringes and insulin. Check out the drug stores for insulin carrying cases. I got this one from Wal-mart for $8: -- It has a freezable pack in it. I use the case to store my filled syringes in our refrigerator. Very discreet if someone sees it in there. I use it when I travel. There shouldn't be any problem traveling with your supplies. I've taken mine in my carryon on plane. There were no questions from the TSA. If you're concerned, take a copy of your script with you.

Here's one that might be just right for you. It's very discreet, and you'd only need to carry a filled syringe. ... -case.html

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby trimixtraveler » Wed May 02, 2012 11:27 pm

Hey guys thanks so much for all your advice. I review all your recommendations, bought some stuff and Im happy to report that I was able to make it happen, that is to be able to have fun with a girl and without her noticing that I injected. I did not believe that was possible.

After some testing and experimenting I set up for the ultimate smallest travel rig

I purchase a FRIO mini wallet for diabetics which is black and measures 3" x 4" and fit comfortable in a back pocket of a tight jean and made a bulge no bigger than my standard wallet that is my other back pocket. This rig is smaller and more camouflaged than transporting and cooling a pre-loaded syringe without being notice. Which I also tried but requires a to be in the front pocket of business pleated casual pants like dockers (not suitable for jeans).

I also bought a few 2ml vials, these are so small that you can put them inside a highlighter if you want to. The frio wallet has a gel that you put in water and sort of inflates and maintain a cooler temperature than the room temperature but not near the fridge temperature. The gel comes in a sort of a pocket and serves to protect the wallet and keep it cook even when inside the back pocket for a few hours.

Also inside the wallet, 2 alcohol swabs, a 0.33cc syringe with the needle cap on and with the plunger cap removed. And a pair of sudafed tablets.

The manouver:
I put the Frio wallet inside a container with an ice pack while I travel in the car. the frio wallet prevent the vial to freeze and even if so the 0.4cc that i transport thaws in less than a minute even when frozen from the freezer.

When I arrive I take out the frio wallet and put it in my back pocket.

We have diner, drinks, etc. 2 hours later when things get hot I go to the bathroom, I swipe the vial with alcohol swab, inject air and withdraw trimix from the vial, swab my tool and prick myself all in under a minute. The vial feel cool after 2 hours ob being in my back pocket. I took one more minute to inject, one more minute to press on injection site and massage. Flush alchool swab in toilet, recap the syringe an put it back with the vial in the FRIO wallet. Get out of the bathroom in under 5 min and almost ready for action.

Here is the first flaw part. After having fun for 45 min and when we both are fully satisfied :) I have to go back to the bathroom to discard condom, wash and cannot pee with a hard on. The critical part is that I have to return to the bed still hard. I stayed faced down in bed pretending to rest and recover.

Then second round, another 30 min. Again we were both satisfied and we had a good workout, and ready to sleep. But still with a hard on after 1 30 min. I did this in three different ocassion and she is going to ask sooner or later how do I manage to be continuously hard after all that. I do my best to conceal the tool with a T-shirt and shirt untucked and leave.

I will reduce my dose to see if I can make it usable for 1 hour 30 min and die right after. currently injecting 0.25cc on the weakest trimix.

Anybody used Sudafed? I have not try yet. How quickly does it act?

Thanks again for all you posted and participate in this forum. Happy travels!!

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby shipper222001 » Thu May 03, 2012 4:40 am

Just tell the woman up' front. How you get it up shouldnt matter that much to her. Its how you perform that counts!! Tell her the trimix makes you rock hard, much thicker and that you can last a long time. When I used to date I found that women like men who lasted. Because you still will be hard after ejaculating, you can continue to do her until she wants you to stop. Also a 2 time will be possible very fast. My wife is multiorgasmic and we keep going even after Im finshed. She loves that.

So when things heat up, just excuse yourself and go to bathroom and inject. Also recommend that for the first couple of times, you have sex at your place so you all set up for trimix.

6gun 44 mag
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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby 6gun 44 mag » Thu May 03, 2012 7:28 am

I would think some honesty here with the partner would eliminate many of your concerns. I realize there could be exceptions, but if you meet someone and know them well enough that they will take off their shorts, they most likely will be considerate of what it takes to have success on your part. Sounds like the trimix really works well for you, and like said, if you're a performer then probably most women will not mind knowing how you get it done. Just my 2 cents.

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby antelope » Thu May 03, 2012 8:00 am

No reason to hide a boner. If you really don't want to tell her about the injections, just tell her you're still hard because she's so hot. It wouldn't be the first little fib a man ever told woman in bed--or vice versa.

Baton Rouge
Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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