Needle free injections

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Re: Needle free injections

Postby ventura » Sat May 03, 2014 4:08 am

I am also interested in this device. Wondering why it has not been used and made in the USA also.
Inplanted 12-28-21 USC Doctor Loh-Doyle AMS700 with MS Pump

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Re: Needle free injections

Postby qcswral » Sat May 03, 2014 10:53 am

I had an appt with my Doc this week and brought this up after I sent him an e-mail with the link to the site..He said exactly what I was thinking...that the site only quotes 1 study and the sample size is very small at that..he felt it could lead to even more scarring because you are literally shooting the medication into the tissue....and almost like a forceful spray. His only awareness of using needless needles is the military....and that's immunizations in your arm or ass. Much much more dense tissue with limited scarring.....and not in an area so sensitive. So, I'm passing on it myself....
69 year old legally separated retired health-care professional. ED began in my early 50's. Viagra worked great for about 5 years, then had cardiac by-pass surgery and eventually moved to injections about 10 years ago.

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Re: Needle free injections

Postby once a writer » Sat May 03, 2014 11:20 am

Though it was a long time ago, my recollection of the needle-free injection in the Marines is that it was a lot more painful than a needle injection. Sometimes bloody, too.
Eugene, Oregon, USA. Born 1941. Married 1968. ED since mid-1990s. Began trimix January 2014. Dosage gradually increased over time. Added cock ring in 2016. After dosage reached 30 units, switched to quad mix in May 2018. On blood pressure meds.

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Re: Needle free injections

Postby Corvette » Sun May 04, 2014 7:21 pm

Writer, yea they'd say not to flinch cause if you did it would tear a chunk out of your arm, I saw it happen. It was just more efficient for the medics giving you the shots. I think I may have bad dreams about needle free injections of my penis.
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Re: Needle free injections

Postby wstephens3 » Sat Feb 03, 2018 10:35 am

More on needle-free injectors 4 years after the first post--as I mentioned in a text a few minutes ago, I've just started with a needle-free injector and it seems hopeful. As for being skeptical because" it seems to good to be true" I take a lot more hopeful and optimistic approach --its worked for me for 25 years post-surgery! Several times I've been the one out of a hundred or even the one out of a thousand that made it through the problem, whatever it was--so--I'm not CRAZY optimistic, but the thought of leaving those needles in the box sounds pretty good to me!

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Re: Needle free injections

Postby wstephens3 » Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:19 am

I believe that if the auto injector and the needle-free injector turn out to cause about the same discomfort, I'll probably go for the auto-injector at least part-time . Have to say my remembrance of the performance of army medics giving shots is not very positive and I'm not sure I'd want one of them (at least from the old days) injecting me in any way. As for doctors--my doc is in his early 50's, I've been with him for about 15 years, and he's one of the greatest guys I know. A grad of one of the best medical schools in the country etc---but man he is so conservative medically!!

RE; the device from Australia, that's the one I got--remember that 350 Australian is less than 275 US. Want to mention I'm not a doc nor an engineer , but this device is truly well designed and well done--its a pleasure just to look at it and see how it works! Like trucksrule I'm curious it has not been widely marketed in the US because of the need for large scale flu-shot programs etc. I think they may be directing their product to our ED market, tho, instead of the wide range flu shots etc..just my guess-------smaller market ,better quality of device.

As for why they are not yet widely accepted-- well a lot of new things have not been accepted readily the best I recall, so no surprise there,is there?

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Re: Needle free injections

Postby wstephens3 » Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:58 am

My last post for today--let's get upfront and personal--I just tried needle-free injection of 11 units of Tri-mix 30 minutes ago--results on a scale of 1 (barely any result ) to -10 (wonderful result),------- my result is about a 2--i.e., just about nothing.. This was using Tri-mix that came from the compounder yesterday. Check my logic on this please:---I need a larger dose , or-- the injector is not doing the job for me. Tomorrow I'll try 15 units. Will post the results for you.

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Re: Needle free injections

Postby wstephens3 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:39 am

I said a day or so ago that since I'd no real result with the needle-free injector at 11 units I was planning to try it today at 20-22 units. But I lost my nerve on that--- Afraid of priapasm, and with my wife in Chicago today to see our daughter, I don't know whether I could make my way to the emergency room by myself. If I try anything, I'm thinking of maybe 15 units with the needle--but I'm also wondering if my needle pain(fear?) would be reduced by an application of liquid 20% benzocaine to the site of the injection, and maybe also a beforehand application of a small ice-pack to the planned injection site.---You guys have any thoughts on either or both those ideas? Thanks..

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Re: Needle free injections

Postby bldoink » Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:32 pm

I'm sorry you're having such difficulties with the injections. I'm not a fan of needles and generally don't watch when getting injections at the doctors office. However, I quickly overcame my needle phobia when sticking my dick. While I don't find the procedure pain free I consider it a minor inconvenience and I don't really even think about it anymore. I pray you'll adapt and get used to it so that you can enjoy stress free boners.

PS: I'd be concerned that the needle free injections would cause scaring but I'm no doctor.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: Needle free injections

Postby wstephens3 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:47 pm

I've been doing some further research today re: the needle-free injectors and have some interesting info---This may have to do with the likelihood of scaring---As per Wikipedia, the diameter of a 30ga needle is 0.3112mm and of a 29ga .3366mm The width (diameter?) of the air injection from the Comfort-in is reported on their web page as being 0.15mm---seems to me that may make the needle-free one LESS likely to scar instead of more likely. Another factor I read about---Info off the needle package--the 5/16th inch long syringe is 8mm long. The Comfort-in web page states that depending on the pressure used to put the device against the body- part it is expected that the air stream will go thru 2.5 to 6mm of skin. They have some interesting sided-by-side drawings of where the injected fluid ends up. My question--is even their high-side 6mm enough? Keep in mind guys I'm not trying to sell this thing-- I haven't even made mine work yet! Just trying to get some info and share it.

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