First home injection...back to the uro!

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First home injection...back to the uro!

Postby 4jacres » Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:43 pm

Went home with a new "starter dose" after the training dose in the office was insufficient.
Urologist upped my dose from 20 to 30 units after the initial injection failed to produce much results. I waited 48 hours and injected early in the morning like I was instructed to do. Less than 10 minutes later the little guy had woken up after a 7 year snooze. Erection was sufficient and had me walking tall with my chest out once again. One hour later and I still had the erection and much discomfort. Two hours later and still the same. Three hours later and there has been little change. The uro had instructed me to report back with my results so he could make necessary adjustments if needed. He also instructed me to contact the office if my erection lasted over 3 hours. I am on the phone at the 4 hour mark letting him know that the erection is still there and nothing has seemed to help. He ask me to come in so I make the 45 minute trip to the office. I don't know what was worse, the drive over or trying to wear blue jeans with an erection. Once at the office the erection had finally subsided at the 5 hour mark. Whew!! They got me in right away and the doc said it all looked fine. He made an adjustment to the formula and faxed over the new Rx. It will be ready in a couple of days...$130. We are going to start at 10 units and gradually move up until I am satisfied. The highs and the lows of my first time. I understand that it is a learning curve and I'll take it one injection at a time.
61 yrs. DaVinci R.P. in 2010 Nerve sparing but damaged.
VED therapy after surgery, ED pills were ineffective. 18 month Trimix user.

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Re: First home injection...back to the uro!

Postby antelope » Fri Dec 01, 2017 5:04 pm

I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV. But with 7 years of injections under my belt--pun intended--I will give you the benefit of my experience. I have had good success in taming a long lasting boner using Sudafed. I have had equally good success simply pacing up and down for about 15 minutes. For me at least, sitting down with a boner usually results in pressure on the internal part of the penis and makes it even more difficult to for the blood to cycle out. I have also wrapped a warm washrag around the shaft while pacing. That may seem counter-intuitive, but warmth encourages blood flow and that's the objective. Knowing I have "do it yourself" deflation aids handy, I learned early on not to be afraid of an erection that might last too long. That does NOT mean that I take priapism lightly; just that I think the benefits of an "I'm 19 again but without the stupid" level erection are usually worth pushing the envelope just a bit. Go slowly, but don't be fearful!
Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: First home injection...back to the uro!

Postby newtoed » Fri Dec 01, 2017 5:23 pm

That’s a great reaction! I have 3-4 hour erection each time without much pain. Initially I had much more discomfort. Either my penis got used to it or my formula is getting weaker after 9 months in the freezer.

I didn’t wait 48 hours between injections while was testing the dosage. I wanted to have sex ASAP. Even now I give myself 2-3 sometimes 4 consecutive injections in a period of 4 days. No problem so far.

After a month I switched to Autoject that made the injection more predictable and virtually painless.

Don’t know your situation, but I wrote a post under “My Trimix routine”.
Keep us informed brother.
Age 54, Single, Los Angeles. Stage 2 rectal cancer in 2013. Radiation, surgery, chemo. In remission for 5 years. Some ED before cancer, complete since. 2-3 units of Trimix 40/30/2 2-3 times a week since Feb/2017 with great success!

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Re: First home injection...back to the uro!

Postby bldoink » Fri Dec 01, 2017 5:55 pm

I'm not a medical professional of any type and I'm just sharing my own experiences. If anything posted below is taken as advice it should be assumed to be bad advice. Consult your doctor and follow his/her advice.
As for the extended erection issue:

1st, congratulations on your obvious success in the direction of perfection of erection. (Well it kinda rhymes)

2nd, what antelope said.

3rd, I'll add that going for a second "O" can help alleviate an overly long lasting erection.

4th, in addition to techniques outlined by antelope try consciously relaxing your kegel muscles, a kind of reverse kegel. Make sure you're standing.

5th, I mention this one with caution as it may be bad advice: While standing you can try gently squeezing your boner while doing the reverse kegel. You MUST be doing the kegel relaxation while squeezing and the squeezing MUST be gentle. I've never heard medical advice recommending this technique and my fear is that you could cause a venous leak. But that's just a guess on my part. That said, I've found the method to work for me but I use it rarely.

PS: I'll add that a 3 to 4 hour erection isn't always a bad thing.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: First home injection...back to the uro!

Postby Cigar56 » Fri Dec 01, 2017 6:05 pm

4jacres wrote:Urologist upped my dose from 20 to 30 units after the initial injection failed to produce much results.

Always increase your dosage by fewer increments than your doctor recommends. If the doc recommends moving up from 20 to 30 units, then start your increase at 22 units, then 24, and so on. Trimix works differently on everyone. Your doctor can't guarantee what will happen at a particular dosage level.

You should be fine once you back your dosage down from the 30-unit mark and closer to 20. Keep us posted!
I've tried everything -- pills, injections pumps -- and now I am at the final frontier.

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Re: First home injection...back to the uro!

Postby goodwoodnow » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:41 pm

First off, congratulations on those erections! Aren't they great? A couple of observations from a guy who has been using injections successfully for 4 years 2 months, usually about 3 times a week, a weekly masturbation included:

That seems like a very high starter dose of any injected med. I use PGE-1 also known as Alprostadil or Edex. I've almost never experienced any pain from the injection, just a "prick", pun intended. I use the most concentrated formula as my uro feels it's best to inject as little volume as possible. My trial dose was around 6 nits and was quite effective, with an erection lasting for the 20 minute drive home then into the bedroom and out of our clothes for the best sex I'd had in months. On my own the next day I went for 10 units and had an experience much like you described ....only mine was off to the 24 hour pharmacy for a box of Sudafed, 4 to be taken at once since I'd been erect for 4+ hours. a very strong erection too but showed no signs of going down on its own. I am now up to 14 or 15 units and need Sudafed maybe one out of ten injections.
My erections last maybe 90 minutes on average, sometimes double that. Recent orgasm problems have been resolved so I am loving my injections! My wife has loved them too, from the start. Sex is fun again!

It seems to me that you are still using a high dose. I've found that the best approach is to use only as much as you need THEN to add a little bit more....because what you need and what you (and her) want aren't exactly the same. i was using 10-12 units for a couple of years. Good luck to you!
Injections for 5 years PGE-1 (Alprostadil) 40 mcg /ml. Trying Tri Mix (20-2-30 . Hope is shift in meds will restore some sensitiviy. Enjoy sharing openly withother "EDguys". Love the site, informative and entertaining too!

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Re: First home injection...back to the uro!

Postby bldoink » Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:47 pm

goodwoodnow wrote: Recent orgasm problems have been resolved so I am loving my injections!

And just how were the problems resolved???
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: First home injection...back to the uro!

Postby goodwoodnow » Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:57 pm

Thanks for asking. It was mostly mental, which was what my uro said when I told her about my having a difficult time reaching orgasm. Mine were sometimes delayed, other times never happened in spite of great efforts by me and my wife to get me to cum. This pproblem persisted for several months. At first I thought it was the medication i was injecting. maybe it was making my penis feel numb after maybe 4 or 5 minutes. Then I read about a program, sponsored by Flesh Light, a company that sells masturbation devices that are sort of like vaginas inside a plastic cover. all sorts of goodies inside to stimulate your dick, but since it is inside the plastic cover you cannot apply a "death grip" as you jack off. (like you can't in real sex) Theres also a schedule which has you back off for a few weeks then start back masturbating only on their schedule, which is very little the first few weeks. when I started back I was directed to just enjoy. Don't even think about having an orgasm but if you do, just let it happen. My wife helped out with some of my "training"....actually I was re-training my cock to feel sensations and eventually after 6 weeks it worked. i added breathing exercises (taking deep breaths and letting them out very slowly for 10 -12 seconds. i even did some naked yoga before masturbating and eventually beofre sex with wife. I deliberately used the lessons I'd learned to my sex life. Go slowly. relax. let yourself feel the sensations. Dom't speed up. Be gentle. Refrain from excessive viewing of porn (a hard one for me masturbating). Don't be goal oriented. Be "in the present". As you start to build toward orgasm in wife's pussy, don't speed up. let yourself go! verbal, (I am very loud!) and just let yor body GO!

Sounds long complicated and "New Age"...yes it is that with the Yoga stretches and breathing stuff. But for me at least, it has worked. We;ve had great sex with lots of orgasms for both since I got over the initial issues.

Sorry if this is too much info. But you asked. Try it out. You'll like it I am quite sure. let me know how you do or if you have questions. Happy hardons to you!
Injections for 5 years PGE-1 (Alprostadil) 40 mcg /ml. Trying Tri Mix (20-2-30 . Hope is shift in meds will restore some sensitiviy. Enjoy sharing openly withother "EDguys". Love the site, informative and entertaining too!

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Re: First home injection...back to the uro!

Postby bldoink » Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:44 pm

Do you have a link to access this program of which you speak? :D

PS: I have looked at and searched the Fleshlight site to no avail.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: First home injection...back to the uro!

Postby 4jacres » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:03 am

My new prescription is ready for pick up today. The doc changed the formula up a bit and we are going to start with 10 units and go from there. The pain I was feeling was from the formula and not the injection. The two injections themselves have gone well. Standing, walking, sitting, cold compress, did nothing to help my last injection. Hopefully the adjustments will do the trick. Still marching forward!
Cost so far... self pay/no insurance
1st Urologist visit/consultation............................$166
2nd vist with training session and first injection $292
3rd visit for checkup after prolonged erection....$93
Total before prescription and syringe cost..........$551
61 yrs. DaVinci R.P. in 2010 Nerve sparing but damaged.
VED therapy after surgery, ED pills were ineffective. 18 month Trimix user.

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