Injection Sites

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Injection Sites

Postby lexmc1945 » Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:27 am

I've been injecting for many years with very good success. However I've always found that injecting on the left hand side of the penis is much less painful than on the right.

On the left there is that prick (no pun intended!) as you pierce the skin and then the slight discomfort as you push the needle in, then no pain at all, presumably when you enter the corpus cavenosa.

On the right I find I get more pain as the needle penetrates between the skin and the CC, I assume there are nerves on my right side that aren't on the left which causes the pain.

One solution would be to only inject on the left but that could potentially lead to a curvature to the left due to scar tissue build up.

I've been injecting for around twenty years with no ill effects, in fact I appear to have become thicker over the years, probably due to some scar tissue build up fairly evenly on both sides, certainly there are no ill effects from all those years of injecting!

Has anybody else noticed similar things?
Healthy 70yo used injectibles for 20 odd years, Alprostadil, Caverject and now a variation of bimix.

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Re: Injection Sites

Postby newbie1 » Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:54 am

Yes, I have the same experience In fact, I was going to write the question this weekend but you beat me to it. The left side I notice a little pain. But the right side, the pain is so much more that I hate it whenever it is time for the right side (every second time). It hurts a lot and I could barely put the needle in and sometimes I have to take the needle out and try again because the pain is so sharp that I cannot make myself even leave the needle there for a second. And I always scared of hurting something on the right side because of so much pain. The left is so much less painful and easier. Don't know why. I tried to research and could not find any write up on it. Probably like you said, may be more nerve endings on the right side for some people. if anyone can have an explanation would be great.
ED many years, failed PDE5i, on Trimix but recently needing large increasing strengths and doses

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Re: Injection Sites

Postby Ahappigui » Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:00 pm

How interesting.....nnot sure it makes sense that one side would be any dif from the other. However, I too have experienced the same thing. I just find it awkward injecting on the left side since I am right handed.

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Re: Injection Sites

Postby shipper222001 » Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:26 pm

I've noticed that also. I think it may be because every penis is different. That is, where the nerves and veins lie. I notice that I have more bruised veins on the left than the right but the left is more painless.

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Re: Injection Sites

Postby shutterbug1024 » Sat Jun 06, 2015 7:34 pm

Can you inject bimix on the side of the curved penis? I got the curve a few months ago and have only injected on the opposite side...

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Re: Injection Sites

Postby vernus » Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:31 am

I have injected trimix for six years, three to four times a week. In the first four years I applied only on the right side, because I'm right-handed was easier and had a purple mark on the right side. In the last two years I have spent to switch the left side and right side, purple brand disappeared. :D

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