Got prescribed biomix- questions

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Re: Got prescribed biomix- questions

Postby Boy_sparky » Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:38 am

Glad you followed my advise.
Speak with your pharmacist to find out what strength your bimix is mixed at. Or Contact the office manager at Regen and see if she can make your Rx viewable to you from your account when you log in. Bimix comes in four different strengths.
As I mentioned in your original post, the cost varies based on strength and volume. I myself use bimix #4 which is the 2nd strength, and is mixed at 30mg/1mg. I use 5units which lasts me 5-6months. I have Alberta Bluecross which covers it and the phenylephrine.
Your pharmacist miss informed out on the Phenyylephrine, the Rx (prescription) will have it pre-diluted. In the original post of yours I mentioned using 0.25ml of the phenylephrine when needed for priaprism. Inject another if needed into the other side of your corpora. To take the Sudafed you’ll have to take 5-10 pills from the pack depending on the quality of your erection when you need them. If you have other health factors read the warnings/side-effects.
Be warned if you attend the ER with priapism they will inject a large gauge needle and take a blood oxygen level first. Then insert several needles to freeze/numb your shaft. After that they will use a large gauge needle (18g) and a 10ml syringe and attempt to drain the blood from your penis. This could take a few 10ml syringes. If that doesn’t work they will then compound/constitute 1 mL solution of adrenaline and inject into the base of the shaft. This may take more than one attempt. It essentially is the same approach they use for anaphylactic shock/allergic reactions that start to construct the airway. Think of it as the same drug that’s in an EpiPen.
The nurse practitioner you are seeing is amazing. He has many yrs experience and knows his stuff.
43yo Canadian with S1 S2 L5 L4 back injury, surgery left me with ED issues 12yrs. Been on a wait list for an implant for over 3 yr and still counting. The pandemic has created a backlog where I live and I was recently told I have a 9-12mo wait still.

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Re: Got prescribed biomix- questions

Postby chetanisthick » Sun Oct 29, 2023 1:26 am

Thanks boy_sparky for your reply. Yes, I am glad I took your advice. The bimix I am taking says (BI-MIX (double) Papaverine/phentolamine 60/2 mg/ml. is this the same strength as yours (30 mg/mg) as you indicated in your email. I will contact my insurance to see the coverage and update you. I injected 8 units on my right side yesterday - but it was not as effective as 8 units on the left. I thought my erection were perhaps a 4 to 6 scale and did not last more than 45 minutes. I may have missed it or may have to increase the units. Taking a break tonite and will try 10 units on the left tomorrow and see.

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Location: AB, Canada

Re: Got prescribed biomix- questions

Postby Boy_sparky » Sun Oct 29, 2023 9:56 pm

Take your time with it. It’s easy to miss when learning your injection sites. You know when you have the correct location when there is a sm flashback and not pain when pushing the plunger down. I have been using it for 3yr now and still miss once in a while of I rush.
For myself if I inject too often I find my body started to get use to the medication which I then need more units. When that happens I take about a week off from it and then my body started responding to it again.
Your bimix is stronger than mine.
I concur with calling your coverage provider. I paid for most the time until I called them and my pharmacist did. After that they agreed to cover the medication without needing to fill out an extra coverage form.
43yo Canadian with S1 S2 L5 L4 back injury, surgery left me with ED issues 12yrs. Been on a wait list for an implant for over 3 yr and still counting. The pandemic has created a backlog where I live and I was recently told I have a 9-12mo wait still.

Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:01 pm

Re: Got prescribed biomix- questions

Postby chetanisthick » Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:43 pm

Thanks boy_sparky. I will keep your learning/suggestion in mind. Appreciate your help an feedback.


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