trimix not working

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trimix not working

Postby hunter » Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:15 pm

After getting the courage to talk to my uro about trimix I got started on the shots and got over my fear of sticking myself where I really didnt want to. No big deal at all I found out. Now the bad news. The doc gave me a 5 unit shot (all my numbers I'll talk in units) in his office. All it did was puff the old boy up a little. Made it real thick and long but pointing to the floor. He said to try 7 at home. Just slightly more puffy. Went to 10 and got maybe 20% stiff. Went to 14 and got a little better but nothing usable. Did 17 and got probably 50% erection but as soon as I tried to use what I had, bang it was gone. All my injections were two days or so apart and none of the stiffness I got lasted more than about 10 or 15 minutes. My mix is 30/1/10. He told me not to go any higher than 17 and if that didnt work he would change my mix so I guess im going to start all over again. Disappointing for sure. Sure hope something makes it work. Sure would like to get the kind of stiffness you guys talk about. (my wife hopes that to)

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Re: trimix not working

Postby ohohiakane » Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:08 pm


Just a note .... my uro started me on a 30/1/20 formula, and it works great for me injecting only 3 or 4 units.

I have use that same formula for nearly 3 years.

75 Year Old guy in Michigan, married in 1958, ED since late '90s, then surgery in 2008 (not prostate or other genital) damaged some nerves making the ED worse. Now on trimix

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Re: trimix not working

Postby ShopMan » Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:38 pm

hunter wrote:After getting the courage to talk to my uro about trimix I got started on the shots and got over my fear of sticking myself where I really didnt want to. No big deal at all I found out. Now the bad news. The doc gave me a 5 unit shot (all my numbers I'll talk in units) in his office. All it did was puff the old boy up a little. Made it real thick and long but pointing to the floor. He said to try 7 at home. Just slightly more puffy. Went to 10 and got maybe 20% stiff. Went to 14 and got a little better but nothing usable. Did 17 and got probably 50% erection but as soon as I tried to use what I had, bang it was gone. All my injections were two days or so apart and none of the stiffness I got lasted more than about 10 or 15 minutes. My mix is 30/1/10. He told me not to go any higher than 17 and if that didnt work he would change my mix so I guess im going to start all over again. Disappointing for sure. Sure hope something makes it work. Sure would like to get the kind of stiffness you guys talk about. (my wife hopes that to)

I had to work my way up to 43 units to get any useful results. I just recently backed it down to 40 and the results were ok. Then I tried 35 and the results were less than outstanding.
Would any of you guys suggest a change in formula? I have been debating calling my uro but thought I would ask here what any of you might do.

80 yrs. Married 60 years. Hypertension but under control with meds.

ED since 1995. Viagra then switched to Cialis. Both quit working.
Was on Trimix. Tri-Mix quit working. Implanted by Dr. Novak Grand Rapids, Mi 12/16/2014 AMS LGX

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Re: trimix not working

Postby Ronn1708 » Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:36 pm

I had the doctor make mine stronger and he said not a problem. He just cautioned
To start at lower doses to save a trip to the emergency room.
But now that strong dose has stopped working too.
Revision 2/13/24 Dr Tariq Hakky, Atlanta (Great Doctor) Titan 24XL no Rte’s. I’m 62 married. I have had numerous revisions due to product and body failures. Always had a Titan ipp.

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Re: trimix not working

Postby JimStars » Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:52 pm


Just a note on Trimix formula listings and to help newbies and metrically challenged people coming thru:

Standard notation (although by no means The Law) is:

PGE1/Papaverine/Phentolamine: such as 10mcg/30mg/1mg

So the 30/1/10 mentioned -- if turned around would be: 10mcg/30mg/1mg -- a 'Standard mix'

And the 30/1/20 would be 20mcg/30mg/1mg -- a strong or Super mix

(but they can go higher or lower PGE-1(40mcg even) and Phent (2mg or .5mg) .. PAP almost always is 30mg).

Hope that helps when you discuss formulas with Doc or Pharmacy or even more importantly when you try to compare your own prescription formula with someone elses. Just knowing how many units you use don't really mean sh*t by itself.

RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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Re: trimix not working

Postby tomas1 » Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:00 pm

My first injection at the office was pretty disappointing. It was 10 units and a pretty weak formula. I eventually got up to almost 40 at home after going up incrementally. I went back and he prescribed:
I know that's a pretty strong formula and the doc's partner sent in the prescription and someone messed up and recommended using only 1ml of diluent. I have the kind that I mix myself inside a closed vial. I questioned the pharmacist, and he said that's what the doc asked for. The instructions also said to start at 20 units (.2ml). I'm pretty sure I would have ended up in the ER if I had followed that, but I mixed with 2ml and have been shooting around .1 to .15, but did shoot .2 several times with long term erections, but no pain.
I wouldn't be hesitant to ask for stronger dosage, but watch out for mistakes in instructions.
Just as an aside, my wife's and my relationship is now off the charts good. Getting old is now just a bit nicer.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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