Trimix Gel: Safe for Partner?

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Anonymous FT Member
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Re: Trimix Gel: Safe for Partner?

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Wed Sep 07, 2022 8:53 pm

magicman222 wrote:Yes, RX is needed. You can order it directly from that site. You can use your own doctor or do a telehealth session with one of their doctors. Be aware that pricing is ridiculous -- $240 for 4 doses. Yes I typed that in correctly.

I'm not endorsing this site by the way -- just passing along where I purchased mine.

That is really discouraging. That price only for 4 doses is enough to stop me right there, and I doubt insurance would do any reimbursement :cry:

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Re: Trimix Gel: Safe for Partner?

Postby magicman222 » Thu Sep 08, 2022 1:57 pm

Yeah, I wish I hadn't pulled the trigger on that purchase. Really ridiculous per-dose pricing compared with traditional Trimix.

They are betting on people's generally strong aversion against needles to justify the exorbitant price. Now that I know the needle isn't a big deal, it's not worth it for me. But again, may be worth it for guys who absolutely cannot or will not perform penile injections. Other thing to note is that Trimix Gel is apparently only effective for about 40% of men so it's quite a gamble (see ... %2961264-1)

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Re: Trimix Gel: Safe for Partner?

Postby dunbar57 » Thu Sep 08, 2022 2:07 pm

I first tried tri-mix and got painful burning side effects.

Then I tried bi-mix #4 which has given me moderate results.

Next I tried tri-mix gel.

I did not get any response at all from the gel. I tasted it and did not notice any taste at all.

I just got upgraded to bi-mix #10 and will try that soon.

magicman222 wrote:Ok, I know this isn't technically about Injections but...

I received some Trimix Gel, which I don't have much desire to use given I found Trimix injections are not a big deal at all -- and I know the injections work.

When I told my girlfriend about my Trimix injection therapy, her first 2 questions were:
1. Yikes, does that hurt? Nope - not at all
2. Is it safe for me? Will it put any medication inside of me? Nope - it's local to inside of my penis

Question #2 is an important question as it relates to Trimix Gel given it's administered into the penile urethra and is not self-contained within the penile tissues.

So my questions are:
1. Will I transfer some Trimix Gel from my penis into her body? Is it 100% absorbed into the penis after some known period of time?
2. Will she get some Trimix Gel in her mouth if she gives me some oral?
3. If so, will it be obvious? Will she taste it? That would be a huge turn-off for both of us

In general: Is it unsafe for her health to get some Trimix Gel in her mouth or vagina?

I wish I had thought of this earlier; would have nixed the purchase altogether. It sounds convenient but doesn't seem that way once you've gotten over needle anxiety associated with injections (which took 5 seconds).

Any thoughts & experiences with Trimix Gel and implications for your sex partner?
66, married 40+ years. Robotic Prostatectomy with 50% of nerves spared 8/21. Cancer returned 4/22. 38 Radiation treatments. Coloplast Titan implant 20cm + 2cm with Dr. Paul Perito 10/22. Cancer is back 3/23.

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Re: Trimix Gel: Safe for Partner?

Postby magicman222 » Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:27 pm

I realized I didn't really get an answer to my questions

So my questions are:
1. Will I transfer some Trimix Gel from my penis into her body? Is it 100% absorbed into the penis after some known period of time?
2. Is it safe for trimix gel to be introduced into the vagina?
3. Will she get some Trimix Gel in her mouth if she gives me some oral?
4. If so, will it be obvious? Will she taste it? That would be a huge turn-off for both of us

In general: When I use trimix gel, will I end up putting some inside my girlfriend's vagina? Is it unsafe for her health to get some Trimix Gel in her mouth or vagina?

Does anyone have any feedback? I'm thinking it can't be totally safe for some of this trimix cocktail to be deposited in her vagina.

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Re: Trimix Gel: Safe for Partner?

Postby magicman222 » Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:23 pm


None of this is relevant to me anymore. Read on...

I tried the Trimix Gel in a solo setting to get some experience before trying it with my girlfriend.

Summary: Studies say it's effective for 40% of men; I must be part of the other 60% in which it is NOT effective.

Bottom line is:
- Applying the Trimix Gel into my urethra felt really weird -- I prefer just using a needle in which I feel basically nothing
- It almost immediately made my penis very sore -- a dull soreness that was not sexy nor conducive to sex
- It did not produce an erection -- produced a very sore chubby at best
- Thankfully only lasted for about 90 minutes at most

I am so glad I did this solo as it was a big fail for me. Would have been terrible to do this prior to sex with my girlfriend as it would not have gone well.

So, it didn't work for me and was a big waste of money. Traditional Trimix injections are not a big deal and are reliable in producing a major erection which will last for hours and will not fail you.

I wouldn't recommend Trimix Gel based on my experience. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky 40%.

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Re: Trimix Gel: Safe for Partner?

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:51 pm

magicman222 wrote:
Bottom line is:
- Applying the Trimix Gel into my urethra felt really weird -- I prefer just using a needle in which I feel basically nothing
- It almost immediately made my penis very sore -- a dull soreness that was not sexy nor conducive to sex
- It did not produce an erection -- produced a very sore chubby at best
- Thankfully only lasted for about 90 minutes at most

I wouldn't recommend Trimix Gel based on my experience. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky 40%.

So when you got a chubby, could you coax out a fuller erection with some type of stimulation or manual work?
Are you supposed to just apply it and wait?
Did you ask about the soreness? Is that normal?

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Re: Trimix Gel: Safe for Partner?

Postby magicman222 » Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:26 pm

Honestly, the pain / soreness was sufficient to impact my libido and was kind of a boner-killer in itself.
Not conducive to getting horny at all.
Manual stimulation was not very pleasurable; like I didn't really want to touch it -- I'm sure my GF's tight vagina
would have felt painful and extremely uncomfortable. Would not have been a good night in bed for sure.

I emailed my story to the vendor who invented this stuff and from whom I purchased it.
Awaiting a response. I took a risk knowing it's only effective for 40% of users. I'm just not part of
that 40% group - surprised at my negative experience. Would have preferred for it to have done nothing than to create a really sore chubby.

In any case, it's not comparable to traditional Trimix. Yes, with Trimix, you need to inject yourself with a needle, which for me (surprisingly) turned out to be no big deal at all. I actually prefer the needle over the weird "sploosh this gel into your urethra" feeling-- I did NOT dig the gel feeling of the latter -- and there's basically nothing to feel with the former (needle).

My advice is stick with traditional Trimix and only try this if using a needle on your Johnson is a total no-go. Just be prepared to spend a lot of dough on a really sore non-penetration serviceable chubby.

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Re: Trimix Gel: Safe for Partner?

Postby Lawnman » Fri Sep 23, 2022 6:56 am

I have a question for those with the gel. I find the burn from the gel intolerable, which is a shame. It is otherwise easy to use. Any suggestions?
By the way, the price was great. Two doses for $30.00

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