Survey: Guys who like injecting and why?

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Re: Survey: Guys who like injecting and why?

Postby Thefarmer » Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:09 pm

Ive been on trimix for over 2 years now. I love the stuff. I just had my uro to put me on Super Trimix so that I can inject a lower dosage. 10 units gives me a good stiff one that last for several hours. Ive learned how to hit the sweet spot with the needle just about every time and as I said, I love it! Its the best thing since sliced bread!
Age 71, diagnosed with prostate cancer 5 years ago. Had surgery and radiation to kill cancer cells. Have had problems with ED ever since. Pills worked ok for a while, Pumped but did not like the" choke hold" of the bands.. Trimix is great!

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Re: Survey: Guys who like injecting and why?

Postby Stew52 » Sat Jul 17, 2021 6:12 pm

Nice thread to capture the benefits and some disadvantages in one place. At 4 1/2 yrs injecting now. I got ED at 48 y/o and started using 25mg Viagra with its attendant side-effects (flushing, headache, stuffy, joint aches), which increased over 16 years as I found I needed more to do the job until untiI got to 100mg and then that stopped working after 16 years by 64 y/o. Tried some other meds with limited success for a year.

And then laid off a sad year until my Uro recommended injections at 66 y/o. It has been a renaissance in our sex life. Perfect, no; great, yes. Lots changed around that rebirth like clothing, foreplay, role playing, and much longer sex. And wife is much more relaxed and calm. Notably the increase in size - with injections and mild recreational pumping - in length has been 1 1/4" and much more girth. She had 5 kids and things were a bit sloppy, so this has greatly satisfied (fullfilled) my wife. Rings make me too big and stiff and uncomfortable. This is a very nice side benefit. I can attest to all the other benefits previously mentioned and overall it has been a game changer and God sent.

Now, there is a learning curve on using good light and not hurrying to avoid surface veins, and there is still the occasional small misfire. I've had a few large purple hematomas. With mix and mild pumping there is a LOT more and bigger surface veins to miss now. I have some tough hide in spots on the tunica and penetrating the needle can be tough when hitting different spots wherein it does not penetrate the cavernosa and causes a painful surface skin result. Also I still get a good burn/ache at the dose I need to inject to get a good result (60-2-30 @ 0.30 ml +/- or 80 PGE @ 0.25 +/-). My mix and effective dose has increased over 4 1/2 years (about doubled) so I don't know what's ahead and that is a bit worrisome. One unknown and possible side-effect is developing DE/Anorgasmia (see the folder). We no longer "come together" as the Beatles said, but I can go until I get the white flag of surrender, typically 40-60 mins in for her. This requires a good lube (Aloe Cadabra). She is very orgasmic, nearly constant, and utterly exhausted. Neither of us are spring chickens anymore but much younger folks would be shocked if not surprised. And like one fellow said above in so many words, the time allows the art of lovemaking and really pleasuring the wife to be more well explored. She even comments half in jest, "where was this 30 years ago?"

As to spontaneity, my wife understands now what is coming up and is more than grateful and in fact energized by a small delay after long foreplay. Using mix 2-3 times a week is no longer a problem with both our refractory periods at 3-4 days.

PS adder: I still have trouble in recumbent positions maintaining firmness. Standing, kneeling or side-saddle is best.
Last edited by Stew52 on Mon Jul 19, 2021 4:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
NOT an MD. 72, M52 yrs, CenTX US. Inj since 12/2016, a yr after pills stopped working. Caverject for a yr. 1/2018 Tri-Mix at 30 pap/2 phent/60 pge @0.3ml, now 0.5ml 80mcg/ml PGE1. DE/Anorgasmia setting in since 5/2019, worse now.

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Re: Survey: Guys who like injecting and why?

Postby 57 Goldtop » Sat Jul 17, 2021 6:31 pm

57 year-old man here. My wife and I are in the swinging lifestyle and were introduced to Trimix by the husband of a wonderful couple we've known for a very long time. He's a little older than me and I just marveled at his ability to stay hard. One evening, while the girls were changing outfits, he told me about Trimix and asked whether I wanted to try a shot. "Hell yes!"

That was about five years ago. He would always administer the shot when we visited their place for play. Unreal evenings together!

I am very fortunate that I do not have ED. My wife and I have no trouble with our husband/wife relations. Nevertheless, about a year and a half ago, I made a Uro appointment to get my own Trimix prescription. EZPZ office visit; told a few fibs and pretended to be astounded with the result of the test shot in his office. Walked out with a script in my pocket.

Long story short -- Trimix is the ultimate "secret weapon" in terms of swinging -- Closest thing to being Superman for a guy in a swinging evening that can involve 3-4-5 hours of play.

To all the men who are nervous to try Trimix -- All I can say is put those very natural fears aside and GO FOR IT!

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Re: Survey: Guys who like injecting and why?

Postby silverdude » Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:29 am

Mind games.... prior to mind maybe was playing games or subliminally. Getting hard, was pill going to work, how long will it stay hard, what positions can I use 70 to 80 percent hardness, what ring size, use ved or not, ....if I took pill, waited an hour, go for romp, but wait, not hard enough for penetration, what's plan b, c, d, hmm let's try some oral sex, the pecker still not coming around for penetration, I'll lube it up, maybe by a miracle it will either somehow get hard or fall in. By all this mind manipulation, how can I satisfy my wife, ok I screwed up this romp. After a time or 2 of this bs, I have no confidence, self esteem zips downward.

Sunday morn, my mrs was examining to see if I had a morning wood, yes, but mebe 40 to 50 percent. Obviously not enough for penetration. Since I was still 50 percent hard, grabbed a loaded needle, jabbed, massaged, mrs was sound asleep, woke her with a good hardon. Choices for this or any other incident.... pills, wait hour, ved and ring, pill and ring, or jab. Jab obvious choice. 23 units trimix, 2 hrs duration with a pee break. No mind games as worries about going soft. I muttered Holy explicative, wow, or something like that as the pecker was big. Jungle type romp in many positions. Point is, I could not do what happened without trimix, not even a pill. Brings me back to my 20s 30s.

Again, I cannot thank this site enough, and the members that have posted, responded, and became mentors. My thanks!!

I was just reading above some posts, and truly agree with what others have stated....guys our age are enjoying different art of lovemaking, please wife, spontaneous romps, etc.
66 yo dude, happily married. TRT injection. PDE5's. On a diet, meds for high blood pressure. Easy going, pro 2nd amendment. Burn and explosion survivor. My motto, love my wife, work hard, play hard, and stay hard! Trimix injections, 30/1/10.

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Re: Survey: Guys who like injecting and why?

Postby mikehard » Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:38 pm

I got ED about 50 y/o and started using 25mg Viagra with out any side-effects other than it slowly stopped working. For the last 12 years been on Trimax and now use 3 units which gives me a hard on for about 2 hours. It certainly was a game changer in our sex life. No more wandering how long my cock stand would lasts. The confidence it gives me is wonderful, its like being 18 again :D. I am blessed to have a truly wonderful wife that full understands about ED and not having the spontaneity to have sex is no longer a problem, you just adapt and have longer foreplay.
Age 73, married 1972. Tried all pills with poor results. Started QuadMix injections in July 2010. Fantastic results so far. My QuadMix formula is : 10MG Alprostadil, 9 MG Papaverine , 0.1 MG Atropine , 1 MG Chlorpromazine

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Re: Survey: Guys who like injecting and why?

Postby Cigar56 » Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:35 am

I'm so envious of you guys. I thought injections would be my savior -- but then I found I could inject up to a full syringe and get -- nothing. Meanwhile, other guys could inject just a few drops and have an incredible, rock-hard boner for the next hour.

I've tried everything -- pills, injections pumps -- and now I am at the final frontier.

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Re: Survey: Guys who like injecting and why?

Postby Conesus7676 » Thu Jul 29, 2021 9:33 pm

Dependable, reliable, long lasting. My operation removed my bladder and prostate to get rid of the cancer and saved my life. But left me with no
erection…. Trimix saved my sanity!
2017: Bladder cancer, RC with IC. No erections. Use Ring, VED, Trimix.

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