Pumping with no Length only Girth

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Pumping with no Length only Girth

Postby Corvette » Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:41 am

I've been a voyeur on this site for sometime and have received a very good education. Lately, I've been trying to use an Encore pump without much luck. I use the scrotum shields, pump only until it begins to slightly hurt, release then pump, but I end up with a plump and short tool. I only had about 6 inches to start but 3 just won't get it, and I haven't been able to get a full erection for about 2 years. The girth is better than I could imagine. I used a cheap pump for a little while and it seemed to work ok until it broke.

What am I doing wrong.

I have diabetes, coronary artery disease, bipolar. I take lots of medications, blood thinners, lithium, prozac, welbutrin, cymbalta, actos, glipizide and insulin.

I do get some nocturnal erections and they are usually normal or better than normal. The Doc says the plumbing works.

Thanks for any help you can give.
Diabetic 15yrs, Heart Disease, Bipolar/PTSD

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Re: Pumping with no Length only Girth

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:25 pm


I would say give it time and go slowly. It will probably take weeks/months to begin to regain length. After my PCa surgery I lost a lot of length and did not have a surgeon who believed in penile rehab; he is now my former doc. . . . So, I did not start pumping until I found this site some 4 years later. I have been pumping for a little over a year and have good progress on regaining my length- especially within the cylinder. It takes a lot of time and patience to stretch and return those cells to their prior status.

But, you are quite right with your observation of increasing your girth; that seems to happen much quicker and is a nice benefit until the other benefit begins to show itself. In the beginning, I encouraged myself with that positive aspect as I felt better in the hand when I had finished and for a time thereafter. Now, I'm in a position where I don't need to add additional girth, but I do enjoy the increase I have.

Would also suggest you try some stretching exercises while he is semi-soft and when he is warm. Just the stretching out of your shaft my help to assist the pumping activity. But, this takes time and should not be rushed. Pumping too hard is not a good thing even though we all would like to hurry the process along.

Glad to have you among us. Keep asking ?'s and sharing- that is how we learn from each other.


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Re: Pumping with no Length only Girth

Postby dtwarren1942 » Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:29 pm

Google jelqing. It is a "milking" technique claimed by some to increase permanent growth of the penis; however, it should also work for restoring length. Check out pegym.com. It is a free penis enhancement web site, but there are a lot of threads and articles on jelquing and stretching. There is also a devices forum with a lot of threads on pumping.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Pumping with no Length only Girth

Postby Corvette » Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:55 pm

Thanks for the good information. I will take it all in and try to follow your suggestions. They make lots of sense.
Diabetic 15yrs, Heart Disease, Bipolar/PTSD

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