VED questions

Specific talk about pumps: Questions, hints, recommendations, etc.
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VED questions

Postby fucked0ne » Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:21 pm

So, what's the deal with VEDs? Do they really preserve size, prevent atrophy? And how the hell does one use a VED exactly? For how long? I just purchased one with a gauge. Do I just saddle up and start pumping? Or do I do it piece-meal: pump a little, let the blood in, pump a little more, etc. Once pumped, do I just leave it on for twenty-thirty minutes? How many times a day should I use it?

This is a totally new venture for me, and while I'm sure there's a wealth of information here (I will explore), any quick tips veterans could give me would be greatly appreciated (so I don't over pump, explode my dick).

Hoping to get an implant soon.

40. Implanted July 5, 2024, by Dr. Andrew Kramer, Urology Associates of Cape Cod. AMS LGX, 23cm cylinders.

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Re: VED questions

Postby Spontaneous1 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:03 pm

This is from a previous post I answered. If you read, or do a search, through the "Pumps" forum, you'll see most of your questions have probably already been answered before you ask them. Here you go.

Glad you already got a VED with a gauge, that's a must!

NOTE: Pumping at higher pressures can result in discoloration, edema, blisters, broken capillaries, and poor erection quality (EQ). It may be tempting to try and see how big you can get, but don't, slow and steady wins this race my friend. You can have a bloated hunk of meat, or a functioning penis with good erection quality, plus you'll probably notice a return of nocturnal erections and morning wood.

What is your erect girth ( 4", 4.5", 5", 5.5", 6")? This will dictate the tube size you should have. Too big of a diameter and your testicles will get sucked in, too small and it'll be too tight once you're pumped. If you desire to gain girth it needs to be a 1/4" larger diameter than your erect girth (EG), if it's length you want to gain back then you want a tube that's very close to your erect girth, that way when you pump it only has one way to go, longer, but your tube needs to be long enough to allow for that length expansion, say 9".

Start out by shaving your pubes around the base of your penis. You don't have to shave the entire area, just the hair on and around the base about a 1/4".

Get a good seal by using some unrefined coconut oil around your pubic area, and then rub some all over your penis. Take two fingers and rub some oil around the first couple inches of the inside of your cylinder too., just as far in as your fingers will reach. It doesn't have to be a lot inside the tube, what's remaining on your fingers will do.

Wipe your hand off with a small towel (keeps everything from getting oil on it) and put your cylinder down over your penis and firmly press it against your pubic area. Then reach down with your other hand and gently pull your testicles down away from the cylinder while keeping the tube comfortably tight against your pubic area.

Release your testicles and start pumping slowly, increasing the pressure 2 - 3 pumps at a time until you get to, and maintain, 3 hg.

After 5 minutes release the pressure a little at a time over a 30-45 second period. Remove the tube and massage your penis "gently" all around, like your trying to star a fire by rubbing two sticks together (firegoat rolls), for at least 2 minutes. You want to leave the tube off for a total time of 5 minutes before starting the next set.

Start the whole process over for a second set, only this time pump up to 4 hg., repeating all steps above exactly the same way.

Start again for a 3rd and final set, pumping up to 5 hg. this time, again repeating all steps listed above exactly as stated.

Do this routine Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, no more, for 3 months. This will condition your penis to pumping before you possibly move on to longer pump sessions. After 3 months you can try doing 3 ten minute sets, but at the same vacuum pressure, never higher than 5 hg., and see how your penis responds to the change, but only after 3 months!
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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Re: VED questions

Postby fucked0ne » Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:10 pm

Spontaneous1 wrote:This is from a previous post I answered. If you read, or do a search, through the "Pumps" forum, you'll see most of your questions have probably already been answered before you ask them. Here you go.

Glad you already got a VED with a gauge, that's a must!

NOTE: Pumping at higher pressures can result in discoloration, edema, blisters, broken capillaries, and poor erection quality (EQ). It may be tempting to try and see how big you can get, but don't, slow and steady wins this race my friend. You can have a bloated hunk of meat, or a functioning penis with good erection quality, plus you'll probably notice a return of nocturnal erections and morning wood.

What is your erect girth ( 4", 4.5", 5", 5.5", 6")? This will dictate the tube size you should have. Too big of a diameter and your testicles will get sucked in, too small and it'll be too tight once you're pumped. If you desire to gain girth it needs to be a 1/4" larger diameter than your erect girth (EG), if it's length you want to gain back then you want a tube that's very close to your erect girth, that way when you pump it only has one way to go, longer, but your tube needs to be long enough to allow for that length expansion, say 9".

Start out by shaving your pubes around the base of your penis. You don't have to shave the entire area, just the hair on and around the base about a 1/4".

Get a good seal by using some unrefined coconut oil around your pubic area, and then rub some all over your penis. Take two fingers and rub some oil around the first couple inches of the inside of your cylinder too., just as far in as your fingers will reach. It doesn't have to be a lot inside the tube, what's remaining on your fingers will do.

Wipe your hand off with a small towel (keeps everything from getting oil on it) and put your cylinder down over your penis and firmly press it against your pubic area. Then reach down with your other hand and gently pull your testicles down away from the cylinder while keeping the tube comfortably tight against your pubic area.

Release your testicles and start pumping slowly, increasing the pressure 2 - 3 pumps at a time until you get to, and maintain, 3 hg.

After 5 minutes release the pressure a little at a time over a 30-45 second period. Remove the tube and massage your penis "gently" all around, like your trying to star a fire by rubbing two sticks together (firegoat rolls), for at least 2 minutes. You want to leave the tube off for a total time of 5 minutes before starting the next set.

Start the whole process over for a second set, only this time pump up to 4 hg., repeating all steps above exactly the same way.

Start again for a 3rd and final set, pumping up to 5 hg. this time, again repeating all steps listed above exactly as stated.

Do this routine Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, no more, for 3 months. This will condition your penis to pumping before you possibly move on to longer pump sessions. After 3 months you can try doing 3 ten minute sets, but at the same vacuum pressure, never higher than 5 hg., and see how your penis responds to the change, but only after 3 months!

This is really fantastic! Thank you so much. However, I purchased a generic pump albeit with a gauge. The tube isn't exactly "narrow," and it came with those silicon rings that you place at the bottom (and that your penis goes through). I'm hoping this will suffice. Can I use it without the silicon rings, providing my testicles don't get sucked in?
40. Implanted July 5, 2024, by Dr. Andrew Kramer, Urology Associates of Cape Cod. AMS LGX, 23cm cylinders.

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Re: VED questions

Postby sogwap » Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:27 pm

My first question is why are you wanting to use VED?

There are at least 3-4 different reasons a guy may want to use a VED.

fucked0ne wrote:Can I use it without the silicon rings, providing my testicles don't get sucked in?

I have a manual pump with no gauge.
I normally don't use silicon rings.

I originally bought VED to help with ED. It never worked for me. Using rings or not it would never hold the erection.

A year ago I got Peyronies and lost quite a bit of size. And have used the VED for 6 months once or twice daily for 10-20 minutes.
It works for my use for the treatment of my PD as it has helped me regain size loss due to PD.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

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Re: VED questions

Postby fucked0ne » Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:52 pm

sogwap wrote:My first question is why are you wanting to use VED?

There are at least 3-4 different reasons a guy may want to use a VED.

fucked0ne wrote:Can I use it without the silicon rings, providing my testicles don't get sucked in?

I have a manual pump with no gauge.
I normally don't use silicon rings.

I originally bought VED to help with ED. It never worked for me. Using rings or not it would never hold the erection.

A year ago I got Peyronies and lost quite a bit of size. And have used the VED for 6 months once or twice daily for 10-20 minutes.
It works for my use for the treatment of my PD as it has helped me regain size loss due to PD.

I've been experiencing ED now for four years, but it has only recently gotten very bad (total cessation of nocturnal and spontaneous erections). I want to use the pump to prevent atrophy while I'm in the process of setting up getting a penile implant.

Just curious: how much size did you regain from using it once/twice daily for ten or twenty minutes?
40. Implanted July 5, 2024, by Dr. Andrew Kramer, Urology Associates of Cape Cod. AMS LGX, 23cm cylinders.

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Re: VED questions

Postby easymoney » Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:35 am

I used mine for 6 weeks before surgery .. 2 hrs a day once in the am ...once in the pm ..don't know what I gained but I sure did not lose anymore ..

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Re: VED questions

Postby Spontaneous1 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:37 am

Yes you can use it without the Silicone ring, just follow my previous instructions.

If you are definitely going to get an implant then you may want to use it more often prior to your surgery. Check out this forum for that, using it prior to implant surgery is different from using it to help with ED and erection quality (EQ).

I too lost all nocturnal/morning erections before, but through using the VED with the program I showed you they've returned, albeit not like when I was 30, but a lot better than none at all. I would explore all avenues prior to an implant, there's no going back after that!
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:47 pm

Re: VED questions

Postby fucked0ne » Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:25 pm

I know everybody's different, but, ballpark, how long does it usually take for atrophy to start with cessation of erections? I hear from some that it begins immediately, and then I hear from others that it takes anywhere from weeks to months. Does pathology (presence or absence of atherosclerosis, diabetes) affect the time frame in any way?
40. Implanted July 5, 2024, by Dr. Andrew Kramer, Urology Associates of Cape Cod. AMS LGX, 23cm cylinders.

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Re: VED questions

Postby sogwap » Thu Mar 21, 2024 6:40 pm

fucked0ne wrote:I've been experiencing ED now for four years, but it has only recently gotten very bad (total cessation of nocturnal and spontaneous erections). I want to use the pump to prevent atrophy while I'm in the process of setting up getting a penile implant.

Just curious: how much size did you regain from using it once/twice daily for ten or twenty minutes?

Just over a year ago I was sick with Pneumonia I did not have any sex or erections (that I remember) for over six weeks. It was during this time I got PD. I awoke one night as I was getting better horrified that my penis shrunk and had a noticeable curve. I lost an inch in girth and length. I have regained most if that size.

One thing I can tell you is that using a VED is a bit deceiving in that any can use a VED and it will appear as if they have grown a size larger. This larger size is only temporary. One guy who had an implant was very disappointed with how much size he lost, because using the VED he appeared much larger.
I know for myself I can pump up and measure 6.75 inches (fully stretched), but in reality, my natural size is closer to 5.75 inches.
So user beware.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

Posts: 445
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Location: Ontario, Canada

Re: VED questions

Postby sogwap » Thu Mar 21, 2024 6:44 pm

fucked0ne wrote:I know everybody's different, but, ballpark, how long does it usually take for atrophy to start with cessation of erections? I hear from some that it begins immediately, and then I hear from others that it takes anywhere from weeks to months. Does pathology (presence or absence of atherosclerosis, diabetes) affect the time frame in any way?

I wouldn't wait. If I was devoid of erections I would recommend using VED at least 2-3 times a week. No need to do it for hours.

Last week I was sick. And as a precaution, I used VED several times.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

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