Any tips for gaining length and girth back after atrophy ?

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Any tips for gaining length and girth back after atrophy ?

Postby Copilot1204 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 2:10 pm

21 pretty sure I had a horrendous penis fracture , at 17.

Trying to start in VED to gain length and girth before implant surgery because the implant is my only option . Any recommendations for a VED ?

It’s my fault I didn’t go to the ER I felt a slight tear and a little bit of pain , lost erection and heard pop . Hate myself everyday . Because I can’t get girls with a broken penis . They’ll only stay so long for my looks . Long story short after 3 years of ED and constant penis pain , I was in denial . Until I finally am trying to get seen by top urologists to get the implant done asap . Pretty sure it’s covered by my insurance if medically necessary .

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Re: Any tips for gaining length and girth back after atrophy ?

Postby Spontaneous1 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:10 pm

Copilot, first off:, "pretty sure", "trying to start", "trying to get seen"?
I'm sorry, but beyond assumptions, what actual diagnosis have you had?
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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Re: Any tips for gaining length and girth back after atrophy ?

Postby Copilot1204 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:34 pm

Spontaneous1 wrote:Copilot, first off:, "pretty sure", "trying to start", "trying to get seen"?
I'm sorry, but beyond assumptions, what actual diagnosis have you had?

Nobody yet because my insurance sucks . But based on my symptoms of very little spontaneous erections or any at all like being able or get an erection without touching it over the years and the bee sting pain . I know pretty sure I fractured it . The hard area I can feel the scar . The pop was very distinct . Never went to the ER because the symptoms went away for a couple weeks . If you were in my shoes you would be freaking out too. I don’t know what a boner feels like and it’s been that way for a long time .

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Re: Any tips for gaining length and girth back after atrophy ?

Postby Copilot1204 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:38 pm

Spontaneous1 wrote:Copilot, first off:, "pretty sure", "trying to start", "trying to get seen"?
I'm sorry, but beyond assumptions, what actual diagnosis have you had?

I’m trying not to asume . But I know what happened and that’s when the symptoms started . It’s hard not to freak out I’ve had little functionality down there for a couple years

. And I’ve been in denial and about it . That why I’m reaching out to a uro a little late . The last one I saw didn’t even believe me and had no courtesy to order basic imaging tests .

All I can think about are implants and a hard dick again . Tbh .

Because I haven’t read about a lot of people on here that have had a full blown fracture and they left it untreated . I’m in pain everyday all day this has been the worst thing to ever happen to me .

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Re: Any tips for gaining length and girth back after atrophy ?

Postby Spontaneous1 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:48 pm

I understand, and feel for you copilot, but 3 years is more than "a little late", that's too much denial. I wish you'd seen a uro right after it happened! Being in pain that long, I don't know how you kept yourself from seeing one!

I don't know the whole physical logistics behind implants, but I do know they're a FOREVER thing, and not without risks, side effects,, failures, and in your case multiple revisions. Also, how do you know for sure it will relieve your pain, especially since you haven't seen a uro that's taken you seriously, you may get an implant and still have the pain to go with it? I totally understand you wanting to get back in the saddle and have a productive relationship with a woman, but please get legitimate medical answers to what's causing your pain "before" possibly making things worse.

I feel your frustration, you're young, you should be living life to the fullest, but you need to get a good uro to listen to you, take you seriously, perform tests, and get you a treatment! If you're in constant pain there's no way you can be in a place mentally to get an erection. Maybe whatever causing your pain is the root of it all, I can't imagine it not being nerve related somehow since it's been so long. Please be patient a little longer and find that urologist out there who will actually help you. If he can relieve your pain and you still can't get an erection, the implant route is always there as a last option.
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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Re: Any tips for gaining length and girth back after atrophy ?

Postby Copilot1204 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 10:16 pm

Spontaneous1 wrote:I understand, and feel for you copilot, but 3 years is more than "a little late", that's too much denial. I wish you'd seen a uro right after it happened! Being in pain that long, I don't know how you kept yourself from seeing one!

I don't know the whole physical logistics behind implants, but I do know they're a FOREVER thing, and not without risks, side effects,, failures, and in your case multiple revisions. Also, how do you know for sure it will relieve your pain, especially since you haven't seen a uro that's taken you seriously, you may get an implant and still have the pain to go with it? I totally understand you wanting to get back in the saddle and have a productive relationship with a woman, but please get legitimate medical answers to what's causing your pain "before" possibly making things worse.

I feel your frustration, you're young, you should be living life to the fullest, but you need to get a good uro to listen to you, take you seriously, perform tests, and get you a treatment! If you're in constant pain there's no way you can be in a place mentally to get an erection. Maybe whatever causing your pain is the root of it all, I can't imagine it not being nerve related somehow since it's been so long. Please be patient a little longer and find that urologist out there who will actually help you. If he can relieve your pain and you still can't get an erection, the implant route is always there as a last option.

Yeah I see what your saying .

I don’t know how I didn’t see a uro sooner either, blows me away why I didn’t .

hopefully they’ll take me seriously at the Uros office . My life is stagnant at the moment and my testosterone is high as hell 850 even though I’ve been smoking and drinking here and there because of the stressful times . I feel like a cripple .

I’ve noticed if I were to masturbate it calms down the pain a lot . Like numbs my penis . So maybe it is nerve related like you proposed , that’s what I was pondering as well . I think ice helps it somewhat too providing a numbing effect to the area .

I’m so desperate I feel like getting rid of the pain, won’t help the EQ , but maybe you could be right . If I can get the pain to go away than perhaps my EQ will improve .

I’m just worried since I’ve had no spontaneous erections for a year +. And sometimes I notice nocturnals / morning “boners” but they aren’t firm they look diseased .

It’s just so happens the painful area is where the scar tissue is located . It has a hard ish plasticy feel to it . Like if you were to rub you finger nail on the box to a kids toy .
Last edited by Copilot1204 on Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Any tips for gaining length and girth back after atrophy ?

Postby Spontaneous1 » Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:48 pm

Copilot, You can get a cheap VED that will do what you need, but you do want to invest in a gauge also. I bought one from Blush, 2 1/4" o.d. x 9" for around $20. I then bought a brake bleeder kit from Harbor Freight Tools, you can use that, along with your VED, and that way you won't overpump.

First you need to see if your penis is able to handle using the VED to start with. Can you pump till you get an erection with the VED, or does it give you pain? If you can, and it doesn't, then you want to start off at low hg. pressures. Start with 3 hg, no more, and see if you can do 5 minutes under pressure, then let me know how it felt.

You'll want to use something like coconut oil to lube around the base of your trimmed pubic area, and your penis, this will help the VED seal so you maintain vacuum, otherwise you'll constantly be pumping it back up to the 3 hg. pressure. You may have to shave slightly around the base but that's all. When you first start pumping go slowly! Do about 3 pumps, count to 10, do another 3 pumps, count to 10, and so on until you get to the 3 hg. After the 5 minutes has passed don't release the pressure all at once, release a little at a time, count, release, count, release, you get the drift. You want to simulate getting an erection at the start, and losing it at the end.

I know this is not much pressure, but trust me on this, if you want to improve your EQ, this is the way you have to start. Please believe me, you want to help your penis, not hurt it anymore than it's already been hurt.

You said the pain lessens when you're more erect, I'm hoping this may help, but don't continue if it makes things worse. Let me know how it goes. Good luck to you my friend. Any questions feel free to PM me, or just post it here.
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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Re: Any tips for gaining length and girth back after atrophy ?

Postby Copilot77 » Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:58 pm

Thanks boss , I’ll keep note of your advice and put it in my iPhone notes .

Finally found some Uros that believe me he told me either injections or the implant are my options .

Going for the Doppler on Tuesday . Very excited.

If they find damage or scar tissue in the penis . I’ll be able to get the implant quicker , hopefully by the end of Jan.
If they communicate with my insurance that the procedure is medically necessary.

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Re: Any tips for gaining length and girth back after atrophy ?

Postby Copilot77 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:00 am

The mental and physical suffering from this has been too much . Implant will help me get back on track asap with my life .

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Re: Any tips for gaining length and girth back after atrophy ?

Postby Spontaneous1 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:25 am

Good luck copilot, I hope you get the answers and direction you need.
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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