Anyone use a VED just for Plesure.

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Anyone use a VED just for Plesure.

Postby Geronimo » Thu Jul 08, 2021 3:57 pm

I love the sensations you get from using my VED for plesure, the past month or so i have being having a 1.5 hour session dry, no lub gel, if you take it easy it can be done.
72 yo England, ED 2011, PD 2015, VED & hand massage, given me a big fatter penis, , love the old wild west stories. fav song, "A day in the life" - Beatles.

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Re: Anyone use a VED just for Plesure.

Postby SteveSW » Thu Jul 08, 2021 4:44 pm

Yes, off and on for years. In fact, there was a time when a group of us would get together for what we called "Pump Parties." I can't imagine, however, pumping up without lube. I used it to help get a good, tight seal at the base, and since my dick has always curved to the left, which Peyronie's made worse, and rested against the side of the cylinder, it wouldn't slide comfortably as it lengthened.
20 years of severe Peyronie's plaque, 90 curve, hinging and ED. Cost me 1.5" L and 1" G.
Implanted 2/18/21, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal. Have gained 3/4". Gay, married, age 68.

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Re: Anyone use a VED just for Plesure.

Postby Alanoc8 » Tue Aug 17, 2021 9:22 am

15 years ago when I started having erection issues I went to a Uro. He asked me if I woke up with an erection in the morning. I said I didn't. He ordered a snap gauge test for several nights to see if I got nocturnal erections. I didn't get those either. He told me to get a vacuum pump and pump at least three times a week to maintain my size. I use it every morning for a half hour. I pump up to full erection, hold it for five minutes and release the vacuum and repeat. This simulates nocturnal erections. I've maintained my size and actually have gotten a little a little longer and significantly thicker. Anyone who says pumping doesn't work is misinformed. I've had to increase my tube size four times in fifteen years because of increased girth. I'm addicted to pumping and have been from the beginning.
75 yrs. old. Married. I used viagra from 2007 t0 2017. I have venous leakage. I started injections in September 2017. I've used the Xialla cock ring along with Trimix since June 2020 with excellent results. I pump on a daily basis to maintain my size.

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Re: Anyone use a VED just for Plesure.

Postby rufuswd » Sun Aug 22, 2021 4:27 pm

I use mine off and on. Feels great when it's puffed up. Doesn't do much for length but will help to regain fore skin.

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Re: Anyone use a VED just for Plesure.

Postby retexan599 » Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:16 pm

Yes, my use is for pleasure. I am an older guy, so about twice a week works for me. I am retired and live alone, so have time and space. Usually devote several hours on an afternoon to a 'session'. Pump up and masturbate for a while, then remove the restriction ring, rest a bit, then resume. Makes for a lovely afternoon. I do follow a routine, would be glad to share more, but everyone is different. Key points:
[*]plenty of lube
[*]trim the hair around the base
[*]get comfortable
[*]take breaks
[*]plenty of erotica on the screen; stories and pictures
Age 86, divorced, single.
Prostate seed implant radiation (brachytherapy) 1999.
Like a ship without sailors: 'No seaman'. ;)
No implant.
Use electric Encore Impo-Aid vacuum system. #4 & 5 size cock rings.
Generic water based lube.

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