works now and then

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works now and then

Postby oldcamaros » Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:48 pm

Okay, I have the augusta medical Response II VED for two weeks. I follow the insructions and pump until my penis becomes erect enough to rise off the bottom of the tube which is suppose to be sufficient for intercourse . However, there are times when when this does not happen. I will pump and pump and he just will not come off the bottom of the tube. I don't know maybe he is getting lazy on me. I had my prostate removed 7 weeks ago and the nerves were spared. Any thoughts suggestions as to why this happens?

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Re: works now and then

Postby regal1945 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:08 pm

Sounds like your loosing the seal, did you shave clean?

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Re: works now and then

Postby Peckerwood » Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:58 pm

I have this pump, also. It sounds as though you are not getting a seal. You have to make sure that you use enough gel. At first, I shaved everything; then, I didn't like that, and decided just to keep the hair around the base of my penis clipped to about half an inch and use more gel. It works just as well, as long as you have the gel all around the base. I supplement the kind that came with the pump (and that gel is no better than the generics from Walmart or Target) with AstroGlide on all of my penis so that it doesn't stick to the tube. Add a little of the AstroGlide over the other, and you should get a good seal. The people at Augusta are not particularly helpful once you have made your purchase and seem impatient with questions. However, I do think they are right that you shouldn't be applying the rings until after the initial two weeks of getting accustomed to pumping. In your case, you should add two more weeks so that your penis is accustomed to it. If you are like me, you are impatient with waiting that long, but I'm convinced that the more you practice the better. Be sure to watch the two very helpful videos on this site by R. D. Pugh; the pump and release emphasis he makes is right on target. I will be happy to discuss my experience with the success of the pump in more detail through a private message, if you will just use that feature of Frank Talk.

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Re: works now and then

Postby bluene » Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:14 pm

To be sure you are getting a good vacuum, try pulling the pump off without using the release button. It shouldn't come off easily. I used to have a problem even when positive I had a good seal that he just wouldn't grow like a good little guy. I found that shaking or tapping on the pump in between pumps seemed to stimulate growth, and I still do it to this day. It definitely speeds up the response time. Also I pump daily even when not using it for intercourse, and that gradually speeds up the response time. I have been successfully using my Osbon pump for almost 4 years, and my sweetie and I are all smiles about it. Hang in there.

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Re: works now and then

Postby oldcamaros » Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:12 pm

Thanks for all the advice. Last night I did in fact do some "trimming" and used more gel for a better seal. I also use olive oil instead of Equate gel (which seemed to make my penis "sticky") and maybe preventing "lift off" from the bottom of the tube. I also slowed down the pumping process whiched seem to help. Also according to Augusta you are suppose to pump until the penis lifts from the bottom of the tube. I was wondering if anyone has pumped until the glans just touches the top of the tube or do you think this is too much. Also I will be trying Astroglide to see if this is better. Littlejohn you are right I called Augusta and it was a wasted phone call. Thanks again.

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Re: works now and then

Postby bluene » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:12 am

On my daily pumps, I pump until the glans touches the top of the tube, just to give it a good daily stretch. That is more than I need for intercourse. When I'm ready to do the deed, I pump until the guy is just hanging in space, and I find that is sufficient for great sex. Pumping it too hard seems to reduce sensitivity, which I have been having trouble with lately.

For trimming hair I use the trimmer on my electric shaver, trimming a circle the size of the pump tube once every month or so. For sealing I use the cheap Personal Lube from Walmart and find that it makes a good seal even with some loose hair around. It also makes a great lube for old folks like us. It sounds like you are making good progress. Stick with it.

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