How my first few days have gone with pump

Specific talk about pumps: Questions, hints, recommendations, etc.
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How my first few days have gone with pump

Postby briggle » Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:17 pm

The pump arrived in excellent shape and in a great case. The ring applicator worked good. The hardest thing with the pump was trying to figure out which size ring to use. So far I have tried to get an erection using the manual pump. I used a 7 ring and it went soft, then used a 5 and the same result. Then I used a 4 and then the smallest a 3. I never got to anything even close to make penetration. I felt the pump didn't pump enough because my penis was always soft and only a couple of inches longer. As soon (within 5-10 sec.) of the ring going on and the pump coming off I have lost everything. I tried using the electric pump today and got even a worse response. It was shorter and limp. The pump kept running but it would not keep enlarging my penis. So far nothing I've done works except for injection of trimix. But been to the ER three times. I am going to lower the dosage to .20 of trimix and see what happens. What a challenge this has become. I am 41 years old and really don't want to have surgery to put in stents in my dick.

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Re: How my first few days have gone with pump

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:22 pm

You are not at all ready to be doing what you are trying to do. There is a technique. You penis is not used to being treated like this. You must take your time and step back or it will all fail miserably and you'll be angry, frustrated and pissed that you spent so much money on a pump. You really need to do therapy and practice for two weeks before it will be easy. I teach pumping to men all the time. What you're doing is very common...but a dead end.
OK. Twice a day, set aside 20 mins. NO RINGS - you're just going to pump up your penis. Start by pumping up till your penis starts to stretch. Stop for 1 minute. let the air out. Do this procedure five times. Each time let the penis get a little fuller. OK, you've just warmed up. Now, pump up until your penis is really stretched...NOT hurting. Hold it for 5 minutes. let the air out. Do this again. your penis should slowly stretchh even further. If you have done it right, your penis should be bigger than a normal erection. Let air out. Now, last time, pump up and go to a nice stretched penis. It should never hurt...just feel stretched. let it sit for 5-10 mins. If it starts to feel less stretched...give another little pump. Your penis is probably feeling tired right now. release the air. Wash up and you are done. do this for two weeks. You will start to notice how quickly your penis gets filled with blood now. It is probably getting larger as well.
There, those are your orders. let me know in two weeks and we'll do the next step. Email me if you have any questions. BTW - your partner will probably LOVE the newer, larger you too! Pumps are a great tool. They have a very steep learning curve.

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Re: How my first few days have gone with pump

Postby antelope » Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:53 pm

And I would add to Paul's comments that perhaps you might try experimenting with the trimix dosage. I had to keep lowering my dosage in order to find the right amount that gave me good wood but didn't keep me up all night or send me to the ER. Keep practicing. Besides--that's the fun part!

Best wishes,

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: How my first few days have gone with pump

Postby briggle » Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:55 am

Paul, First thanks for your offer for your help it means alot. So far from my doctor I have gotten no help including no practicing with giving injections. He just gave me a script. For the pump he gave me 3 handouts and said which everone looks best. He's a good guy just too busy. I thought that the learning technique with the pump was only if you had not had sex in a year. I have all with injections. Last night we used .20ml of trimix and eventho it took longer to get hard about 15-20 with some porn and massage. We had sex for about 45-50 mintues and my wife was very pleased. We injected my penis with .20ml trimix at about 10:30pm and at 4am he was still erect and hurt. I had taken 3 sudafeds and ice (no help). After about 6.5 hours he started to go down and now the pain is subsiding. Thanks everyone!

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Re: How my first few days have gone with pump

Postby antelope » Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:18 pm

One more thing. I have found that walking around can help begin or jump start the "deflation" process. Apparently sitting down or lying down puts just enough pressure on internal parts to keep all that blood from flowing out. At least for me.

Yes, sometimes using trimix can be a bit of a hassle. But making wood is soooo much better than not making wood. That's my story.

Good luck,

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: How my first few days have gone with pump

Postby jtc_hunter » Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:28 pm

Yes, do exactly as Paul said. You must condition your penis slowly for a while. If you have been "inactive" for a long while, then the practice therapy should be even longer (number of weeks). I was lucky, It was only 3 months after my surgery when I started with the pump. But I did exactly as Paul said, and after a week, I was ready for penetration. Dont get discouraged or impatient. It WILL WORK. You just need to train yourself and your dick. In fact I just got done with my "therapy " session of 20 mins. The first 2 weeks, i did 2 sessions a day for 20 mins. ea.. This is about the 4th week, and one session for 20 mins. a day is sufficient. Just tonight, I started noticing that when i took the pump off, (and I wasnt using a constriction ring either) My dick didnt go limp real fast like previous weeks. It stayed fairly fat and long, not hard like when a ring is on, but didnt totally deflate instantly either. It really is about slow steady progress. So keep at it and work slowly. :mrgreen: Another big factor is the the USAmediquip foam sleeves. I tried the small and the med. size . It seems to me that results are better if the sleeve is close to your real diameter (when hard) and then use a tight constriction ring, like the osborn D ring. A loose sleeve to allow blood into the penis, but a tight ring to keep it in. When I "squeezed and forced" my way into a small foam sleeve, I could not pump myself up to a good degree of hard, but with the med. sleeve it worked like a charm. I just ordered the biggest foam sleeve to try. My diameter hard is 5 1/4, so i am interested to get the #3. But the #2 works great. The coconut oil is great too. Especially when oral is involved.
Here are the sizes of the foam sleeves. They let you pump up better and harder, and make everything more comfortable.
Size 1 is 3 to 3 3/4" diameter
Size 2 is 3 3/4 to 4 1/2"
Size 3 is 4 1/2 to 5 1/4" diameter
54 yrs old, married 35 years
Robotic unilateral nerve sparing surgey
for Prostate cancer Nov.2010,
PSA now undetectable
using Quadmix 20 units

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