Long time pump users.

Specific talk about pumps: Questions, hints, recommendations, etc.
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Long time pump users.

Postby AnotherOldMan » Sun Oct 06, 2019 7:38 am

Lately it seems every post asking about pumping has a response or two complaining about a cold dick and/or a purple dick.

For the last month or so, solely for experimental purposes :), I have pumped up and added various combos of rings before taking a shower.
What I have found is my dick is no longer cold and the color change is almost unnoticeable. After 15 minutes I do note a purple
color just around the meatus and maybe a faint coolness in that area.
After using a VED, a water pump, and a vacuum pump almost daily for years, my dick at rest is much darker than it was. Using a VED, it is not
nearly as cold as it was when I first used a VED and the noticeable purple seems to have gone or faded.

Have any other long time pumpers noticed anything similar?
Married 50+ years. Use VED for sex and do
daily exercises with both water and vacuum pumps.

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Re: Long time pump users.

Postby notaldente » Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:10 am

I,ve been pumping frequently for almost 2 years. Maybe that's not long term enough, but I've not noticed a purple color or a cold feel.
64 yo, married 40 years, was 'Mild to moderate ED before RARP June 2017, Gleason 4+3. Now non-responsive to PDE-5s. :( Using Vacurect VED 5x weekly.

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Re: Long time pump users.

Postby retexan599 » Sun Oct 06, 2019 1:13 pm

If I limit the time with the restriction band on (say 30 minutes), there is not a cold effect. Longer than that, it will feel cold. Removing the band for a few minutes allows re-circulation and can start over. Minor side effect for me.
Age 86, divorced, single.
Prostate seed implant radiation (brachytherapy) 1999.
Like a ship without sailors: 'No seaman'. ;)
No implant.
Use electric Encore Impo-Aid vacuum system. #4 & 5 size cock rings.
Generic water based lube.

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Re: Long time pump users.

Postby niarceel » Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:30 pm

I've been pumping for 3 weeks and I've noticed my penis has a darker hue than it used to, both flaccid and erect.

I attribute that to better blood flow into my penis. It's definitely working well, as my wife and I can both attest.

Two admonitions:
1. Never do anything extreme with your penis. It, and all the other parts of your body that are activated during its use, are delicate and complex. You want to err on the side of being conservative, whatever you do. I've read of too many penile injuries on this website to say otherwise.
2. Don't asphyxiate your penis. By design, it can tolerate a lot of anaerobic time, but if you cut off oxygen for long enough, you will sustain nerve damage that may be permanent. Really, 20 minutes of total cessation of blood flow into it is a safe limit. Anything beyond 20 minutes may be risky. It's not worth it to find out.

Read my post. It contains information that you and others may find useful:
Born 1947. Live in Utah. Married 1995. 5'8". 160 lbs.
Health is very good. ED began from venous leakage (2003).
Used Cialis (2003-2017), penile injections (2018-2019), 4 implants (2020-2021), now have an AMS 700 installed.
Hobbies: Only one, my wife.

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