Shaving length

Specific talk about pumps: Questions, hints, recommendations, etc.
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Location: Owensboro, KY

Re: Shaving length

Postby gbeard60 » Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:42 pm

I shave around the base of the shaft and keep the rest of the bush trimmed, also trim the balls. Shaved the whole bush for a while, but the wife didn't like the way it looked or felt. Admittedly, it looks a little odd to have growth where it's supposed to be and then about a razor's width of skin around the shaft. Still, I haven't gotten any comments in the locker room, and if I should, I'd just say that I'm doing it for rehab after prostate surgery and have to use a pump. I tried using the body trimmer as a shaver; it pulled and cut and hurt like hell, so I just do it with a razor when I shower. Never had any problems.

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Re: Shaving length

Postby seawyn » Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:23 pm

I shave it smooth every time I shower because I want too. At 71. I don't care what else thinks.

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Re: Shaving length

Postby Viripse » Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:54 am

I have found it unnecessary to shave, however, I always use a sleeve as well as a ring or two. I oil the sleeve and penis with a personal lubricant.
I rarely loose my boner......
I often do, when I'm alone, wander around the house doing odd chores with my penis fully engorged, I find it rather stimulating, and I'm sure it helps to keep the old bugger in good shape.
Once again, I guess it's what works best for you.
I have also been injecting IM 1ml of Primoteston a testosterone medication by Bayer. It has made me feel physically and mentally first rate, awaking each morning with a real boner, just ready to go, unfortunately my wife is a night person......
Quite frankly, my good lady injects my backside about every two weeks, or as often as I feel is necessary to keep the batteries charged.
At 81, I delight in every day, and enjoy sex that I would never have thought possible when I first started ED about 10 years ago.
As for the blue capsules, my friend lives elsewhere, as does his physician, and he wants to keep the source to himself, ie he sells them to his mates, me included.
Incidentally, 10 years ago I just ran out of steam, I have not had any surgery etc, thus I am not sure if Testosterone will help those who have.
This, my new lease in life is solely the result of knowledge that I gained from this site.

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