Question for Younger Guys

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Question for Younger Guys

Postby Greg1956 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:43 am

I will start out by saying this is off topic, having nothing to do with ED, but rather something I am curious about. It’s regarding the Men’s Locker Room. I am 61 and times have certainly changed since I was young.

For the males slightly older than me it was very common and sometimes mandatory for males to swim nude in the pools at the Y or their schools. Therefore pretty much everyone saw each other nude so locker room nudity was totally normal.

I was in public schools and had gym classes with locker rooms from 1968-1974. I spent a lot of time in the locker room due to gym class and sports. In 7th grade we all undressed and stood nude in a line to get our speedos for the pool and they were worn so thin we may as well have been nude. We had communal showers and saw our friends and classmates nude all the time. It was common for my buddies, male cousins, etc. to skinny dip together, etc.

So, here is my question. Today younger guys, in general seem almost afraid of undressing in front of other guys. Many do what us older guys refer to as “the towel dance” where they wrap up in a towel before pulling underwear down to put on gym clothes. Often, as they are trying to lower their shorts, the towel starts coming undone and they nearly fall over trying to keep everything concealed. I just left the gym and one young guy actually fell back into the lockers while doing this.. Us older guys tend to look at it like we are all guys, we all have dicks, so what is the reason to be so modest? Many don’t even shower after working out. I don’t get it.

I think there is the opposite extreme with some older guys who hang out nude far longer than is necessary to change clothes. Sometimes it gets a bit creepy with those types.

If you are a younger guy or maybe a dad with sons who sees this, what is it all about?
I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.


Re: Question for Younger Guys

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:48 am

Greg1956 wrote:I will start out by saying this is off topic, having nothing to do with ED, but rather something I am curious about. It’s regarding the Men’s Locker Room. I am 61 and times have certainly changed since I was young.

For the males slightly older than me it was very common and sometimes mandatory for males to swim nude in the pools at the Y or their schools. Therefore pretty much everyone saw each other nude so locker room nudity was totally normal.

I was in public schools and had gym classes with locker rooms from 1968-1974. I spent a lot of time in the locker room due to gym class and sports. In 7th grade we all undressed and stood nude in a line to get our speedos for the pool and they were worn so thin we may as well have been nude. We had communal showers and saw our friends and classmates nude all the time. It was common for my buddies, male cousins, etc. to skinny dip together, etc.

So, here is my question. Today younger guys, in general seem almost afraid of undressing in front of other guys. Many do what us older guys refer to as “the towel dance” where they wrap up in a towel before pulling underwear down to put on gym clothes. Often, as they are trying to lower their shorts, the towel starts coming undone and they nearly fall over trying to keep everything concealed. I just left the gym and one young guy actually fell back into the lockers while doing this.. Us older guys tend to look at it like we are all guys, we all have dicks, so what is the reason to be so modest? Many don’t even shower after working out. I don’t get it.

I think there is the opposite extreme with some older guys who hang out nude far longer than is necessary to change clothes. Sometimes it gets a bit creepy with those types.

If you are a younger guy or maybe a dad with sons who sees this, what is it all about?

With the exception of some public showers, the dropping of the drawers doesn't happen anymore.


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Re: Question for Younger Guys

Postby DaveKell » Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:09 am

This question reminded me of a stay at a youth hostel in Switzerland when I was 22. There was one shower with no curtain and you had to stand in line for your turn at the very limited hot water or shower in an arctic stream. When I was next for the shower, an incredibly well endowed guy was making a big show of washing his dick for everyone to see. I almost left the line and skipped showering rather than follow that act. Almost like me having to follow Tommy Emanuel playing guitar. I'd rather bust my guitar up for kindling wood than do that. (I suggest you search for Tommy on Youtube if you don't know who he is and see some incredible solo guitar playing).

I personally despised gym class and showering when it began in 1966 for me. I must be an outlyer in reference your comments about how it used to be. I was always a shy, modest child. I was once the only holdout in a college dorm room naked orgy despite several girls basically ordering me to get naked! Being of northern European descent I got the proverbial short end of the stick as far as dick size goes. I was well into adulthood before I got over it completely. As far as I'm concerned, my dick has produced an incredibly successful nest generation of my family that is my legacy I'm very proud of. And it has pleasured around 50 attractive women before I lost count. As of right now, I WISH there was a reason for me to shower with other guys. My implanted flaccid dick is 3 times the size it was before. That proves to me what you are describing is a cultural thing pertaining to dick size.

There is no denying lots more has been written and discussed about dick size for this generation than our generation. I'm sure younger guys are aware of this and err on the side of caution with respect to exposing themselves for scrutiny. It's true, we all have dicks. However, it's also true they come in a plethora of sizes and appearance. Who wants to risk being known for coming up short?
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.


Re: Question for Younger Guys

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:12 pm

DaveKell wrote:This question reminded me of a stay at a youth hostel in Switzerland when I was 22. There was one shower with no curtain and you had to stand in line for your turn at the very limited hot water or shower in an arctic stream. When I was next for the shower, an incredibly well endowed guy was making a big show of washing his dick for everyone to see. I almost left the line and skipped showering rather than follow that act. Almost like me having to follow Tommy Emanuel playing guitar. I'd rather bust my guitar up for kindling wood than do that. (I suggest you search for Tommy on Youtube if you don't know who he is and see some incredible solo guitar playing).

I personally despised gym class and showering when it began in 1966 for me. I must be an outlyer in reference your comments about how it used to be. I was always a shy, modest child. I was once the only holdout in a college dorm room naked orgy despite several girls basically ordering me to get naked! Being of northern European descent I got the proverbial short end of the stick as far as dick size goes. I was well into adulthood before I got over it completely. As far as I'm concerned, my dick has produced an incredibly successful nest generation of my family that is my legacy I'm very proud of. And it has pleasured around 50 attractive women before I lost count. As of right now, I WISH there was a reason for me to shower with other guys. My implanted flaccid dick is 3 times the size it was before. That proves to me what you are describing is a cultural thing pertaining to dick size.

There is no denying lots more has been written and discussed about dick size for this generation than our generation. I'm sure younger guys are aware of this and err on the side of caution with respect to exposing themselves for scrutiny. It's true, we all have dicks. However, it's also true they come in a plethora of sizes and appearance. Who wants to risk being known for coming up short?

Good morning Dave;
I am embarrassed to admit that I can top that. The high school I went to did not have semesters. We had eight classes every day and Gym was mandatory. I tried to choose it for my last class of the day but I was put in the second class of the day. Of course, after class, everybody was expected to shower (or stink all day). I think my dick stopped growing at age 3 and I just couldn't bring myself to shower in there. The shower was 2 big round stainless steel drums with 8 shower heads on each. 16 naked boys in there showering and after seeing what I was seeing there was no way I was pulling my pants down in front of these guys... it seemed that even the smallest dick was an inch bigger than me. I skipped a LOT of school. I failed 2 courses and got 50% in 2 others. The other 4 were not bad but no surprise, they were the last 4 classes of the day. Like a total know it all teen, I dropped out of school in grade 10. When I decided I wanted to be a paramedic I discovered that not only do I have to have a high school diploma but, my grades had to be competitive with the other applicants. There were two to three time more applicants than spaces. There was also an entrance exam and it was HARD. Fortunately, by the time I finished school I was an adult and the requirements for gym had changed from mandatory to recommended. I finished the entrance requirements in the top half of the class. Where in the top half, I don't know. All of this because of needle dick syndrome. Dr. Brock discovered that one big problem was a fat pad and too many circumcisions. I can't wait for surgery... fat pad will be gone and my 5 inch teen burger will be visible. :)


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Re: Question for Younger Guys

Postby DaveKell » Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:07 pm

Good morning Dave;
I skipped a LOT of school. I failed 2 courses and got 50% in 2 others.

I too used to skip school on gym day. I racked up a lot of tardies on the days when gym was 2nd period as well. I was always amazed someone in the schools didn't figure out there were some of us who despised communal showering. On days where I did shower I darted in and out in a flash and dressed at the speed of light. Funny thing is nobody ever figured it out and called me out on it. Looking back I realize all the other boys were likely just as backwards since back then there was never any mention of our dicks in the shower or otherwise. Except we all knew who the guys were with immense dongs. I hope nobody takes offense at this, but, I made an observation that most of those big dick guys were massively academically challenged. Almost as if you couldn't have a big dick and be smart as well. Disclaimer: it wasn't the case for all of them, but a high percentage it was the case. Dumbest man on earth was a janitor who worked in the kitchen of a hospital I used to work at. He often complained in the break room his dick hung down in the water of the toilet we used. I recall checking out the toilet after that. It was a tall one, very unusual. The water was a good foot below the seat.
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

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Re: Question for Younger Guys

Postby Greg1956 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:09 pm

The first year I had to be in the locker room I had the opposite problem of you, Dave and Larry. I started puberty at 11, but most of my classmates were just starting. I was also pretty well hung. I got teased for my size and my best friend neighbor had the smallest dick and he got teased for his size. Young teen boys can be cruel. It seems though that once the jokes had made their rounds everyone in my school got over it and we see all nude together in the open showers and nobody thought anything of it.
I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.


Re: Question for Younger Guys

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:51 pm

Greg1956 wrote:The first year I had to be in the locker room I had the opposite problem of you, Dave and Larry. I started puberty at 11, but most of my classmates were just starting. I was also pretty well hung. I got teased for my size and my best friend neighbor had the smallest dick and he got teased for his size. Young teen boys can be cruel. It seems though that once the jokes had made their rounds everyone in my school got over it and we see all nude together in the open showers and nobody thought anything of it.

I just didn't see that far into it to realize that all may be well, not hung well, just well. :)


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Re: Question for Younger Guys

Postby DonDon » Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:31 pm

Age 71 here.
High school: 1960-1964. Gym was mandatory and, in the South, showers were too. I've seen a lot of swinging dicks from the 480 boys in my public high school. The big ones were proud and wouldn't put their dicks away. When they did hide them, it was such a CHORE. "How am I going to stuff all this into these little shorts?" "Maybe I'll just fold it over a couple of times!" "It always sticks out the top of my shorts." "My balls always hang out of my jock strap and out of my gym shorts!" The little ones just hugged the walls of the shower. The shower room was about 20 by 20 and had about 20 shower heads. Mostly two guys shared the same shower head or you couldn't finish in time for the next class. The only time you didn't have a dick in your view was when you had soap in your eyes. I'm not racist, but there is a DIFFERENCE! The interesting part was when an inadvertent erection would occur as would happen at that age of spontaneous erections. The little ones were suddenly "prouder" and the larger ones were a sight to behold. Yet some spontaneous erections caused an expected overuse of the towel. I felt sorry for one "pencil dick." This guy was about 10 inches long and truly the diameter of a pencil. He was the butt of many jokes. That's all water under the bridge now. But that was the habit of the times.
My dick was sooo average! Now it's about 2 inches shorter but works great. Ask my lady friends.
Aug'15: RP NON nerve-sparing on Rt. Pills, vac pump, injections: Injections were best, about 50%. Aug'17: Penile pain and headaches. Implant: AMS CX 18 cm+2 cm. (Undersized! :x ) Asked for LGX! Ochsner Hospital, New Orleans, LA Still working great.

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Re: Question for Younger Guys

Postby geophd » Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:12 pm

Young guy here. I often change in gyms, to surf, at the beach, etc.

You refer to two ends of the spectrum: complete modesty (never being nude in front of others) and letting it all hang out more than you need to

Young guys tend to agree that hanging out nude more than you need to is creepy. In a way that makes that end of the spectrum the "bad" end, making the other end the "good" end. We also feel like, yeah we're all guys but I don't need to be seeing a bunch of dick in the locker room, especially if there is a convenient alternative such as the "towel dance." I should note that sometimes people fuck the towel dance up but it's really not that hard. It comes down to an unspoken rule among young guys that unless I'm forced to for some reason, or it's an accident, we don't need to see each other's dicks. I wouldn't hang out in my room watching a movie with us both nude, and I don't need to be in the locker room spotting stranger's dicks all over the place. Having said that, I will change nude sometimes but I'll usually turn away and I wouldn't walk across the locker room holding my towel with my dick out. Older guys might be conditioned that there is nothing wrong with it, and young guys would agree but don't practice it. Hell, in some parts of Europe you HAVE to shower nude before using the pool! Not an issue but I remember being like, that shit would not fly in the US.

Bottom line is that I don't care if you see my dick but I don't want to see your dick, let's help each other out so we don't have to see more dick than we have to.
Peyronie's: 6 months, indents cause loss of 0.5 inches of girth, fibrosis growing, caused ED.
ED: 10mg Cialis daily, getting headaches, not interested in VED/injections.
Considering implant to avoid a lifetime of cialis and to correct deformity.

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Re: Question for Younger Guys

Postby graymare » Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:11 pm

This is like deja vu all over again (for Yogi Berra fans)....if you'd like to see another thread about males, nudity and modesty written months ago, search for Naturism in the Sexuality 2.0 topic and also in the Members topic. To you younger guys adding comments here, I would say we older guys didn't see anything wrong with nudity in the locker room because we had never experienced anything different. We were able to separate nudity from sexuality somehow, a lost art today. And a word of advice to you young guys who haven't had the number of urology issues we older guys have, either deal with other people seeing you naked or you will fear going to the doctor for exams. That would be a terrible trade off.
Married, 66 yrs old, ED for 22 yrs. On TriMix for 5 yrs. Live in the Adirondacks of NY. Would be a nudist if it weren't for the black flies and the short summers. :D

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