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Guys! The Best Thing About ED!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:48 am
by newtoed
We men tend to look at ED as one of the greatest tragedies of our life unless we have experienced some major accident, illness or cancer that caused it. But all of us here enjoy a great benefit ED provided us with: WE ARE ALL PASSIONATE ABOUT SEX some into their 80's.

Many of us who faced the problem and successfully managed it enjoy a busy passionate sex life one way or another at least mentally but mostly physically. We care about our own joy and definitely our partner's whether in a committed relationship or casual dating.

Like most of you I have sex at least 1-2 times a week. Most of my friends who are lot younger or in a boring relationship are lot less busy despite of not having ED.

I enjoy the predictability with Trimix, some of you with vacuum, pills or implants. I enjoy that I can stay hard for hours and satisfy my partner endlessly. Sexuality affects every part of my life: I'm happier, more confident and optimistic. Implant may be in my future and reading about all the success stories I'm not concerned about that.

I want to appreciate you facing and dealing with your ED and turning this "curse" into something wonderful many healthy men don't enjoy and appreciate.

One of my girls are bringing 2 more early twenty year old bisexual girls this weekend staying with me for 4 days. Wish me luck. If I don't post next Tuesday I died in heaven and don't feel sorry for me.

Re: Guys! The Best Thing About ED!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 3:00 am
by radioradio
Good point.
And good luck!

P. S. Your upcoming weekend reminds me of a cartoon I saw the other day....

Saint Peter welcomes Hugh Hefner to heaven. Helf says, "What do you mean, welcome? I just left heaven!"

Re: Guys! The Best Thing About ED!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:26 pm
by Ahappigui
You cannot help compliment and admire a man who is able to turn a lemon into lemonade!

Re: Guys! The Best Thing About ED!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:06 pm
by Greg1956
You have a great viewpoint and attitude. I hope you survive the hot sex in your future. Enjoy.

Re: Guys! The Best Thing About ED!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 7:33 pm
by geophd
Great point of view... I wish I could convince my mind to think that way. Instead, my mind wants to think that the fact that I am passionate about sex is the WORST THING ABOUT ED. The onset of ED took a huge shit on my passion for sex and is eroding my sexuality, a part of me that I valued. I'm scared I'll never get it back. I'm very anxious that I'll have permanent ED and never feel whole again.

I wish I could wake up and feel the way you do, glass half full kinda thing. I can do that with everything else in life, but my dick?!... that's a different story apparently. I have a therapist now, first time ever, and he told me that sex and your dick isn't what defines you. When I had a working dick I would have totally, hands down, said: AMEN BROTHER. Turns out, you don't realize how much your dick defines you until it's threatened or broken :lol: . Maybe with time I will change my attitude but right now I'm scared.

Re: Guys! The Best Thing About ED!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:12 pm
by dtwarren1942
I can't say that my ED has had a positive effect on my life; however, learning how to deal with it has definitely improved my negative outlook regarding my future sex life.

Thanks to FT, I learned about Trimix which provided two plus years of great sex until it lost its effectiveness. Learning how to work with vacuum pumping now allows me to continue providing great pleasure to my wife though I do still want to find a way to again enjoy an orgasm.

Re: Guys! The Best Thing About ED!

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 3:59 am
by newtoed
geophd wrote:Great point of view... I wish I could convince my mind to think that way. Instead, my mind wants to think that the fact that I am passionate about sex is the WORST THING ABOUT ED. The onset of ED took a huge shit on my passion for sex and is eroding my sexuality, a part of me that I valued. I'm scared I'll never get it back. I'm very anxious that I'll have permanent ED and never feel whole again.

I wish I could wake up and feel the way you do, glass half full kinda thing. I can do that with everything else in life, but my dick?!... that's a different story apparently. I have a therapist now, first time ever, and he told me that sex and your dick isn't what defines you. When I had a working dick I would have totally, hands down, said: AMEN BROTHER. Turns out, you don't realize how much your dick defines you until it's threatened or broken :lol: . Maybe with time I will change my attitude but right now I'm scared.

Dear Friend,

Every situation is different. Sexuality is not just physical sex, it's a way of life. Sexuality is one of the most fundamental forces of nature.
Actually what I enjoy most is dress up, go out and meet women everywhere. Took me a long time to learn and practice this, but now it provides me with fun and purpose every day.

I was married to a great woman when the cancer and the ED really hit me. She left me emotionally so I had to leave her physically. Since then I have a great dating life. I have two separate girlfriend because I don't want to fall fore anyone hard anymore. I had my heat broken bad at least twice.
Sexuality is a comlex thing. The way I see it is not something that has to be suppressed, controlled or even constantly satisfied. I use sexuality as a fuel to propel me ahead in my personal and professional life.
All the best!

Re: Guys! The Best Thing About ED!

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 5:23 pm
by goodwoodnow
Great attitude ! We should all be so positive. Coincidence that I posted a less philosophical but also positive message about ED. IN my case it was having my dick be very obviously larger when flaccid! (ha ha, how shallow can you get?) But really, it is nice for me. Also really awesome is to KNOW, for sure that when I want an erection, I will get an erection. and that it will remain hard and able to satisfy my wife as much as she wants. So there are advatages as well as challenges. I think many of us do a good job staying active and positive.