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Long Term Cialis Experience!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:01 pm
by newtoed
Hi Everyone,

I take 20mg Levitra for occasional sex about temwice a week. Considering going on daily Cialis to make sex more spontaneous. I'd like to ask long term Cialis users about experiences, food interactions, side effects and if efficiency drops after a while. Levitra works for me ok and I would hate lose the efficiency of any ED drug by taking it long term.
Thanks for your input.

Re: Long Term Cialis Experience!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:56 pm
by dg_moore
I can't speak to Cialis, but FWIW I had good results with Viagra for about 10 years before it stopped working, and never any major problems with side effects. Being similar drugs, perhaps you can expect similar results?

Re: Long Term Cialis Experience!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:25 pm
by dtwarren1942
My ED is quite severe and was induced by diabetes which is still intensifying so take that into consideration when reading my experience.

I took Viagra for ten years and had to increase my dose from 25 mg up to 100 mg. When even 150 mg wasn't effective I started injections about five years ago. Now the injections are no longer fully effective. During the last five years, I was also taking 10 mg of generic Tadalafil to help. My prescription plan stopped covering Viagra last January so I started taking 5 mg of brand Cialis. It doesn't generate much of an erection, but it does help when I use my VED.

Long story short, I have never experienced any negative side effects from my Pde5 drugs.

Re: Long Term Cialis Experience!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 7:11 pm
by jonbaldbg
I think the effects and side effects of the three main medicines are about the same. 5mg daily Cialis never worked for me because I was too far gone for that. I did take 20mg Cialis for a while and it worked, but stopped. Then it was injections and those worked a year or two. I then developed Peyronies and my local Urologist swears that didn't cause it.

Anyway, the injections stopped working too, even when combined with Cialis. So I got the implant and am in recovery from that now. Hope this goes well.

Re: Long Term Cialis Experience!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 1:15 am
by Andy425
I took (generic) Cialis daily in 2012 after an RP. Erections were non-existent (still are) but I did get horrible acid reflux from the pills. I stopped taking them and the reflux went away.

Re: Long Term Cialis Experience!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 1:17 am
by canon6362
I use 5mg Cialis daily works good for me and i didn't take after market pills , i get some heartburn too some times but not bad , used Viagra 25 mg daily for awhile , just wasn't working for me

Re: Long Term Cialis Experience!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:20 am
by Anonymous2
Did some this year as just some back up the natural things I take got 10mg, but was using just 5mg every other day, no side effects and worked got me over a small jelqing and stretching problem as the wife was coming to Greece, had to keep her happy. but out here 40 euros a box, UK its £4o a box, but at the moment trying some higher dose Clomid or Clomiphene been on 50mg for 4 days now going down to 25mg it does kind of help makes you think clearer and don't get tired out walking, its the old testosterone getting a boost, so could be a way to go and try, as for sex will tell you in a weeks time or perhaps two weeks as the wife only gets in next Sunday, she's in for a surprise as the jelqing and stretching is working. OK


Re: Long Term Cialis Experience!

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:13 pm
by Unclebob81
Cialis worked for me but gave me headaches that lasted till the next morning. I switched to Trimix injections and am very pleased with the results and no headaches.

Re: Long Term Cialis Experience!

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:29 pm
by PFracture
I used daily 2.5 and 5,no problems with both. It's like 0 side effects.. But the on demand ones specially the heavier dosages make me feel bad. I would definitely use it!