How to turn on arousal?

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How to turn on arousal?

Postby morgan5a » Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:47 pm

In case this may be relevant to my question, or to the answer, I'm 70, gay, not currently in a relationship. I'm very fit, and go to the gym every day. The most recent test results had total T at 742, free T at 20.2 (H), E2 at 29.8, and DHEA-S at 168, all of which is pretty damed good for an old fart, so I don't think that's the problem. I can still attract men a good bit younger than me, but I have had ED for a number of years, and actually, never really was dependable topping even when younger, particularly with a condom on. I have always had a lot of performance anxiety, and of course there's nothing worse for getting an erection than worrying about whether you will get one. No history of prostate or diabetes issues, but I do take calcium channel blockers for blood pressure.

When I'm home alone curled up on the couch with a filthy story, I seem to get aroused easily, and stay hard, usually with a cockring, for an hour or more, so I don't think it's a vascular issue. But when I'm with someone, I just never even get started because the anxiety kicks in.

I've been through all four PDE-5 inhibitors, and while they seem to help some, it's not enough to make or keep me hard. And that's not surprising to me. Those meds block the breakdown of cGMP, which is the chemical that causes erections, but if you aren't producing any cGMP in the first place because you aren't aroused, they won't do anything for you.

I'm currently trying out another approach, which uses a centrally-acting dopaminergic called apomorphine, and I've ordered some CDP Choline and vitamin B5 to boost that process. The idea is that the effects of arousal are amplified in the brain via the dopamine receptors, which causes production of more cGMP. But, you still have to start with arousal. Today I tried out the apomorphine with a friend my age who volunteered to "edge" me to test out this stuff. But nothing happened, and I realized as Iay there on the massage table that I just wasn't turned on - at all.

Before finding this place, I had determined that if the dopamine idea wasn't succesful, I would go to injections. I don't know how many more years I have to be sexually active, and before I give it up, I really would like to do some serious topping, and be able to do that dependably. Of course injections aren't particulary convenient if you aren't in a relationship, so I want to be sure I haven't missed trying something else that might work for me.

The performance anxiety has been going on so long that I think it's really embedded now, and self-fullfilling. So I'm not sure any kind of sex therapy or counseling would do any good. I suspect having a husband would help a lot, but that's not something you can just make happen overnight.

So basically I'm asking if there's anything I haven't tried that would turn on that arousal switch even with the anxiety. The only thing I've found so far that would do that is yohimbe. Not yohimbine HCL, but full yohimbe extract. But Lord, the side effects - high blood pressure, high pulse rate, near panic attacks - not a pleasant experience, even if hard. So that's out. Oh, and I've tried all of the botanicals - tribulus, icariin, tongkat ali, cnidium, and half a dozen others. Nothing. Well, you know, my testosterone is already high. Even so, I still take all the usual suspects - zinc, maca, arginine, boron, etc. etc. etc.

Any other suggestions? Or is it just time to get some syringes and be done with it? My understanding is if the injections work for you, you get hard whether you want to or not, and whether you're turned on or not. And since I get hard when alone, I would expect injections to work since there don't appear to be any vascular issues.

The odd thing is - if I actually found something that worked, all the pressure would be off, and I could relax and enjoy sex, and it might be that just knowing that that backstop was there would make it unnecessary to actually use it.

I had my hopes up for the apomorphine (formerly a branded med called Uprima) because I thought it attacked where my problem actually was - generating arousal. But so far, it hasn't worked. Of course the friend I tried it with wasn't exactly Brad Pitt. Hey, maybe that's the answer. I understand he's unattached now.

Sorry to go on at such length.


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Re: How to turn on arousal?

Postby NeedleD » Tue Oct 11, 2016 12:17 am

Injections, Ya baby!
Use Super Quadmix due to severe Venous leak.Have a GREAT DAY!

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Re: How to turn on arousal?

Postby Anonymous2 » Tue Oct 11, 2016 12:43 am

HI Morgan Depending where you read it could be your channel blockers giving you your trouble so below your find a mix of mine, your find its good for getting HBP down, do that and you can come off your channel blockers and back to normal erections, this mix is very healthy and will make you feel good, may even give you better erections, the way it works is by getting rid of plaque from your veins and artery's, also works on your cholesterol by getting rid of your LDL the bad boys and should bring your triglycerides numbers right.
The Mix is below.

The way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric with black pepper and garlic, take this each morning and see how you go.

For each heaped teaspoon of turmeric you add a ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper, this helps the turmeric to get absorbed into your system better.

The whole mix its all very healthy for you.

You just mix CP and Turmeric and BP 50/50 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil, at first you just mix this to a heat ( this the heat that CP gives off) that suits you, and over time you can slowly increase the CP and Turmeric.

You take 3 teaspoonful’s each morning first thing, you wash each spoonful down with water, before anything else just after you get up, one thing it will warm you up with this mix, which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic, just do a whole head, chopped fine, and keep in olive oil, with this you add dried parsley, a couple of good desert spoonful’s and mix, you just add a teaspoonful on top of the CP an turmeric mix, just mix into the top take as said.

The Parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your Cholesterol down.

Please do keep both jars in the fridge, keeps a lot better that way.

Now if you google and read up about all three, there very good for ED, your cholesterol, heart and it clears blocked arteries and veins, good at lowering HBP, prostate, prostatitis and RA, garlic is also very good for your blood, so along with the CP and turmeric with BP, your be doing your body the world of good.

Turmeric is a great way of fighting and lowering your triglyceride numbers when you have high cholesterol, and turmeric is also a way of fighting certain cancers.
Sauce for info is,
New link for turmeric and HBP, ... d-pressure

At first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals, for 2 weeks, then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings, great way to start the day.

And yes have had ED now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone.
So do hope this helps you.

And yes have had ED now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone.

Good blood flow is necessary for harder erections and a healthy body.

Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric with BP and Garlic, is the way to help good blood flow for erections and lots of other ailment’s.

Good Luck

Last edited by Anonymous2 on Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to turn on arousal?

Postby dtwarren1942 » Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:00 pm

You should check out the Pumping Forum as a possible option.
Age 81
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Re: How to turn on arousal?

Postby morgan5a » Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:38 pm


My best friend says all I need to overcome my performance anxiety is some really good weed. Do you think he meant turmeric?

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Re: How to turn on arousal?

Postby Anonymous2 » Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:53 am

morgan5a wrote:NOWHARD,

My best friend says all I need to overcome my performance anxiety is some really good weed. Do you think he meant turmeric?

Hi Morgan. I do think your friend is more on about wacky backy, it would make you feel good and forget about your anxiety, but not something you really want to get into, but Turmeric is not a weed as such, I've been on it daily for 3 years as apart of ED recovery, and still get very good erections which seems to be what your looking for, Then just give the above the trail 12 weeks as see how you feel then.

But for your anxiety try some meditation, just google anxiety and meditation and have a good read, your find all the help you really need and if your on meds for it, so with the help of your doctor slowly wean of them, this way your get your life back and would be drug free for that part of your problem.

Just one more thing that could help, have you thought of a cock ring for just that that bit of extra help with your erections, I have a hardwear ice, its Pyrex glass and works for me, you now need to go to ... kring.aspx

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Re: How to turn on arousal?

Postby olie20 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:38 pm

wow you have done your homework. But it seems to be a fact that injections work. If its a turn off for your partner he wasn't the ideal partner to begin with. I have found, that with my wife, them administrating the injection on you is somewhat of a turn on. But in any case injections have worked on me, with a pre-dose of Calais 20 mg, I get a tremendous erection, perfect for any penetration front or back.

Good luck

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Re: How to turn on arousal?

Postby Anonymous2 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:07 pm

Hi Morgan Was thinking why dog walking, your anxiety, is it performance anxiety, if it is your really do need to see a shrink who works in the field of sexual performance anxiety, to find out what kind of block your brain is putting up to stop your erections, someone at sometime has said something to you and its been taken in subconsciously and its now giving you a big problem.


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