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Viagra or Cialis

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:13 am
by gubinstrumpa
Hi anyone out there, I need some advice, I have been prescribed 100mg of Viagra but the results have been hit or miss, a friend of mine said he takes Cialis and the effects are great, has anyone got views on this matter, by the way I am 67, and type 2 diabetic, thanks all.

Re: Viagra or Cialis

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:30 pm
by Andy425
I'm not a doctor, but I would say that everyone's different, our physiology is different, and how anyone might react to any given drug may be different so it is literally impossible to predict.

Pick any prescription drug and read the mind-boggling list of possible side effects. Medicine is certainly not an exact science. I took 5 mg. Cialis daily and after some time I had severe acid reflux from it and had to quit. My buddy, same age also had a prostatectomy, got horrible back pain after a few days of Cialis and had to quit.

Having said all that, tell your doc you like to try Cialis and if he approves, give it a whirl.

Re: Viagra or Cialis

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:13 pm
by Woodicould
Always ask your doc if he has samples. That way you can see what works for you best before you make a big investment. I prefer Levitra over Viagra because of less side effects. Never tried Cialis.

Re: Viagra or Cialis

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:25 pm
by dtwarren1942
Something to consider:

Viagra May Boost Risk of Deadly Skin Cancer, Study Finds
Researchers found that men who took Viagra were about 84 percent more likely to develop melanoma than men who didn’t.
Men who use Viagra to get a boost in the bedroom could find that the little blue pill also increases the risk of developing melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, a preliminary study finds.

Researchers found that men who took sildenafil, best known as Viagra, were about 84 percent more likely to develop melanoma than men who didn’t take the drug.

Because it’s just one early study, no one is suggesting that men stop taking Viagra to treat erectile dysfunction, said Dr. Abrar Qureshi, professor and chair of the dermatology department in the Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University.

“But people who are on the medication and who have a high risk for developing melanoma may consider touching base with their primary care providers,” said Qureshi, co-author of the study of nearly 26,000 men published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Viagra may increase the risk of melanoma because it affects the same genetic pathway that allows the skin cancer to become more invasive, Qureshi said. Those who took the drug weren’t at higher risk of other, less-dangerous skin cancers, such as basal cell or squamous cell cancers.

About 76,100 new melanoma cases are expected to be diagnosed in the U.S. in 2014, and about 9,710 people will die, including about 6,470 men.

Qureshi and colleagues at several sites in the U.S. and China analyzed data about Viagra use and skin cancer from the Health Professionals’ Follow-up Study, a long-term study of male doctors and other health care workers.

The average age of men in the study was 65 and about 6 percent had taken Viagra to treat erectile dysfunction. If men had ever used Viagra, the risk of developing melanoma was about double than for those who never used the drug. That finding held true even when the researchers adjusted for a family history of skin cancer, ultraviolet light exposure in the states where the men lived, other kinds of cancer and major illnesses and other factors.

Primary care doctors who treat older men taking Viagra should check their patients for signs of skin cancer, said Dr. June Robinson of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, who wrote an accompanying editorial.

She cautioned that the rate of increase in new melanoma cases in men actually slowed after Viagra entered the market in 1998, raising a “cautionary note” about the impact of sildenafil on melanoma.

“But its role in the biological behavior of melanoma in older men warrants further study,” she said.

Re: Viagra or Cialis

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:31 pm
by qcswral
I recently crushed a 100mg tab of Viagra and placed it under my tongue.....boy it gave me an erection like when I first started taking it...anyone else try this?...I understand the absorption is better.THanks

Re: Viagra or Cialis

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:23 pm
by ED2013
Try it on an empty stomach

Re: Viagra or Cialis

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:48 pm
by qcswral
I do and I did........take it on an empty stomach.........

Re: Viagra or Cialis

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:44 pm
by dtwarren1942
Many soft medications are more quickly absorbed under the tongue. However, Viagra is fairly hard, even when crushed so I am surprised that it works for you. Perhaps you have it we'll ground into a powder in which case it may be more effective under the tongue. If it works, keep doing it.

Re: Viagra or Cialis

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:10 pm
by Mike Zee
When Viagra was working for me (now it barely works) I chewed the tablet (bitter) and swished it down with warm water. If done this way (for me) the effect came much faster.

Mike Zee

Re: Viagra or Cialis

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:54 pm
by qcswral
I have an appt. with my Doc tomorrow. He wants to try me on sublingual Viagra....the regular Viagra worked liked a charm for me for years....up until a year or so ago when I had to use Trimix....which left me with some scarring....but it's resolving itself and my Doc says I can inject again in about a month...and then only weekly to limit any possibility of future scarring...I'll report back on how the sublingual Viagra works...hopefully this weekend.. (I'm single, so I have to take what I can get sort a speak)