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Antelope and Corvetteman3 have lunch visit

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:23 pm
by Cajun Jeff
Well Guys 2 Baton Rouge guys got together for lunch today. You would think we have known each other for years. We were instantly connected and very comfortable talking with each other. This afternoon I called him just to let him know how very much I enjoyed having lunch with him.

I think our friendship has been cemented. How very nice to make that face to face connection.

Thanks you Paul for setting up this board.

Cajun jeff

Re: Antelope and Corvetteman3 have lunch visit

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:32 am
by jn1421
Thanks for posting this Jeff. I think all of us here can relate. I’m glad you and Greg took advantage of a good opportunity to meet. As men, it’s rare that we allow ourselves to be accepted so easily. I’m jealous and proud of both of you.

Perhaps one of these days a group of us will hook up someplace and have that face-to-face experience too.


Re: Antelope and Corvetteman3 have lunch visit

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:54 pm
by Cajun Jeff
Dave, you are on my list buddy. I predict that some times in 2011 you and I are going to make that face to face connection. I am looking foward to it very much.


Re: Antelope and Corvetteman3 have lunch visit

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:50 am
by antelope
Hey guys,

Just a note to confirm Jeff's posting. It was really great meeting "one of our own". We had some good laughs, especially on observing that we were probably the only men in the restaurant talking about our cocks. Oh, and guys, you should see that Corvette! I don't know why Jeff needs any chemical assistance. Just driving that monster would make my pecker hard...


Re: Antelope and Corvetteman3 have lunch visit

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:32 am
by thinktank
I, myself, would love to see the Vette and would encourage a picture here if possible. I have an old Mercedes that has been in the shop for over two years.

On getting honest with another man, I followed a thread on a WebMD where men spoke honestly about wanting another man friend to talk honestly with. Just about all men stated that if they could trust anothers mans confidentiality, integrity, and propriety, they would welcome a friend that they could share honestly and deeply with. As we men approach our sixties, E D rears its ugly head and I have found that men, if they trust one another, find comfort in discussing these factors, at least at some level that they would have never ventured to do as younger men. In real life, those types of male friendships of the heart vastly improve a mans quality of life.

When men admit vulnerability in bounds of deepest respect, confidentiality, integrity and trust, a beautiful thing can happen in that friendship. Sounds like that is what happened for Covetteman and Antelope. Just last night, a guy about my age approached me after church to give me an update on his search for affordable erectile drugs since his insurance doesnt cover them. He counseled me on TRT, his experiences and I can tell you that after we finished talking and swore ourselves to confidentiality, both of us were benefitted as aging men. I count him as a great freind in my world.

To other men who have no friend of the heart, think about ways to solve this island mentality and make your life better. Seems Jeff and Antelope did.

Re: Antelope and Corvetteman3 have lunch visit

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:01 pm
by Josh_14_11
I'll just add my ditto to jn1421 and thinktank. If you value being open and transparent within an anonymous forum or chat room, imagine how much more meaningful it is to discuss mutual struggles and successes in a face-to-face setting.

Re: Antelope and Corvetteman3 have lunch visit

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:09 pm
by antelope
Ken, you're right on point. I would add that without the opportunity to break the ice provided by this site, I'm not sure our conversation would have been so easy so quickly. For me anyway, it was easier to talk about "man stuff" in person after having shared forum posts and chat room time. And I'm a pretty open and definitely chatty guy. So thanks to all of you for providing the foundation.


Re: Antelope and Corvetteman3 have lunch visit

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:15 am
by Cajun Jeff
Greg, I would say that we are both on the chatty side. Yes having the background before we meet makes it so much easier. When you think about it how many of you guys talk to your guy friends about having ED problems. For that matter do any of you talk to your firends about JO. No we just dont discuss that stuff. It just a bit Tabu.

Thanks to all you guys we have a venu to take off the mask and be the men that we really are.

Cajun Jeff

Re: Antelope and Corvetteman3 have lunch visit

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:50 pm
by thinktank

Your comments on how many of us guys talk about our ED hits squarely on the point I was making about having friends as aging men that you discuss more than football or sports with. I call them men friends of the heart because you can be honest with them. Here in my town, I have talked to at least four guys in my age range about E D. DONT GET ME WRONG. I am not a blabbermouth; nor am I hung up on the subject. In fact, some freinds here locally have called me Mr. Propriety.

However, just about all guys our age are suffering from poor performance. If someone can break the ice humorously by admitting vulnerability as a man in that area, I find that my very close freinds are more than willing to admit their struggles. Among about four guys here locally, we have shared information about online places to get erectile drugs cheaply and we have discussed their potency. We have even ordered some drugs together and have divided them up. These conversations have brought us closer as men and we are sworn to confidentiality in these matters. I would never breech their confidences.

Now concerning JO, I have no experiences here locally discussing this among my friends. I know that they do it just knowing myself. Age brings a return of masturbation to supplement the lower desire of menopausal spouses. My friends and I have shared some funny stuff in jokes and jests letting me know they do it. As Shakespheare says, much truth is said in jest.

Again, my life has been enriched by being honest with just a few guys who are aging and suffering like I am from limp dick syndrome.