If you get hard with porn and it lasts more than 10 mins, your ED is mostly psychological.

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If you get hard with porn and it lasts more than 10 mins, your ED is mostly psychological.

Postby Rufian » Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:42 pm

Its possible, there could be a small physical factor, but if that was the case, then you wouldn't be able to get hard at all. As previously posted by another user, most venous leaks are over diagnosed as anxiety itself can cause blood to leak out, it doesn't matter if they injected trimix. As such, blood can leak out just from the anxiety itself of being at the doctor, having someone ultrasound your penis, etc. Even more so if you are prone to anxiety. In most cases, the units they inject are on the low dose, when combined with anxiety, making a leak more likely.

Trimix is not unaffected by anxiety and it does not block anxiety and stress. All trimix does is relax blood vessels at the physical level, inducing an erection that it doesn't depend on arousal as much as Viagra does.

Based on my experience, trimix still requires some arousal to work well. Anxiety can definitely delay or diminish trimix results. This idea that trimix work independent on the mind is not legit. You would need use a very high dose for this to happen, but then you are at very high risk for priapism.

I don't think people realize how much anxiety and stress can mess up an erection.

If you are in 30s and get hard with porn, chances are the issue is mostly psychological, but that's the problem is not easy to fix. You can't undo years and years of anxiety, stress, catastrophizing, negative self talk. Even more so, if you have been singles for long, not been in relationships, etc.

In my case, I have performance anxiety, even with trimix, I feel anxious before injecting, my mind wonders what if it fails, what if i don't inject correctly, but if it doesn't work, etc. This is because I know how strong anxiety can be, but is very difficult to not have those thoughts, is just happens automatically due to years if not decades of conditioning and many cases a genetic predisposition to anxiety, depression, etc

Now add to that maybe a small physical factor, you're getting older, etc

So what is the solution, I've been on therapy for 2 years and I still have anxiety, it helps with mental health but is not a panacea. Your mind is not going to let go of this fear, anxiety of failure unless it sees constant and undeniable proof that there is nothing to fear and be anxious about anymore.

If even with trimix you feel anxious is because you know it could fail somehow

The implant could be the solution as you would pump before an encounter, so you have a hard on before even getting to the deed, your mind has nothing to fear as you have tangible proof beforehand that there is nothing to worry about, the only fear you may have is a more general everyday life fear, wondering when it will come the day when the implant will fail and how long it will last

so even though you may get hard fine with porn or alone, it doesnt matter if your mind sabotages you before and during sex, if it was simple to fix as just going to therapy nobody would have this problem, is not easy, in fact is way harder than ANY physical problem

the implant would be ultimate solution for performance anxiety as it can create an erection before even getting to the deed, and you know for a fact that erection will not go down unless you deflate it.

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Re: If you get hard with porn and it lasts more than 10 mins, your ED is mostly psychological.

Postby s7utty » Mon Jan 01, 2024 2:59 pm

Very well said ! While there is no doubt that some young men have congenital issues, I find that “venous leak” are way overdiagnosed as you said. I see alot of men here with what we call secondary or functionnal venous leaks (not caused by congenital issues) and I often see that they refuse to take action and work on themselves. They don’t want to work on their anxiety, they don’t want to lose the 150 lb extra weight they are carrying, they don’t want to stop smoking, just tell them they have a “venous leak” and they’ll be over the moon. I recently saw a post about a guy who was severly overweight, like he was 250lb and 5’8, his “doctor” recommanded injections then an implant, in a matter if weeks. That’s crazy madness, he didn’t even try to lose weight, straight to the artifical pump. I have very little respect for this kind of people.

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Re: If you get hard with porn and it lasts more than 10 mins, your ED is mostly psychological.

Postby Spontaneous1 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:01 pm

s7utty, you are absolutely correct! These people treat their bodies like shit then they want a quick fix, duh! The uro's are pathetic POS also and only add to the problem with their money making implants, the hell with telling the patient what he should be doing first, before going down that irreversible path.
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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Re: If you get hard with porn and it lasts more than 10 mins, your ED is mostly psychological.

Postby youngsuddened31 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:58 am

I'm not sure about that, I can get hard on my own with porn or without it and stay hard whatever time I want with physical stimulation, but as soon as I move or change my position it becomes very hard to mantain the erection unless I'm very aroused.
That's a clear sign of venous leakage, I feel that if I'm anxious I also lose my erection, but I think the main cause is VL and anxiety just enworsens it.

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Re: If you get hard with porn and it lasts more than 10 mins, your ED is mostly psychological.

Postby azmike » Tue Jan 02, 2024 8:18 am

Ruffian, good post. I agree. Some have reported hypnosis can help with performance anxiety. I also read a medical study wherein Trimix was used to treat performance anxiety.

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Re: If you get hard with porn and it lasts more than 10 mins, your ED is mostly psychological.

Postby sogwap » Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:24 pm

youngsuddened31 wrote:I'm not sure about that, I can get hard on my own with porn or without it and stay hard whatever time I want with physical stimulation, but as soon as I move or change my position it becomes very hard to mantain the erection unless I'm very aroused.
That's a clear sign of venous leakage, I feel that if I'm anxious I also lose my erection, but I think the main cause is VL and anxiety just enworsens it.

Who diagnosed you with venous Leakage?
Have you tried using a cock ring?
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

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Re: If you get hard with porn and it lasts more than 10 mins, your ED is mostly psychological.

Postby youngsuddened31 » Wed Jan 03, 2024 6:08 am

sogwap wrote:
youngsuddened31 wrote:I'm not sure about that, I can get hard on my own with porn or without it and stay hard whatever time I want with physical stimulation, but as soon as I move or change my position it becomes very hard to mantain the erection unless I'm very aroused.
That's a clear sign of venous leakage, I feel that if I'm anxious I also lose my erection, but I think the main cause is VL and anxiety just enworsens it.

Who diagnosed you with venous Leakage?
Have you tried using a cock ring?

Not diagnosed yet, I went to an urologist but he performed the doppler test in flaccid state and said everything was fine and my issue must be phychological.
But afterwards i've read that a doppler test in flaccid state is useless to diagnose VL...
I've tried a cock ring from a sex shop once, it wasn't very tight, but it didn't work and I lost my erection anyways.
This morning I had morning wood and then I changed my position, got dizzy and lost the erection, i don't know if dizziness could be related to VL or maybe it is a BP issue, lately im getting dizzy almost everytime I stand up or just move.

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Re: If you get hard with porn and it lasts more than 10 mins, your ED is mostly psychological.

Postby easymoney » Wed Jan 03, 2024 7:15 am

position makes a difference many men lose their erection if they change position while having sex .. also pausing to put a condom on can also make you lose your erection

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Re: If you get hard with porn and it lasts more than 10 mins, your ED is mostly psychological.

Postby sogwap » Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:11 pm

youngsuddened31 wrote:Not diagnosed yet, I went to an urologist but he performed the doppler test in flaccid state and said everything was fine and my issue must be phychological.
But afterwards i've read that a doppler test in flaccid state is useless to diagnose VL...
I've tried a cock ring from a sex shop once, it wasn't very tight, but it didn't work and I lost my erection anyways.
This morning I had morning wood and then I changed my position, got dizzy and lost the erection, i don't know if dizziness could be related to VL or maybe it is a BP issue, lately im getting dizzy almost everytime I stand up or just move.

I've used many different cock rings if it is too loose, It won't do much.

The fact that you are getting dizzy is highly concerning, I doubt is from your erections.
That's a blood flow issue. I would suggest seeking medical attention to rule out any unknown.
It could be from certain meds. If you are taking any meds, check side effects.
You may have something going on, that needs attention.

I have had similar issues with dizzyness. Some of which is a side effect of a beta blocker that I take.
I know what it is, and every time I get up or lay down I take a pause.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

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Re: If you get hard with porn and it lasts more than 10 mins, your ED is mostly psychological.

Postby Rufian » Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:33 pm

People always argue it doesn't matter if you get hard alone or with porn, if it doesn't last, etc. That doesn't mean is a venous leak causing you lose the erection. Maybe you're not turned on anymore, you're not longer aroused by what you're watching or fantasizing.

Even if you did have a venous leak, it doesn't mean you have to jump straight to an implant, considering how expensive they are and how many failures exist

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