I'm waiting for my meds to arrive for injections to get my level to about 800 - 1000 from Male Excel. In the meantime I have a bottle Axiron. How many mg should I use daily to get my levels around that? I was 445 on my last blood test from being on 3.75mg of Testosterone Cyp injections weekly which were prescribed by my former Urologist.
Axiron gel
Axiron gel
67 yr old, married 20 yrs,
Cialis, Trimix since 2004
MIA in 2004
Implanted by Dr Guise on 10/28/21
Pre-op: 6.3" length 6" girth
14 mos post op: 6.5" lento and 5.75 girth on shaft and 6" at the base
67 yr old, married 20 yrs,
Cialis, Trimix since 2004
MIA in 2004
Implanted by Dr Guise on 10/28/21
Pre-op: 6.3" length 6" girth
14 mos post op: 6.5" lento and 5.75 girth on shaft and 6" at the base
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