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Covid-19 ED Effects?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 12:23 pm
by Martin6469
Now that the Covid emergency in USA is "officially" over, even though people are still catching it, I thought I would try to poll FT guys (worldwide) who think their ED was caused or made worse by their having the virus. Please offer as much detail as you can, to help us learn.

(I'm one of the lucky ones who never caught it.)

Re: Covid-19 ED Effects?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 1:34 am
by Biker22

Page 2. Shows link to Nature journal. It’s really dropped off the efficacy of Invicorp and stopped Caverjet working for 4-5 months for me.

They are working again but for less than half the duration and not quite as hard.
I basically caught covid and Caverjet stopped working at all.

Read the journal article.
Oh and try t to get it.

Re: Covid-19 ED Effects?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 10:09 pm
by Anonymous FT Member
Never had it until January 2023. It took me about two weeks to start feeling better. In my opinion I don't think it was any worse on my erectile function than any other cold/flu virus. After the virus ran its course, I feel that I recovered okay. The unusual thing I noticed about the virus was the heat in my scrotum. Maybe that is normal for a fever, but with other viral infections I don't recall feeling it specifically in my scrotum. That being said, I would be interested in knowing if my fertility was affected. I do not know how to have that checked.

My PCP knows that I had the virus, but he has nothing to say about it now. Never recommended any tests of any kind.

I still respond to my PDE5. Everything in my signature line still applies. I can get erect, but sometimes seems slow or difficult. Still not much interest, libido, drive or whatever else might apply. The whole pandemic situation may have contributed to my lack of interest in a lot of things.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 10:52 pm
by sogwap
Post updated as my condition is not covid related.

Re: Covid-19 ED Effects?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 3:48 pm
by Flavio
I don't know about ED but back pain is definitely one of the symptoms of covid.

Re: Covid-19 ED Effects?

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 12:31 am
by Gt1956
Vaccinated plus 1 booster. Never had Covid. I did get pretty sick about a year ago. Dr said not Covid. Most likely the flu. I had a flu shot but my dr claimed that the vaccine that year wasn't very effective, Covid got all the press.
Of course I had ED before Covid came around so as long as it didn't kill me no worries.
I followed most of the mask rules even though I didn't see how a simple piece of cloth could stop a virus. Btw, my wifes Covid avoidance experience is the same as mine.
What Covid did do to me was to cause a significant delay in my ipp surgery. I wasn't happy about that but I'll just deal with it. I was 64 1/2 at my first appointment. Covid hit about the time I hit 65 & got Medicare. I often debated if I should of tried using my health insurance with whatever copay they might demand. Decided to avoid the insurance fight & wait for Medicare.
So a person could argue that Covid extended my ED by more than a year.

Re: Covid-19 ED Effects?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 5:51 am
by s7utty
Flavio wrote:I don't know about ED but back pain is definitely one of the symptoms of covid.

lol can be truth actually. I never experienced back pain in my past previously, however now - i feel constantly “tired” on my back and it physically hurts! feeling like i’m 60+ or something and before covid there were 0 issues @_@