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PDE5 pills & back pain - any solutions?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 1:06 pm
by Biker22

I have real issue taking PDE5's and lower back pain. I have had 10 years of on/off Quadratus Lumborum/Lower Back pain from a fairground ride incident.

If I take any of the PDE5 pills then I end up with lower back pain - even 25mg Sildenafil will give me a low grade - cant quite ignore back pain.

I've been told doctors believe that as PDE5 are systemic acting that they also open blood vessels in your back and these might press on the nerves near/around your back?

I'm just wondering if anyone has found a work around - managed the pain somehow?

The only paper I found was this one from 2016 - they were using
Aceclofenac (diclofenac) 100 mg + Chlorzoxazone 250 mg (muscle relaxant) + Paracetamol 325 mg.

It did seem to work but thats a lot of meds to get over the side effects of PDE's and each of above, each will have their own side effects ... N_PATIENTS

Re: PDE5 pills & back pain - any solutions?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 6:06 pm
by tonyareias
Possible back pain is a side effect of Cialis. Try Viagra or Levitra.

Re: PDE5 pills & back pain - any solutions?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 4:05 am
by Biker22
Yep Cialis is a well known for causing lower back pain. That’s why so many guys can’t use it.
I’ve used every PDE5 on the market. Sildenafil works better but I can’t get the dose high enough for pills only effect without all the usual headaches, blue vision and back ache

Even 25mg Sildenafil daily gives me back ache. So I occasionally use 25mg Sildenafil when I use injections (invicorp).

I just wondered if anyone had same issues any protocol/ tips they found that worked?

Re: PDE5 pills & back pain - any solutions?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 4:34 am
by frank66665
hwictried vardenafil? it is more selective than sildenafil and works better with fewer side effects

Re: PDE5 pills & back pain - any solutions?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 8:11 am
by ftwabeck3533
Biker22 wrote:Yep Cialis is a well known for causing lower back pain. That’s why so many guys can’t use it.
I’ve used every PDE5 on the market. Sildenafil works better but I can’t get the dose high enough for pills only effect without all the usual headaches, blue vision and back ache

Even 25mg Sildenafil daily gives me back ache. So I occasionally use 25mg Sildenafil when I use injections (invicorp).

I just wondered if anyone had same issues any protocol/ tips they found that worked?

Very interesting. I've been battling a lower back pain, feels like a sciatica issue, for months -- it does not go away. I've never heard of the connection of sildenafil (PDE5) and back pain. I take 20mg a day for penile tissue maintenance.

Has anyone laid off the pill(s) for a few days and experienced a drop-off in back pain?

Re: PDE5 pills & back pain - any solutions?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 8:26 am
by cosmo89
I have spinal stenosis and back pain. But not crippling. I KNOW that statins, in particular lipitor, will give you back pain. I'm switched to pravastatin and it is doesn't affect me as bad. The PDE5's don't bother my back much. Only take them once a week usually.

Re: PDE5 pills & back pain - any solutions?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 6:34 pm
by tonyareias
Try Spedra / Stendra (Avanafil), is the most weak and selective of PDE5i.

Re: PDE5 pills & back pain - any solutions?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 1:12 am
by Anonymous FT Member
Sorry to hear of these side effects you experience. From what I remember when it occurred to me, was that the feeling was more of a dull ache. I could deal with it, but attributed it to PDE5. That was a long time ago and I don't remember what PDE5 I had used. Nowadays my biggest annoyance is with eutachian tube dysfunction in the ears. I feel that it is made worse or caused by the tadalafil that I'm currently prescribed for daily use. The doctor told me I could try taking it every other day to try to alleviate some of the side effect feelings I described.

That would be my suggestion to try to use the meds less, or try another type of PDE5.

Re: PDE5 pills & back pain - any solutions?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 8:13 am
by Biker22
Thanks for all the replies.

Sildenafil I can sorta tolerate at 25mg with minimal back pain - but it is there. The listed side effects for Sildenafil are muscle ache/ spasm.

So daily tadafil is really bad back ache for me. Def can’t use this one

The only other PDE5’s are Avenafil and varndenafil - is this correct?

I have both in medicine cabinet so I will try and see if I can tolerate without any back pain. They both didnt perform well enough for sex but even if they allowed me to masterbate that would be progress.

I’m really getting fed up about this. There always seems to be a non surgery solution within my grasp but I can’t use because the solutions gives me side effects I can’t tolerate.

PDE5 - back ache
VED - hemarrhoids. Every time. Checked with Prof Ralph if this was VED or Pde5’s - he said VED. That’s backed up with my ED diary too.

It would be progress if I could have a toss without sticking a needle in it each time!

I’m off for Botox (Bocox) middle of next month. I’ll let you know how I get on. Research papers says it helps in conjunction with PDE5 etc A user on here has found the same - so adjunct but not a solution on its own.

Re: PDE5 pills & back pain - any solutions?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 1:46 pm
by Flavio
Same here.

I've experienced back pain for a few weeks, PDE-5 inhibitors or covid may be possible causes.