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Correlation between ED and orgasms

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 7:25 pm
by another_one
Hello All,
Hopefully this is the right discussion board for my questions. Please be gentle if you feel that I am asking about something very silly.

I am 56 years old and can no longer get an erection. I started slowing down when I was 51. Viagra and Cialis don't work at all. However I can have an orgasm when I masturbate in flaccid state but there is no ejaculation. In talking to the Urologist he said - you don't need an erection to have an orgasm - so he virtually wrote me off. I am always horny so libido is not an issue.

My question is that - can it go further downhill than this ? Should I be worried that something else could be brewing up ?
My wife is very supportive, we innovate in the bedroom and are able to bring each other to completion. Is it possible to continue having orgasms without erection/ejaculation as I enter my 60s and 70s. ?

Any other suggestions from others who have been through a similar situation would be helpful. Apologies if I posted in the wrong board.

Re: Correlation between ED and orgasms

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:52 pm
by tonyareias
Yes you can have orgasms without ejaculation.

Re: Correlation between ED and orgasms

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:39 am
by bldoink
Have you considered injections?

Re: Correlation between ED and orgasms

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 10:48 pm
by another_one
bldoink wrote:Have you considered injections?

No I have not tried injections yet. Planning to discuss it with my Doctor next.


Re: Correlation between ED and orgasms

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 6:33 pm
by Martin6469
I've used Trimix injections as an adjunct to Viagra for some years, and could not be happier. They're tricky to learn, but doable for many FT guys.

The "Injections" topic has a wealth of commentary going back years.

Re: Correlation between ED and orgasms

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:43 pm
by KenJ1947
Even when I was unable to get an erection, I could get off flaccid with an orgasm and ejaculation. It wasn't as satisfactory as with a hardon but it still kept the plumbing working. I also used a "standard" pump to keep things pliable and from shrinking.

Re: Correlation between ED and orgasms

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:10 am
by Jagtstein
Ejakulation ohne das subjektive Erleben des Lustgefühls zu erlangen (Ejaculatio sine orgasmo).

Irrespective of the causes mentioned, it should also be noted at this point that age-related not only reduces sensitivity in the area of the external genitalia, but also reduces the feeling of pleasure. This is also accompanied by a weakening of the ejaculation reflex. The affected men report that the "slinging out" of the semen that they are used to from a young age is lost and instead the semen only runs out.
That's exactly how I feel about masturbation. I am 77 years old and have been masturbating regularly for 68 years.:D