delayed reaction to viagra

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delayed reaction to viagra

Postby newt69 » Fri Mar 17, 2023 4:07 pm

last two times using viagra it did not work until hours later. for me viagra takes about one hour to work. it took a half a day the first time and four hours the second time. my ed consists of erections fading during intercourse. I can jo with steady action otherwise it starts to fade. I did use viagra that had expired, but i've used it before up to 2 years with no problems or changes. I do have updated viagra and will try that and see what happens. I'm in good health for a senior with hbp mild cholesterol and levoxhyroxine for thyroid all controlled. my understanding is expired viagra is supposed to not work and never had a delay before. anyone else experience this,any comments would be welcome.

Hugo C
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Re: delayed reaction to viagra

Postby Hugo C » Fri Mar 17, 2023 4:31 pm

Drugs by regulation have to have an expiration date on the dispensed bottle from
the pharmacy. Tests have been done on stored” oral “ medications that have expired for
10 years . The drugs were fine. I’m a retired clinical pharmacist . I store my oral viagra
in the bottle sealed in a zip” lock bag. My current supply is 4 years beyond date,
it is still effective. I by no means are suggesting you use expired drugs . My point is
there are variables . such as quality storage issues . Did you eat prior to taking the
Viagra ? Have you had a change in health ? Are you stressed ? Making too many
demands on yourself sexually ? Are you taking the maximum dose of 100 mg viagra?
Do a private trial test. When you have the time and are relaxed , masturbate .
Absolutely have nothing in your stomach for three hours, then take your viagra .
Crunch the tablet in your mouth and wash it down with 4 or 5 ounces of water.
Relax , enjoy arousing thoughts or videos . In about 1 hour to 90 minutes , stimulate
yourself. Be by yourself, no stress to please anyone else. Hopefully you will get
an erection . If you don’t , maybe you have a change medically and it’s not stress.
Performance stress is an erection killer. I am assuming your prescription was prescribed by
a physician and you are appropriate to use viagra .

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Re: delayed reaction to viagra

Postby aonman » Sat Mar 18, 2023 3:38 pm

I've recently had a similar experience with viagra 100mg after using it with great success (combined with a VED to achieve maximum hardness) for about 4 years. I take one about an hour before bedtime and would get a semi whilst in the bathroom brushing my teeth thinking about my wife getting ready in the bedroom and what I'm going to do to her (I don't usually tell her in advance that I've taken a tablet because she loves the element of surprise). Recently however it hasn't worked very well so no sex at bedtime, but in the morning I wake with a semi and am ready to go then. Not a complete failure then, and fortunately she loves sex in the morning, but odd all the same.
There are no other changes to routine, mood etc., and I'm hoping this doen't mean that viagra is starting to fail for me.
Born 1956, married late 70s and still happily married.
Radiotherapy for PC 2016 left me with ED. Viagra not good enough on its own so experimented with VED, result biggest hard-on and staying power. My wife loves it and can't get enough, happy days again!

Anonymous FT Member
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Re: delayed reaction to viagra

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:56 pm

Maybe it has to do with what you have eaten or what is lingering in your system? Maybe your mind/mood wasn't into sexy time?

I tend to agree that I don't think viagra would go bad that easily. If you keep it in a reasonably controlled or somewhat cool dark place it should be fine. Why throw out good meds?

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Re: delayed reaction to viagra

Postby JimBob07 » Sun Mar 19, 2023 8:33 pm

I find it works better on an empty stomach- even if it is expired.
I used to get bad heartburn as a side effect, but now it is nasal congestion about an hour after sex.
It used to work within an hour with no side effects. I’ve decreased the dose to 50mg to lessen the side effects. Still get hard enough for penetration - usually within an hour. If I try earlier, it can be disappointing.

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