38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

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Anonymous FT Member
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Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Sun Mar 12, 2023 8:56 pm

I can help because I'm about the same age as you. I think some of this comes with age, and our bodies respond differently than when we were younger. Also nowadays we have a lot going on around us; stressful situations and it can all build over time.

I've been concerned about the pelvic floor issues myself, but haven't had the opportunity to speak about it with a therapist. What kind of device do you utilize to stretch your pelvic muscles? Do you think it works?

Have you had your hormones check out? That is also a good thing to check and sometimes can be easily fixed. Do you like to use any supplements ? How is your overall health and weight factor? Many questions to unpack, but it helps to discuss all these things and share what works or what might help.

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Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby BillKeel » Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:24 am

UPDATE: I recently tried over 6 different cock rings. None of them helped keep an erection, but they all made lateral veins pop, and glans stay engorged; so not much assistance there. I also received some Viagra from a friend. I stopped taking Cialis for two weeks to ensure it was completely out of my system to properly evaluate the Viagra. After 3 days, post Cialis, I no longer had morning erections, and I couldn't get erect during masturbation; I actually ejaculated while semi-flaccid and it was completely unsatisfying and depressing. After 10 days or so, I tried 12.5mg of Viagra. There was a noticeable increase in erection quality, but the erection would fall soft after a few seconds of stopping manual stimulation. I waited 3 more days, and tried 25mg of Viagra. This gave me the best erection I've had in years, and it stayed hard for over 30 seconds even while standing and walking around. I feel confident that I could take a lady for a test drive with 25mg of Viagra. I have also started daily Kegal exercises. I see a new urologist in a couple weeks. I WILL NOT leave his office until he orders a doppler ultrasound to test for venous leak.

I'm also now going to try "natural" remedies to experiment with:

L-citruline: 750mg.

Pycnogenol: 50mg. (4 days a week due to cost.)

Vitamin e: 260mg.

B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 complex. (Also contains: Biotin, pantothenic acid, choline, inositol, alpha-lipoic acid)

Zinc: 30mg

Vitamin A: 3,000mcg

Vitamin D: 25mcg.

And a daily protein smoothie with:

Pine pollen powder: 1tsp
Goji berries: handful.
Muira Puama: not sure about dose yet.
Catuaba: 1,000mg.
Fenugreek powder: 1tsp.

PSSDORAMINORMAL: I found that pelvic floor therapy helped in a variety of ways, but did not help my erections. It made me have to pee less which is good. Also improved my bowel movements. We also worked on breathing/meditation, and the therapist made me realize I literally pucker up my anal sphincter and PC muscles ALLLLL THE TIME! After therapy I'm much more mindful of my breathing, anxiety, and being aware of how often I clenched my pelvic muscles and relax them more often. I bought a pelvic wand called "Intimate Rose". I believe it was originally designed for women with pelvic floor issues, but I use it internally in my rectum to stretch out the pelvic floor muscles. I turn on some spa music while doing it for 20 minutes, and feel more relaxed after. I would have a pelvic floor specialist train you to do this first before trying it on your own. My therapist had me bring in my own device and she taught me how to do it, so I could do it daily.
ED since 15 yrs or earlier.
Currently around 38 yrs.
Anxiety/Depression over ED.
Cialis 5mg daily, more when needed.
Considering implant as last effort.

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Joined: Thu May 12, 2022 11:03 am

Re: 38 yr old male, long time Erectile Dysfunction, need help/guidance

Postby Hillywilly » Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:24 am

BillKeel wrote: I fear I may lose this really good woman soon just like the others in the past. =(

Since 25 years old, I have tried multiple medications, diet changes, psychotherapy, pelvic floor therapy (they said I have a tight pelvic floor. I now use a device to stretch my internal pelvic floor muscles through my anus weekly) Recently, I stopped looking at porn pictures or porn videos (18 days as of this writing, no noticeable difference). Has anyone ever tried Dynamic Infusion Cavernosometry or Doppler Ultrasound to diagnose venous leak? Do my issues relate to you? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you for reading!

What we fear we attract. If you are scared you will lose your girl it will effect your behavior and you will. Regarding ED the best solutions I have found are this:

1)pills (up your dosage to the max before moving to number 2)
33 HG deformity now Titan OTR 24cm XL + 1 cm RTE's Length 7.25in/ Girth 6in (midshaft) Dr. Hakky 4/4/23

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