Moving beyond pills

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Moving beyond pills

Postby otter17 » Sat Feb 18, 2023 12:16 pm

Hi friends,

I am coming to terms with the fact that soon I will have to take the next step beyond pills. Injections and, presumably soon, an implant. I have posted here a few times over the last 10 years. I'm 39 now, and have had slowly worsening ED from venous leak since adolescence. I've been reliant on PDE5s for over 13 years now. The first few years, I had sex basically when and how I wanted. The confidence I gained in my life is hard to describe. Viagra or Cialis in my system would last well into the next day. The doses have slowly increased to where even with 100mg Viagra and 5mg Cialis combined, multiple rounds of sex are no longer feasible, I have to again be careful in certain positions, the confidence is no longer there.

Over the past 9 months I have become moderately depressed and less self-confident. I have tried to be really introspective on things, and I believe the main cause is my lack of sexual confidence leaching into the rest of my life. I am otherwise fortunate enough to have a good job, a supportive wife who seems surprisingly unbothered by the whole thing. I have a 2 year old son and another son on the way in July (no fertility issues apparently!) As much as for myself, I need this confidence and strength for the benefit of my family.

I knew the day would come when I would have to move beyond pills, and I'm working through accepting this. I really look forward to a day when I don't have to think about this at all. Just enjoy good spontaneous sex, without worrying about timing a medicine or whether I can eat or not. For that reason, while I am going to set up an appointment to try injections, I don't expect to last very long at that stage. But who knows.

I view the implant as something that can finally give me peace of mind. I am aware of the shortcomings, especially guaranteed need for revisions. But I hope to finally extinguish this nagging insecurity in the back of my mind. I have an appointment with a well-regarded implant surgeon in May, who is fortunately less than 30 minutes from me.

Anyway, thank you for giving me this space to talk things out in my head as I move into the acceptance/action phase of tackling this issue. It's comforting to have a community that can relate to this difficult issue.
40 y/o straight married guy with supportive wife. Slowly progressive ED from venous leak since adolescence. Pills were a godsend for years, now as the efficacy fades, I am wading into the land of injections and implant

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Re: Moving beyond pills

Postby 1day2Bbionic » Sat Feb 18, 2023 1:30 pm

Knowledge is power and franktalk has taught me so much over the last year or so, things I would never have known or sometimes even thought of. I too am on pills and have been for years which is why I read this forum alot. I want to be prepared for the next stage in this ugly process because for me no sex is not an option. Good luck with your journey

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Re: Moving beyond pills

Postby Quincy » Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:53 pm

I'm much older, but I went through my pill period. They didn't work well for me for very long after I finally started using them. Next was a VED, which can be useful, but awkward if you don't have a regular partner that is understanding and willing to deal with it. Personally, I didn't like the way the VED/rings left my dick feeling. It was cold and clammy but it was hard and I could use it. I moved on fairly quickly.

Injections were easy for me and good while they worked. I'm glad I tried them, even two different types. It's not as spontaneous as pills but much easier than a VED, at least IMO. They can give some men a great hard-on that lasts long enough and feels pretty natural. I used them as long as they worked and if I had it all to do over again, I would again use injections for a while, and I'd keep hoping for more alternatives to be developed while they worked.

I've been on an implant for 4 years and better, and I love having it. It works every time, as long as I want, and it feels good. But for me the surgery step was a huge issue. If other things came along I couldn't go back to not having an implant. I waited until it was the last option, and I do that again. There is nothing at all wrong with the implant for me, and compared to injections it's easier, more spontaneous, and feels better. But there is an obvious extra nut in my sack and I clearly have to take some time to pump up. I'm married and have had just one sexual partner all my life, and for me this is fine. I think I'd be a little concerned about meeting up for the first time with someone who didn't know I had an implant. You can hide what you're doing with injections and the implant by making a quick trip to the bathroom, but you can't hide the extra equipment if your partner likes to play with your balls.

I don't think there is a bad decision here, and I liked everything I tried while it worked. Best wishes.

71, Boise area, Married
ED from type 2 diabetes and PCa radiation.
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Re: Moving beyond pills

Postby Grayfox » Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:39 pm

Bear in mind that all of us are different. What works for one may not work for another. I can only relate my experience.
I used the pills with excellent results for 10 years. But then my wife passed. It was 8 years before I found another woman and had sex again. It was then that I discovered that the pills no longer worked. I tried the shots, but they didn't work either.
I finally achieved success with a VED. It worked and I could have sex, but I just didn't like the thing. Its like you're both in the mood and suddenly its "Hold on Baby. Give about 10-15 minutes and I'll be right with you." Then you have to fiddle with it and get pumped up. For me the worst part is that you have a time limit. Remember, your cutting off the blood flow to the penis. You're only supposed to leave the rings on for 30 minutes or risk damage. I like sex and like to take my sweet time and enjoy it. I didn't like being on a clock. I did learn that for me, I could push it to 40-45 minutes without any ill effects. Big deal, I was still on a clock. :roll:
As soon as I turned 65 and got Medi-care, I got me an implant. I'm happy with it. It works. :D
At your young age I know it will be difficult. But if there's any way you can pull it off, I recommend going straight to the implant and skip all the rest of the BS.
If you can't do that, find something that works and make the best of it. Do what ya can with what ya got. ;)
Developed ED after Heart attack and by-pass in 2000. Used pills for years, but they don't work anymore. Shots don't work. Used a VED for several years. AMS 700 LGX installed 8-7-19.

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Re: Moving beyond pills

Postby dtwarren1942 » Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:38 pm

When pills stopped being effective, injections gave me another 3 to 4 years of easy to generate an erection. That was about 7 years ago during which time a VED worked well. It has now been about about 9 months since my last orgasm; however, I am still able to pleasure my wife with a hard erection. I will be 81 in about two months and not sure if an implant is worth the long recovery time.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Moving beyond pills

Postby Martin6469 » Tue Feb 21, 2023 12:01 am

Otter: I've injected for five years and am very satisfied. You might think that it "wears off," and it seems to for some guys, but that's not been my experience. In fact my urologist has me combining 100mg sildenafil with Trimix, and I actually need a little less Trimix every year.

Since I don't have venous leak, you and I are apples and oranges, but you might put the irreversible option on the back burner for a time and try my combination.
Age 79 in 2024. On testosterone replacement due to hypothalamus malfunction. (Attention depressed guys: low testosterone is a cause.) Healthy health nut but ED due to getting old. Like to keep enough cardiovascular ability to thrust for 30 min.

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Re: Moving beyond pills

Postby crazyjoe » Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:39 am

While I am also a guy with venous leakage and did traverse the journey from pills to injections to implant, I agree with the guys above to give injections a try for two reasons: they might work for for a long time — I got eight months but other guys have gotten years. Secondly, and you can check this when you have your consult, for insurance coverage at your young age, you may have to have demonstrated that you have tried everything else before requesting an implant. Possibly you could check directly with your insurance company to see what their requirements are, it would be very good to know.
Just my view fwiw. Good luck to you!
75, used pills, injections -- all lost effectiveness. Titan implanted by Eid in Feb '22.

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Re: Moving beyond pills

Postby Pumpkinman » Tue Feb 21, 2023 10:49 am

Martin6469 wrote:Otter: I've injected for five years and am very satisfied. You might think that it "wears off," and it seems to for some guys, but that's not been my experience. In fact my urologist has me combining 100mg sildenafil with Trimix, and I actually need a little less Trimix every year.

Since I don't have venous leak, you and I are apples and oranges, but you might put the irreversible option on the back burner for a time and try my combination.

Many people use injections long term and the effects don't wear off. But like you said I think it all depends on the reason for the ED. Those with serious venous leaks or removed prostates have that happen after a few years but for many others 20-30 is not out of the question. One thing people have to remember with implants that they don't last either and require another invasive surgery.

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Re: Moving beyond pills

Postby Old Guy » Tue Feb 21, 2023 2:00 pm

Otter, It's a tough decision moving forward when the pills fail. That seems to be how things go for many men. My objection to pills and injections was the need to plan your times. Not very romantic when you have to ask if it's take a pill night, or you get cozy and heated up but have to stop to go inject. The lack of confidence ED brings to a man is the most depressing thing. After my round of pills then injections which both failed in a few years, the depression was getting worse as each method failed. Since my implant my depression ended, my confidence grew.
Best of luck with your doctor visit. Ask any questions because I'm sure the doctor has heard them all before.
Nov. 8, 2019
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Re: Moving beyond pills

Postby bldoink » Tue Feb 21, 2023 4:40 pm

Been a happy injector for 11 years and no increased dose. And yeah, I'm one of those guys missing a prostate.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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