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Re: I’ve completely lost it. My life is hell.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 7:42 am
by FreddyFree
You seem extremely depressed! You need medical help. Since you have ED, it may seem like this is the forum for you, but it’s not. Hope you find what you’re looking for.

Re: I’ve completely lost it. My life is hell.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:41 am
by confused95
Hey bro,
Let me reassure you by saying there is a solution.
First you are depressed, so as someone else was saying you absolutely need medical help, this means seeing a psychiatrist and evaluate with him/her the best therapeutical solution for you. This could mean talk therapy, antidepressants.
Secondly, if you have ed, as long as you have a penis you can make it rigid. The final solution is an implant, that will guarantee you super hard erection and a 100% working dick.
I also see you are concerned about your size… well I am not an expert but there are some surgeries that can make your dick longer so you could evaluate with a urologist if this is a viable solution for you.
Don’t give up mate.

Re: I’ve completely lost it. My life is hell.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:48 am
by shrunken_dick
Bro, a Penile implant would cure your impotence. If you need some extra length, then there is a procedure called “ The Sliding Technique”. But first of all you need to cure your depression.

Re: I’ve completely lost it. My life is hell.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 10:33 am
by frank66665
these things touch my heart friend, you can do all 2 things at the same time, as confuso95 said there is a technique that during the implantation lengthens your penis, with this your depression will also pass, come on, you just have to move , decided, without thinking about it

Re: I’ve completely lost it. My life is hell.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:01 pm
by Martin6469
You mentioned that your penis is small. So is mine, but I've had many girlfriends come back for more after I lick their clits to orgasms.

Lick first, penis penetration second, or not. She'll be happy either way.

Re: I’ve completely lost it. My life is hell.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 7:38 pm
by Simbarn
needsomehope wrote:I posted on here a few years ago, maybe some of you might remember me. Lifelong erectile dysfunction, small penis, haven’t had penetrative sex in 17 years now. Well I think I’ve finally gone insane. Can’t think straight, can barely type.

My life is awful and I just can’t take it anymore. This isn’t even a life, just a cruel existence. A man isn’t supposed to go without love & intimacy. I’m in a living hell and can’t bear it any longer.

I wholeheartedly agree with all the replies that you have had. I have family members who have suffered with severe depression. It is an insidious illness that pervades all aspects of your life. Your sexual dysfunctions if not originally caused by this illness will only be made greatly worse by it.
Your first a foremost priority is to get thorough treatment for your depression, and this should not just be pharmacological, cognitive therapy is a vital part of the treatment protocol and it can take time and effort to resolve. Believe me there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I think you may be obsessing about the sexual dysfunction part of your problems and trying to resolve this first, when this will never resolve until your depression is markedly improved. If the brain is not producing neurotransmitters in the right amounts and your thought patterns have become stuck in a very negative groove, your penis function will have little chance of improving. The most constructive thing you can do at this time is to stop focusing on your penis, leave it completely alone, concentrate on other things in your life such as getting treatment for your mind. I also think taking a break from posting on forums like these whilst you are receiving treatment would be a very good idea, this can become part of and even fuel the obsession.

When you have regained a stronger more balanced peace of mind, then you can tackle your ED with the appropriate medical help and you may be surprised that at that time it could be substantially improved also. Even if it hasn’t there are solutions so that you can have an erection.
It is very important that you do not put the cart before the horse here!

Re: I’ve completely lost it. My life is hell.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 6:09 pm
by steamfitter
Never give up hope, there are better days to come OP. Lots of good advice here.

Do you have a job and an income coming in? Do you go to the gym? Are you eating healthy and otherwise healthy? Are you talking to a doctor seriously about your ED? Do you have some friends to vent to offline ? If not, these are all important things you need to address ASAP.

I was seriously depressed and suicidal a few years ago myself. I have even tried to commit suicide when I was a young teen. But I'm a survivor, and I'll do whatever it takes to win in these difficult battles. Refuse to lose. You have made it this far, make the decision today to do the best you can with your remaining life.

You have to make yourself anti-fragile, and literally not care anymore about what some woman will think of your dick (I am assuming this is at the heart of your anxiety). Focus on YOU and what you can do, what is within your control, and maximize it. If you do that, you will get some traction going and start to move forward gradually. It may not even take very long. For me, I focus on work, physical fitness/diet, and spirituality. If you maximize all those areas of your life that you can control, you will be in a much better position to tackle your health issues (not to mention you will feel much better in the process).

Re: I’ve completely lost it. My life is hell.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:02 pm
by Flavio
We've all been there and we know how you feel. Yes, ED can be overwhelming at times but it is, in reality, easily treatable today.

Like Simbarn said, depression should be your top priority. Then move to ED and try to determine the exact cause and treatment, with the help of your doctor.