Cialis Working in 2 Hours Instead of 20 Mins - HELP!!

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Cialis Working in 2 Hours Instead of 20 Mins - HELP!!

Postby kuliox » Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:31 pm

i've taken Cialis before and its worked within 20 minutes of swallowing it. but now it takes like 2 - 3 hours to work. why is this happening? how do i fix it so it works as fast as it did before?

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Re: Cialis Working in 2 Hours Instead of 20 Mins - HELP!!

Postby Peckerwood » Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:45 pm

Have you considered taking daily Cialis (5mg)? I find that that keeps me ready for any occasion. Littlejohn

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Re: Cialis Working in 2 Hours Instead of 20 Mins - HELP!!

Postby carl08854 » Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:00 am

Don't know why it changed but for me it always took a while to work. It seemed like the best results for me were always several hours after I took it and even into the next day. The flush face and hot sensation all over my body came within 20 minutes but the effects I wanted were never imediate.
Maybe the 5mg for daily use would be a good way to go.
Good luck.

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Re: Cialis Working in 2 Hours Instead of 20 Mins - HELP!!

Postby thinktank » Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:53 am

I think most men would agree that cialis works best several hours after its ingestion.

Any boost you got after 15 minutes may have been psychological and in days when you had better erectile health.

Cialis at 20 mg every three days or 5 mg daily, if the drug works for you, will turn back the clock in your life 30 years. It will give you an erection with arousal at any time like we were as younger men.

Only problem is that for the first 10 days or so, it causes bad muscular aches which are alleviated by aleve. And for me, that regimen gives me chronic indigestion. I have a friend who in on that regimen and he says "no problem with indigeston for me. I am on Nexium." But indigestion is a side effect of the cialis regimen.

Levitra works well for me and unlike viagra, you can take it and eat a big meal without a headache.

If you want the cialis to work faster, you may try chewing it up and letting it rest under you tongue for a while to be absorbed sublingually. The chewing up of the tablet may also hasten the effects of the drug when it hits your stomach. Cialis is not as bad tasting as viagra and is much more palatable. Chewing viagra up leaves a nasty taste in your mouth.


Re: Cialis Working in 2 Hours Instead of 20 Mins - HELP!!

Postby kuliox » Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:45 pm

Littlejohn wrote:Have you considered taking daily Cialis (5mg)? I find that that keeps me ready for any occasion. Littlejohn

yeah, but what if the body reaches a toerance of cialis ona daily basis? thats the problem.


Re: Cialis Working in 2 Hours Instead of 20 Mins - HELP!!

Postby kuliox » Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:49 pm

thinktank wrote:I think most men would agree that cialis works best several hours after its ingestion.

to me, it worked best 20 minutes after ingestion.

Any boost you got after 15 minutes may have been psychological and in days when you had better erectile health.

thats completely not true. this was not a pyshological effect at all. i know the diff.

Cialis at 20 mg every three days or 5 mg daily, if the drug works for you, will turn back the clock in your life 30 years. It will give you an erection with arousal at any time like we were as younger men.

the problem i see with this is that the body reaches a tolerance level of cialis.. and i dont want to reach that point if i should take it daily.

If you want the cialis to work faster, you may try chewing it up and letting it rest under you tongue for a while to be absorbed sublingually.

i'll try that.

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Re: Cialis Working in 2 Hours Instead of 20 Mins - HELP!!

Postby thinktank » Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:53 pm

Guys who take cialis on a regimen every day at 5 mg or 20 mg every three days report that it is best to take a two week cialis holiday of about two weeks every THREE MONTHS. This prevents the drug from petering out in a mans body according to many men on the yahoo website.

This group on Yahoo discusses all the factors inherent in impotence and the drugs and methods that help. It is a great resource like franktalk for men struggling with E D

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Re: Cialis Working in 2 Hours Instead of 20 Mins - HELP!!

Postby Peckerwood » Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:56 pm

Well, you won't know it unless you have tried it. I have not had any of the side effects from the daily Cialis such as muscle aches that someone else mentioned. I find that the results are getting better; in other words, sexual function is an another guy stated, as if the clock were turned back thirty years. I can get an erection any time now that I am taking the daily 5mg, and I'm experiencing no negative side effects. I also get the spontaneous morning erections that are so important for penile health--not to overlook emotional health. I forgot to mention that I am over 70 years old. Littlejohn

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Re: Cialis Working in 2 Hours Instead of 20 Mins - HELP!!

Postby thinktank » Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:01 pm

Kulio. I am glad the drug worked that fast for you. You are a vast exception to the norm. What is your age. You must have taken it on an empty stomach. All of the erectile drugs work better on empty stomachs and even better when chewed.

I had some liquid cialis once when Eli Lilly was rampaging and trying to shut down all the generic markets. I got it from England and it worked much faster than the pills

Good luck to you man. You need to join the yahoo group as the mods there are very experienced in erectile drugs. Avocet is the leader of the group and very knowledgeable. He would be happy to give you the wealth of his wisdom on the drugs.

Consider the cialis holiday business.


Re: Cialis Working in 2 Hours Instead of 20 Mins - HELP!!

Postby kuliox » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:16 am

thinktank wrote:Guys who take cialis on a regimen every day at 5 mg or 20 mg every three days report that it is best to take a two week cialis holiday of about two weeks every THREE MONTHS. This prevents the drug from petering out in a mans body according to many men on the yahoo website.

This group on Yahoo discusses all the factors inherent in impotence and the drugs and methods that help. It is a great resource like franktalk for men struggling with E D

so according to the group, there should be a hiatus of 2 wks every 3 months? and this is to prevent the body from reaching a tolerance level?

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