Low T or hypochondriac

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Low T or hypochondriac

Postby Al1962 » Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:31 pm

When is too many health issues a mental problem? Or am I just getting old?
I wonder about low T but have not brought it up to my Dr. because I don't want to seem I am "pill" dependent.
I'm 59, 5'-5", 161 lbs., slight pudgy belly, heart stent (metoprol & 81mg Aspirin), high cholesterol and triglycerides (Lipitor,super high inherited), Type 2 Diabetes (metformin), Depression (Welbutrin, just started Lexapro. Fluoxetine took away any sex drive), Inattentive ADD (Adderall), ED noticed about 3 yrs ago (Sildenafil). Can only seem to orgasm sometimes a couple times in a week (for a while) or sometimes only once in ten days (recent). I wonder about low-T but not sure if its worth fussing about. I have never been competitive minded in sports or for women's attention. I have always been able to keep my temper under control and like this. I don't want shrunken testes because I am as average as can be.
Just trying to come to terms with (or fuss with) my place in life.
Born 1962. Married 21 yrs. Single since 2018. Diabetic ED has taken the fun. Began daily Cialis 2.5mg and hesitant to find/disappoint a new partner. Song, Beatles,"Let It Be".

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Re: Low T or hypochondriac

Postby tomas1 » Wed Jul 28, 2021 7:03 pm

I doubt T would suddenly change you into an aggressive person.
Shrunken testicles would probably happen (at least in my case).
I don't know how that would affect child bearing.
I know in my case libido has increased as well as a feeling of well being and probably more strength.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: Low T or hypochondriac

Postby Growinjim » Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:40 am

This may be off subject, but I've found (as others have) supplemental Boron has increased my Free testosterone and improved libedo. I suffer from high SHBG (sex harmone binding globulin) which ties up some of the total testosterone. Details can be found under anorgasmia and general web searches. Good luck.
78 yrs, ED for 4-5 years, currently using Trimix, Giddy

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Re: Low T or hypochondriac

Postby Simbarn » Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:34 pm

Al1962 wrote:When is too many health issues a mental problem? Or am I just getting old?
I wonder about low T but have not brought it up to my Dr. because I don't want to seem I am "pill" dependent.
I'm 59, 5'-5", 161 lbs., slight pudgy belly, heart stent (metoprol & 81mg Aspirin), high cholesterol and triglycerides (Lipitor,super high inherited), Type 2 Diabetes (metformin), Depression (Welbutrin, just started Lexapro. Fluoxetine took away any sex drive), Inattentive ADD (Adderall), ED noticed about 3 yrs ago (Sildenafil). Can only seem to orgasm sometimes a couple times in a week (for a while) or sometimes only once in ten days (recent). I wonder about low-T but not sure if its worth fussing about. I have never been competitive minded in sports or for women's attention. I have always been able to keep my temper under control and like this. I don't want shrunken testes because I am as average as can be.
Just trying to come to terms with (or fuss with) my place in life.

I think it is always good to remember that when you visit the doctor; you are paying them and they are working for you, so don’t be afraid to ask all the questions you want. I do.
It should be routine procedure if you present with ED and low sex drive that all hormones are tested, your doctor should have actually suggested this not the other way around.
Insist that it is done.
Diabetes can cause issues with erectile function unfortunately and this may well be the cause. However, it will not help if your Testosterone is also very low.
Low testosterone is quite connected with diabetes, even more reason to have this tested. Do some research yourself about this.
Exercise, diet changes and the use of Tadalafil daily, with the use of antioxidants can make improvements to diabetes induced erectile dysfunction if caught early enough. Reversing the ill-effects of excessive oxidative stress on the blood vessels which diabetes can accelerate is very important for not only erectile function, but also for staying alive!
Have you made lifestyle/diet changes to try and combat your type 2 diabetes?
59 is really only middle age IMO and you should still have a good sex drive and function if you were healthy and fit.

That is quite a cocktail of drugs that you are on. Low T can cause many issues, and if this turns out to be significant in your case you may not need all these drugs you are on.
Testicular shrinkage can be avoided with the use of Ovidrel. All young men on TRT should be using either Pregnyl or Ovidrel to replace the loss of gonadotropins. Most doctors have no idea about this part of TRT. Certain aspects of sexual function usually declines in men just taking testosterone after a period of time. Erectile function can become erratic or worse if one already has ED and sexual sensitivity in the penis can also decline and almost be absent for periods of time.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

Posts: 358
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Re: Low T or hypochondriac

Postby Simbarn » Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:36 pm

Growinjim wrote:This may be off subject, but I've found (as others have) supplemental Boron has increased my Free testosterone and improved libedo. I suffer from high SHBG (sex harmone binding globulin) which ties up some of the total testosterone. Details can be found under anorgasmia and general web searches. Good luck.

This is interesting, I was not aware it could make such a difference with high SHBG.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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