How much hinging is normal ? (Axial instability)

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How much hinging is normal ? (Axial instability)

Postby » Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:05 pm

Recently I had and have trouble penetrating my partner (23yo) bc she had switched birth control and this resulted in vaginal dryness in the beginning. We (or I) thought that was the culprit.

But I just discovered and think that s a part of the problem as well - my crus does not get as erect as the external part of the corporeal bodies.

Meaning when I apply pressure to the head of the penis it buckles a bit. (Is getting pressed inwards).

With lube there is no problem - and I have to insert my penis manually as it is swinging from one side to another (exaggeration).

Question : how abnormal is the axial force „instability“ ?

Edit: When I have an erection I cannot bend it down!
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