Erectile Dysfunction (low platelets and hypothyroidism)

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Erectile Dysfunction (low platelets and hypothyroidism)

Postby AP_07_08 » Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:51 pm

Hi All,

I am from India living now in United States and 31 years old, healthy athletic adult. During the month of October 2019, I found that I had erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation (very worse).

I never used any drugs or used to drink alcohol (social drinker) but stopped now. I have been eating healthy, used to consume a lot meat, now relaying more on vegetarian food.

During basic initial screening found that my testosterone, kidney and liver function is normal but found three problems in my blood tests

1) Subclinical hypothyroidism

2) Low platelets

3) Vitamin-D deficiency - very low

All the doctors kept insisting that sexual dysfunction was because of mental issues. They suggested viagra or cialis with viagra/cialis my erection was reliable and normal but premature ejaculation was still a problem.

No one is able to find the reason why platelets are low, doctors believe it could be that by birth I had low platelets.

Doctors started treating me for hypothyroidism and vitamin-D deficiency. In few weeks of taking levothyroxine my erection quality got better (~60-70%)

I was able to have intercourse without viagra and premature ejaculation got better. But erection quality was so bad that my wife couldn't even feel my erection.

Now my vitamin-D levels are normal and I have made multiple adjustments to my thyroid dosage (tried T3, Sustained release T3, T4 and armour thyroid )but nothing helps, increasing the dosage only makes it worse. I have been struggling to find the cause for my erectile dysfunction and this problem is taking over my life, self-esteem and confidence. If this continues, might result in a divorce and probably end of my marriage life.

Here for help, if anyone has experienced something like this before, your experience could be very valuable for me. Please help. Please please help.

Posts: 32
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:03 pm

Re: Erectile Dysfunction (low platelets and hypothyroidism)

Postby Asdf1234 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:14 pm

I have borderline low platelets and ed. But my thyroid is apperently ok. Which hormone are you deficient in?

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