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new to site, recovering

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 2:57 am
by tiburonpup78
Hello gentlemen, new to the site, thought I would just share. Tomorrow is one week since I had the implant, AMS 700. The swelling in my scrotum is going down but the pain pills don't work as good as Ibuprofin, which the doctor said not to take, so if anybody knows why ibuprofen is bad, let me know. Otherwise, Wow, this is going to take some adjustment emotionally having this prosthetic in my body and this third testicle. It is much heavier and spacial than I expected. Onward as they say, but hoping I feel better soon. :) take care

Re: new to site, recovering

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 7:12 am
by disapointed2
give it some time. I had an implant in March of last year. The doctor undersized my implant and I could not use it. I had a revision done in Aug. of last year. I am 10 months out. It is now part of me. I do not regret my decision and only wish that I had done this so much sooner.
Mentally it was not hard for me to accept. Realisticley it is a surgery which takes time to get used to. In the long run you always know you have an implant but the results are wonderful.......

Re: new to site, recovering

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 8:46 am
by Old Guy
Yep it will take some time to heal, but then you'll love it. Doc put me on hydrocodone and tramadol, neither did anything to help pain. Ended up on Percocet for one week, but side effects were terrible. Any aspirin or ibuprofen will thin blood, probably why your doc said not to use. Ice packs may help, hot baths are wonderful to ease pain.
Good luck.

Re: new to site, recovering

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 6:17 pm
by tiburonpup78
Thanks for the kind and helpful advice :) It really is helpful emotionally. Today is one week since the procedure. The pain is easing, the mornings are awful waking up and I am working from home via zoom and the computer so sitting in a straight-up position all day, aggravates the pelvic area where the reservoir is located. That is where the pain is really bad at the moment, but I talked to the doctors office and they told me today, one more week and it will really be feeling better. Again, thanks for the support, glad I found this site. Take care gentlemen!

Re: new to site, recovering

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 6:47 pm
by Hounds68
By now I suspect you are feeling 100 % better! I had my implant, the same as yours, 10 January of this year and I have no regrets. Yes, the pain does go away and yes, the use of Ibuprofen does thin the blood, but you can certainly take it 10 or so days from the surgery without difficulty or concern. You will see the bruising go away and the swelling and cold packs, every few hours, for 10 to 15 minutes, work wonders. The healing suddenly occurs and you will want to test the pump, but i would advise against it and let your team of professionals help with that on your subsequent visit. Soon you will be using that old penis like you were a teenager! Plan on a good 8 to 10 weeks. Congratulations and enjoy the new device!

Re: new to site, recovering

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 9:30 pm
by Old Guy
tiburonpup78 wrote: I am working from home via zoom and the computer so sitting in a straight-up position all day, aggravates the pelvic area where the reservoir is located. That is where the pain is really bad at the moment

Try a donut pillow. I didn't sit in a chair for almost two months!

Re: new to site, recovering

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 10:50 pm
by tiburonpup78
thanks for the suggestion, glad to see you were happy with your procedure, take care :)

Re: new to site, recovering

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 9:29 am
by will1948
It will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I had my implant. I’m starting to feel much better and only taking 1000 mg of Tylenol before bed. No more swelling. Sitting is a bit of a challenge but I’m getting used to it. I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Only 3 weeks into it I’m in no position to offer advice but I will say I’m glad I did it. No more pills, injections, etc. Needless to say, so far so good.

Re: new to site, recovering

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:40 am
by mcdave555
Heh you guys with implants , how much did it cost you and how long is the surgery? Did you lose length and gerth also?

Re: new to site, recovering

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:28 am
by Old Guy
mcdave555 wrote:Heh you guys with implants , how much did it cost you and how long is the surgery? Did you lose length and gerth also?

The cost quoted to me w/o insurance was $14,500. Plus there is the doctors and anesthesiologist charges.
If I remember right the surgery was about an hour, maybe a bit longer. Length lost was close to 2", but then I was too sore to do my daily pumping up for a long time to re-gain it. Girth I think I gained a little bit.