Why Do Pills Stop Working? Any Way to Get Them to Work Again?

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Re: Why Do Pills Stop Working? Any Way to Get Them to Work Again?

Postby Simbarn » Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:45 pm

niarceel wrote:
[I wonder why God did this to our penises? Maybe to keep us from becoming "dirty" old men? ;) ]

Now I understand why ED occurs! :o

niarceel wrote:Really, our bodies are "designed" to last about 40 years. That's enough time to reproduce and raise our young. As far as Life is concerned, that's a good reproductive strategy to continue the propagation of our species. Every year over 40 is a gift. Enjoy every one of them.

Very true!

niarceel wrote: It sounds like the administration of Daflon helped to give you back the quality of your life.

Thank you for posting this.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: Why Do Pills Stop Working? Any Way to Get Them to Work Again?

Postby Simbarn » Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:49 pm

niarceel wrote:kinggg,

This is a long post. I think it will be worth your time and effort to read all of it.

I wish you the best possible outcome and success. If you're inclined, please send me a message via the Forum to tell me of your progress and success.

Sincerely, Niarceel

I must say this is an excellent post, containing much heartfelt and honest information. Thank you for sharing.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: Why Do Pills Stop Working? Any Way to Get Them to Work Again?

Postby Simbarn » Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:01 am

niarceel wrote:Interesting. You're telling us things no physician has ever said to me.

I am 71 so the ravages of age are starting to effect me. I am certain that I've had deterioration of the interior of my penis due to years of insufficient oxygen; I stopped having nocturnal erections about 5-10 years ago. As my research discovered, nocturnal erections are key to maintaining penile health.

Thank you for the links Niarceel, I will take a good look.

I think many doctors do not have the time to keep on top of all this research. I have a friend who is a vein specialist and I often send him articles. He just doesn’t have the time to look for these.

The lack of nocturnal erections is an issue for the health of the penis no doubt. Hypoxia over a period of time has been shown to cause changes in the structure of the trabeculae, namely fibrosis, smooth muscle loss and damage to the endothelium, compromising NO release.
It also accelerates oxidative damage. Sustaining nocturnal erections is very important to maintaining erectile function as you know!
It has been shown, as you have mentioned, that a certain level of testosterone is needed for them to occur.

There is something quite interesting about nocturnal erections as they occur mostly during REM sleep. During this period our brain shuts down the locus coeruleus, which controls sympathetic function, so essentially it is turned off. Without the inhibition of sympathetic activity in the penis, erections can happen far more easily, as this apparently is one of the pathways keeping the penis in a flaccid state during our waking hours. Another interesting fact is much research has shown that this sympathetic activity increases with age. Another factor which makes it more difficult for some of us to maintain an erection.
I have discussed sympathetic hyperactivity before. This really is an interesting avenue of current research into erectile dysfunction, not only for us mature males, but also for younger men with what is labelled as psychogenic ED.

It has only been in the last 12 months that I found a lot of the research suggesting that the chronic use of PDE5 inhibitors could be more beneficial for us than on demand use which just inhibits PDE5. The studies suggest many benefits from firstly preserving penile health and secondly reversing some of the damage caused by hypoxia and oxidative stress and thirdly, restoration of smooth muscle! I was quite amazed to read how beneficial they may be. These effects do not seem to stop in the penis either. The vascular system in the rest of the body may benefit from this too, as the penis has been described as just an extension of the peripheral vascular system. I have read numerous study’s that point to the restorative effect PDE5 inhibitors may have.
Your experience with the pine pollen sounds interesting did you start this at a similar time to the daily Cialis?

I have been taking daily Cialis for about 8 months now. It is still not in generic form here. I get a generic from the UK, which I trust to be genuine. I have used some from India before and they are not the same. Because of the expense of Cialis in AU, I did not entertain the idea of everyday use until I was able to get the genuine generics.
Taking Tadalafil daily has given me almost normal erectile function. It means the drug is constantly in my system and the low dose helps to sustain blood flow at higher rate most of the time. Like you, my nocturnal erections are stronger and when I wake out of a dream state they are always there and quite persistent. The only time I have issues now is during sex at specific times and I am quite sure this is due to sympathetic hyperactivity. I am going to try another drug called phentolamine mesylate soon to try and combat this. This is a adrenergic a1 and a2 blocker. I have discussed this in other posts as well.
Performance anxiety will be worse for us older guys, as the receptors for norepinephrine in the penis are either more sensitive or have increased in number. If all the other degenerative changes are not enough, mother nature has to throw this one at us too. Duck lads! :shock:

I am also on testosterone replacement. How is that working for you? What protocol are you on? I was a member of Dr Crislers forum; “all things male” for over 15 years. It was a great place to discuss and learn about TRT.
He had a very good understanding of hormone replacement for the male and a wealth of experience. Many of the other guys on that forum also had very interesting and helpful hints to offer.
There was always a large amount of new people posting who were having difficulties with their treatments or protocols from doctors who had very little idea of how to administer TRT correctly.
Not to mention many of the dubious TRT clinics that were appearing all over the US, almost pushing TRT as a cure all for all men, and also using protocols doing more harm than good. Many lawsuits ensued and much damage was done in relation to TRT therapy and for those that actually do need it. This was I think one of the main reasons that Androxal didn’t make it to approval by the FDA. A drug that could have helped so many. I discussed Androxal recently in more detail in another post.

There is a large body of evidence supporting that androgen's are vital for penile health. The lack of androgen's will firstly lessen or stop nocturnal erections, as you found out! Aside from the increased blood flow from these nighty erections testosterone stimulates, it also preserves smooth muscle in all areas of the penis, prevents extra cellular matrix deposition: collagen (fibrosis), in place of smooth muscle. Fibrosis changes the elasticity and compliance of the penis, compromising its ability to expand and most likely causing COVD or venous leakage. I discussed this in detail in my other post to you. Testosterone has also been shown to help preserve the structural integrity of the tunica albuginea, another vital component for venous occlusion.

Your observations of the improvement in the appearance and the function of your penis since using Tadalafil daily and bee pollen supplement is encouraging. I have also noticed that my penis when not erect appears larger and healthier, whereas before this protocol, it would often look quite shriveled as though I was subjecting it to a cold environment. When I was younger it rarely looked like this, only if I went swimming in very cold water or I was in full “flight and flight mode”! Thus now it appears more like it did 10-15 years ago.
I attribute some of this excessive shriveling that older men experience to sympathetic hyperactivity. The constant tonic influence of norepinephrine having a greater effect, which logically would encourage the penis to look even more contracted and less impressive in the flaccid state. However, loss of smooth muscle and fibrosis also contributes to this phenomena. Is rarely ever one thing that is the cause of erectile dysfunction.
Low testosterone levels also may contribute to this. While on this topic, excessive testosterone levels will also contribute to the above, as the conversion of T into excessive amounts of E2 can cause many issues with erectile function.
I also feel the too high a level of T, may cause other issues with sympathetic activity in the penis as well as possible deleterious changes in the penile tissues. Exogenous testosterone administration needs to be kept within the confines of one’s own genetic requirement for testosterone, otherwise there will be problems. Many guys posting on Dr John’s forum, asking for help, were administering exo T in excessive amounts, causing many issues and then trying to combat these issues with more medications and supplements, creating one big complicated mess for themselves.

Another important and interesting change in my penis that I have noticed since the daily Tadalafil, is sexual sensitivity in the penis. I was having periods where my penis had little “sexual sensitivity” (as you have mentioned!). It still had normal tactile sensitivity, that is touch sense, but the erotic or good sensations were numbed, so to speak. On some days during masturbation and or sex they were there, others, they were quite low or even absent. This has improved substantially whilst taking low dose Tadalafil. Almost to the point of it being resolved! I was very concerned when this began occurring and it was slowly getting more frequent as the years went by. To have this almost corrected is quite amazing IMO. The increase in blood flow and possible repair of vascular tissue may be improving neural function in the penis itself.

I also find after a coffee in the morning or sometimes two, my penis will have a less relaxed look, it will be in a more contracted state. I also find it is less responsive, even with the Tadalafil in my system, trying to get an erection will be more difficult. This is most likely due to the increase in noradrenaline that caffeine stimulates. After a an hour or two, this effect wears off. As I am quite certain that I have an increased susceptibility to sympathetic influence in my penis now at my age, any drug or supplement that increases sympathetic activity has a much greater impact on my erectile function, than it may have had in my 20’s. Some men in my opinion are genetically more prone to this, even from a young age. Some urologists are recognising this now.

The improvement I have seen whilst using a PDE5 inhibitor daily, could be at this stage only be while I take the medication. If I was to stop, I will most likely just revert back. Time will tell. The aging process is going to plough ahead, so it would seem that there will never be a total cure for this, constant intervention will probably always be the answer.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: Why Do Pills Stop Working? Any Way to Get Them to Work Again?

Postby niarceel » Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:45 pm

You: “Your experience with the pine pollen sounds interesting did you start this at a similar time to the daily Cialis?”

Looking back at 2018, I can’t remember. I did so many things concurrently to solve my ED problems that they became a blur. My memory says that I started one or the other first, or both at the same time. I simply can’t remember except that I have a clear memory of suddenly having rock hard nocturnal and morning erections about 3 days after I started ingesting pine pollen. I definitely remember “connecting the dots” on that.

Did you know that “Phentolamine Mesylate” is one of the primary ingredients in Bimix?

Testosterone replacement therapy has been terrific and not just for increasing libido. It has helped me maintain my weight, strength, endurance, and mental acuity. Honestly, it was hard to feel like the person I remembered I was until I went on T-replacement therapy. At that time, in my early 60's, my free T had dropped to about 267.

My testosterone replacement therapy protocol consists of a topical application of 150 mg of testosterone in a compounded creamy substance (lanolin, I think), once per day. I have a lab test every quarter to monitor my level. Recently, it measured about 650. Five and half months ago, it was over 900. I am to see my health care provider in ~2 weeks and I intend to inquire about this disparity in these readings.

You: “The increase in blood flow and possible repair of vascular tissue may be improving neural function in the penis itself.”
That is exactly what my research discovered, the daily low dose of Viagra or Cialis caused repair of damaged nerves, reduction in fibrosis, and reduction of scar tissue. When I last saw my Urologist a couple of months ago, he asked me if I knew about PDE5 inhibitor penile maintenance. It’s not “snake oil” anymore.

Just recently, I remarked to my wife that I no longer have any detectable loss of penile sensitivity. The wondrous pleasures of sex with my wife seem to have been completely restored to me, after them having been diminished for much of 2018 and most of 2019, even though our love life markedly improved in 2019. These intense sensations have only been fully restored to me in the last month or so. What has changed?

One thing: I started using a VED (Vacuum Erection Device) for 10 minutes per day in preparation for IPP surgery. I can tell you that it has done nothing but improve my sexual experiences in several ways (length, girth, sensitivity). A marked improvement in penile sensitivity seems to have occurred for me shortly after I began daily VED use. Now, for the first time since 2018, I feel like my penis has complete and wonderful sensitivity. Flacid or erect, my penis is considerably more full and darker than it’s ever been. That’s because if is now full of oxygenated blood all the time.

This post has important information on effectively and safely using a VED that I think most men will want to know, especially those about to have IPP surgery: https://www.franktalk.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14385&p=126522#p126480

But there's more to daily VED use than just preparing for IPP surgery. I think daily VED use may also be very important for maintaining penile health.

This is similar post I created with advice on selecting a VED, especially if men are on a budget:

I encourage you to read those posts because I have specific instructions on how to most effectively and safely use a VED. It's not intuitive.

As a side benefit of using it in my preparations for surgery, it seems to have markedly increased the constant blood flow into my penis, with or without the consumption of a PDE5 inhibitor. I doubt that the effects from VED use are permanent, just like the effects of stretching tight muscles just once does not last. Every day stretching is required to keep them stretched and limber. So I think it is with VED use; it's use must be ongoing. I use mine in the shower while showering, shampooing, and shaving for about 10 minutes every day. My second post on the thread, explains my exact shower routine and how I keep my hands free while maintaining a strong but safe vacuum on my penis.

I read your paragraph on coffee and caffeine. That’s bad news for me because I love coffee. Oh well, I’ll just inject more Bimix. :D
Born 1947. Live in Utah. Married 1995. 5'8". 160 lbs.
Health is very good. ED began from venous leakage (2003).
Used Cialis (2003-2017), penile injections (2018-2019), 4 implants (2020-2021), now have an AMS 700 installed.
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Re: Why Do Pills Stop Working? Any Way to Get Them to Work Again?

Postby Simbarn » Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:36 pm

kinggg wrote:
Simbarn wrote:
I do not think we can be so specific or certain that one speculative causation is the reason that PDE5 inhibitors seem to lose effectiveness over time. There is in my opinion more convincing evidence supporting other etiologies of ED which would help explain this phenomena. However, the ageing brain could have a part to play in the pathophysiology of ED in some circumstances.

So what can we do to repair the CC from the ravages of aging to order for the penis to function well enough to the point that it can respond effectively to pills as they had before?


I tried to answer your question as well Kinggg, in my post before this one.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: Why Do Pills Stop Working? Any Way to Get Them to Work Again?

Postby archway » Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:24 pm

So where/ how would one obtain cabergoline to give it a try ? My urologist indicates there is no medication available for delayed evacuation.
Archway 64 years old married 43 yrs
Venous Leak 15 + years Tried everything to no avail
2/2015 Titan 22cm RT 1cm R RTE
Dr Eid NY NY

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Re: Why Do Pills Stop Working? Any Way to Get Them to Work Again?

Postby Simbarn » Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:10 am

archway wrote:So where/ how would one obtain cabergoline to give it a try ? My urologist indicates there is no medication available for delayed evacuation.

You may need to find a doctor who will prescribe cabergoline off label for you. Some specialists are either very strict and won't deviate from the norm or are unaware of current research and possible use of current medications for other conditions. As I mentioned in another post, most of them just don't have the time to investigate.
Something for you to read that I found with very little searching.
Typically, cabergoline is prescribed for men with a benign pituitary tumor that is causing the pituitary to secrete to much prolactin. After ejaculation, in normal conditions there is a surge of prolactin, which is one of the reasons we have a refractory period.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: Why Do Pills Stop Working? Any Way to Get Them to Work Again?

Postby niarceel » Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:14 am

Interestingly, when Cabergoline was prescribed for me, the P.A. ordered a lab test on my prolactin level and we found it was 4 on a scale of 1-30. That's a very low prolactin level, but the P.A. prescribed Cabergoline for me anyway, a very small dose taken twice per week.

I have found that if I take Cabergoline the night before my wife and I make love the next day, it produces the right effects. A website I read stated that "mean peak plasma levels" were observed within 2-3 hours after ingestion. I don't know if taking it closer to when my wife and I make love would produce a better result. I'm going to try it.

Here's a post I created on my experience with Cabergoline:

I recommend that you know the potential side effects of Cabergoline before you start taking it:

archway, you may want to show this study to your doctor.

Here is a link to a study on men taking Cabergoline:
Cabergoline is a potentially effective and easy-to-administer treatment for male orgasmic disorder, the efficacy of which appears to be independent of patient age or orgasmic disorder etiology. Prospective randomized trials are needed to determine the true role of cabergoline in the treatment of this disorder."

As far as I can tell, I experience only one side-effect: hyper-sexuality.

The information I Googled on the drug said it is only available as a generic.
Born 1947. Live in Utah. Married 1995. 5'8". 160 lbs.
Health is very good. ED began from venous leakage (2003).
Used Cialis (2003-2017), penile injections (2018-2019), 4 implants (2020-2021), now have an AMS 700 installed.
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Re: Why Do Pills Stop Working? Any Way to Get Them to Work Again?

Postby erik821 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:03 pm

The specific function of prolactin in men is not well-known. The normal range for prolactin in males is 2 to 18 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL).

High blood prolactin concentration can interfere with the the production of testosterone and sperm production. It's not very common for a man to have high prolactin which is why caber generally has no effect if you're between 2-18 ng/mL

Caber can be found online bodybuilders have been using it for decades as a counter for excessive steroid effects it's easy to get but it's not going to change sexual performance or give you a boner unless your prolactin is sky high.

SHBG and FSH levels are far more important. Nitrogen levels in the blood need to be normal. Stop watching porn. Stay off the nicotine if your over 40 and regular exercise goes a long way.

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Re: Why Do Pills Stop Working? Any Way to Get Them to Work Again?

Postby archway » Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:30 pm

Maybe a prolactin test is in order to see where I stand as I have been on transdermal TRT for about 10 years with a total T of 775. Was 200 before testosterone suppliment
Archway 64 years old married 43 yrs
Venous Leak 15 + years Tried everything to no avail
2/2015 Titan 22cm RT 1cm R RTE
Dr Eid NY NY

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