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Cosmetic Circumcision

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:30 am
by tbone777
Can someone recommend an excellent Circumcision doctor in the Chicago area?

I was told Dr. Cornel n Atlanta is the best regarding cosmetic outcome (circumcision style) such as tight, lose, high, low and etc. However, I really would like to find a good doctor near me.

Attn.: Is Dr Laurence Levine good for cosmetic circumcision? Is the procedure expensive? Dr Cornel only charges $2.500.

thanks in advance


Re: Cosmetic Circumcision

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 8:03 am
by David_R
I hope that you have carefully thought about circumcision for non-medical, cosmetic reasons. I've been there (when I was 19), and it's not as easy a change as one might think. (Just a thought.)

Re: Cosmetic Circumcision

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 11:06 am
by MARKOS2018

Dr. Levine is an excellent doctor and is definitely the one you would want if you plan to get one. You must have a good reason for doing this, since many men wish they had a hood.

Good luck

Re: Cosmetic Circumcision

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 1:45 pm
by David_R
+ 1

Re: Cosmetic Circumcision

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 3:11 pm
by Beachdude
I agree with the other posters. The choice is ultimately yours. As an uncircumcised man I have been where you are now. I was embarrassed as a young guy because of the prevalence of circumcision in the U.S. (I remember thinking to myself that I wished I lived in Europe where uncircumcised was more mainstream) I even considered cosmetic circumcision when I became a legal adult. But I'm really glad I never went through with it. For one, I believe that men are born with a foreskin for a reason. Why remove something that biology considered necessary for men. Also, as long as you use proper hygiene on it, there is no real need for concern in that aspect. And lastly, the foreskin contains many sensitive nerve endings that add to sexual pleasure. Something that circumcised men will miss out on.
If the opinion of a sexual partner is an influence on this, be sure to think rationally. I know how it feels to expose yourself to a woman for the first time knowing she will on some level judge you on your penis, in this case your foreskin. Been there, done that. I just decided that I would alert my partners that I was uncut before I undressed so it would alleviate the pressure on my end, and any surprises on hers. I never had a woman change her mind on sex after learning I was uncut. I just made sure that I pleasured her so much that she would start wondering if uncut penises were better than In any case, I've been married for 29 years to a woman who loves my penis for what it is.

I'm not trying to talk you out of it. Just wanted to make sure you think it through before making your decision.

Re: Cosmetic Circumcision

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 2:48 pm
by tbone777
Thanks, everyone for your feedback. I already made a decision to get circumcised. Probably, I am going to see Dr. Cornell in Atlanta. I'm choosing Dr. Cornell instead of Levine because I couldn't find any review or information regarding Dr. Levine circumcision techniques. And Dr. Cornell provides all the answers I need on his website.

I know Dr. Leavine is probably one of the best Urologist in the USA, and I called Dr. Levine office to find out the circumcision cost. So here is the total cost:

Doctor fee: $880
Anesthesia fee: $450
Facility fee: $1,500
Total: $2,830

Attn.: This price is not expensive because he is a very competent and famous doctor. Would appreciate if someone can provide feedback regarding Dr. Levine circumcisions surgery techniques and cosmetic outcome. If there are 2 to 3 people who are happy with Dr. Levine circumcision procedure, I might not travel to Atlanta.

Once again many thanks for your help. :-)