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Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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First Post

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:12 pm

This is a new experience for me; but so was being a PCa victim. I'm 64, married with a grown son, excellent health save the devastation of the ED from the required surgery (3+ years ago). Surgery was robotic & was amazing, went very well. No real issues with contenience but it is different. Before surgery erections were strong, frequent and fun. Since surgery, the struggle has been almost overwhelmimg and the periods of darkness heavy. I was told they were able to spare the nerves- so much for transparency! Fortunately, the dark periods have not lasted too long and, as a guy, you just suppose to move on. My surgeon was brilliant and chairs Urology at this ranked midwest med center but, in my opinion, cares too little about rehab/recovering function. He did prescribe oral meds when I insisted. I currently shift between Cialis & Lavetria and the change seems to be somewhat beneficial. I'm trying to move to injections but have a mental block on "putting" the neddle in; why not. The greatest truggle is trying to find a professional who cares and will take the time to listen & help.
I have never been involved in a sharing such as this but when I found this site and watched, read for a while; found the openess and shared struggle was something I should/could use. If I violate a protocol at some point, sorry as this is new to me. This web site lead me to purchase a"Prelude" and I REALLY find it helpful. When I muster the stuff, this farm boy (now living in the big city) will post a comment on it as it has helped between the legs and between the ears. I'm just not yet use to speaking with graphic talk on that area- but I'm improving as I'm here. I also bought O Guy's book and have found it to be an amazing learning experience! There is no doubt that I have missed a lot of fun and self-love over the years. I have never asked the doctors for more than I had, but the loss of function and length is not what I understood to be a part of the bargain. Thanks for sharing as you do and I hope my observations and thoughts will contribute as well. Regards,
PCa-surgery 10/06

Posts: 75
Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:09 am

Re: First Post

Postby Paul-Mod » Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:58 pm

Hey, Welcome Dick.
There are a lot of guys on here who use injections. They will be along to give you some advice. The mind games and the mental trainwreck of this whole business is unreal. you're not alone in this, that's for sure. Keep working on it and eventually, it will become old hat. the guys who use injections love them.


Re: First Post

Postby 3mtrship » Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:40 pm

Boy you talk about graphic Dick. I just joined and I drop a post here for all to see.

Have a look. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=149


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Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:39 pm

Re: First Post

Postby clearwatercowboy » Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:52 pm

Regain, (Dick)

Well, as someone who has gone, and is going through this with you, obviously, I can truly relate. I underwent Robotic RPP May 04,2009 in Boise, IDaho, and like you I was told that they spared both nerve bundles. And, also like you, I struggle daily with the frustration and depression of ED. I currently utilize Trimix injectables, however, unfortunately, I developed penile fibrosis. We can't get a straight answer from my Urologist's office as to why this occured. But, now I am faced with a significant lose in penile erection length and girth, which makes things all the more frustrating for my wife and me. I have continued to take Cialis 3-4 times/week, and I use the VED pump at least once a day, and occasionally twice a day. When I first started on the Bimix injections in Nov. 2009, I would be able to have normal sized erections, however they were painful most of the time, but I would bear the pain and still perform intercourse as best that I could. Then, in February 2010, something dramatically changed, I started to develop a bend to the left, consistent with early Peyroinnes Disease, followed by significant lose of erection length and girth, to the point, I feel like I have stepped back to being about 10-12 yrs. old. Doc has be applying Verapamil Cream to the shaft twice a day, and taking 1200 U. of Vitamin E daily to treat the fibrosis. And, so far after 4 months of this type of theray, I see no real improvement in my problem. My physician tells me to be patient, that my nerves are still trying to come back, but somehow, I think the problem is significantly worse than just nerve regeneration. My fear is that I have permanantly damaged the corpos cavernous tissues to the point of no return. And, my only other option will be to undergo implant procedure sometime further on down the road. And, I'm not too wild about that prospect, due to Coumadin (blood thinner) therapy from two previous strokes.

But, know that I, for one, share your frustration, and I understand those "dark days".......and I wish that I could offer some comfort to you that might help. Maybe just knowing that someone else out there in cyber space is dealing with similar issues will be of some help.
Here's hoping that you find some resolution to the problems that you face.

Clearwatercowboy (Idaho)

Posts: 260
Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:09 am
Location: Indianapolis

Re: First Post

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:16 am

Dallas & Jim

Thanks for the reply post. The interaction of this group of guys may be he best medicine there is. For me, being here is a life-saver. I am learning things about the disease and myself. Learning about myself and my sexual health-status as made the world a better place for me. I am beginning to open up my mind and understand myself and the world I live in. Jim, enjoy the interchange and continue to contribute. Sometimes we forget that guys read and learn and grow but don't post a comment from what we write; that's OK. Dallas may we both continue to get better and grow. As you know there is great experience with implants by some here and if, and when; they are available.

What is really great is we come to this place from all over the world with the same issue and related problems. There are times I'm beginning to believe that this group knows more practical stuff than all the academic med centers- Paul should publish!


PCa-surgery 10/06


Re: First Post

Postby 3mtrship » Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:27 pm

Thank you regain-is-the-aim but you give me too much credit. Let me put this in the correct and full lite of day. I am a carpenter who had prostate cancer. I also think I got lucky as I was building the team who would treat me and found some really talented people who did a good job.

I have lurked all over the Net for years digging and learning and maybe even helping once in a while as I see others struggle with all of the issues or fallout from this disease. It was not until last month that the flood gates around my heart busted and my story, the story about some of what happened to me came rushing out all at once.

That was triggered by a simple human error on the part of my Urologist. During my June consult and PSA checkup he made the following statement, "Jim before today's appointment I went back to square one (1) and read your whole file. There is no way we could reasonably expect you to be here and healthy 5 1/2 yrs later considering the way you presented in 2004 and the serious nature of your cancer. OH, that's not what I meant Jim! I'm sorry."

To which I said "Doc, that is exactly what you meant but it is OK. Because you were wrong and I am the winner because I'm alive, so it's OK, see."

I gave him a hug and we parted.

Somehow that opened my heart man and I have been rolling ever since.

I have 2 more chapters of my story that dig even closer to me heart about this cancer journey, erections, penises, love, sex, masturbation and heartache.

Yours is the first encouragement I've seen and I don't know if anybody wants to read the rest. I am a wind bag but a dam good carpenter and decent guy who overcame ED.

So here I sit watching and waiting again looking for a few places I might be able to help somebody deal with the devastating effects of this cancer.

This is the first site where I felt comfortable going into some detail about very personal matters.

Now I realize we are small and need to grow the site and increase readership. We will all benefit from growth and I think it is separate issue I wish to help happen.

AND P.S. Your posts are very much in line with the rules of conduct here. :P

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