Penis- A Woman's view

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Re: Penis- A Woman's view

Postby shipper222001 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:26 am


A lot of women can't have a vaginal orgasm because the vagina loses some of its sensitivity after menopause. So I doubt if your Gfs inability has anything to do with your size. Most of the woma's pleasure comes from the clitoris . So you should rub your penis on her vaginal opening. This will increase the pleasure and I bet she will have an orgasm. Anyway may be when you inside her to also stroke her clitoris while you moving inside her. The spoon positon is very good for this one hand is free to stroke her whilke you both can move.

Also women like men, come in all sizes. No vagina is the same size. Some women have very deep ones. Others small and narrow ones. Most can usually handle any size penis.


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Re: Penis- A Woman's view

Postby ontopher469 » Sat Dec 14, 2013 5:40 pm

Hey shipper222001,

I read your wife's (Karen) article above about penis size. I also read another article by you in General Discussion on "G-spot squirting". I assume the squrting was by Karen.

You both made a great arguments about the importance of making sure our wives are having orgasms and stop worrying about our penis size. In the "G-spot Squirtin" piece you didn't mention your penis size. I see here that you're only 5.5". I need to congratulate you again for being able to botton out and hitting Karen's Cervix. I'm also a short 6" but have never been able to botton out inside my wife's vagina.

In many of my posts on FT, I've stressed the impotance of making sufe our wives are having orgasms. More importantly, for us men who are not getting our women to have orgasms, we need to stop 'making' our wives give us oral sex and learn how to give Clitoris oral to our wife. For men who don't know to give Clitoris oral, the Internet has many tutorials by sex therapists on how to get the job done. The articles are very detailed as to how to position your head (face down) between your wife's legs and coming up and into the vagina. Use your tongue and mouth on her Clitoris. Don't use fingers!!!!! She will reach a violent orgasm w/i 15 minutes! After ejaculating your semen, I suggest going down on her a 2nd time. She will restart her orgasm immediately. Her satiafaction is gauranteed. She will especially appreciate your willingness to go down on the 2nd time with your semen all over her vagina.

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Re: Penis- A Woman's view

Postby shipper222001 » Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:30 pm

Ontopher: Its not that important if you "hit bottom" or not. I read that most women only have sensitiveity in the first 4" of their vagina. Also women vary in how deep their vagina is. My wife happens to have a shallow one so in certain positons, I do hit bottom when I have to be careful because most womens's cervix are very sensitive if the penis goes too deep it can be painful for her.

I like to recommend some sex education videos which are advertised in the AARP magazine which are suitable for older couples. The 4 of them only cost $29. They cover topics such as positons, foreplay, oral sex, etc. They are not porno but do involve real lovemaking and sex. The website is Well worth the money.

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Re: Penis- A Woman's view

Postby ontopher469 » Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:43 pm

The discussion here about penis size started in August of 2012 and continued to the present, i.e., December 2013. The comments are very interesting in that Karen (Shipper’s wife) was unable to convince us men that penis size, primarily length, is not important to women during sex. In fact, Karen made eight (8) different attempts to convince us men. Karen even recounted several discussions she had with several of her girl friends who all were in unanimous agreement about the unimportance of the penis size.

For whatever the reason, Karen struggled to finally get around to what REALLY is important to women, i.e., orgasm via ‘clit’ stimulation!! And, as Karen pointed out on several occasions, the only thing of importance to most men is there own orgasm, i.e., ejaculation. Most men believe a woman’s own orgasm is her responsibility.

In the beginning of her discussions, Karen said that her previous experience with a lover with a very long penis (python?), i.e., ~ 8”, was not good. She said this man was “a braggart and rough”. Subsequently, she said (same man) was “not good & inconsiderate”.

In another subsequent discussion, two of Karen’s girl friends mentioned two lovers with penises with a large girth who were better than others. (Men with a large girth are known to sometimes stimulate the woman’s clitoris). In the next discussion, Karen finally said a woman’s most pleasure occurs in her ‘clitoris’.

Finally, in her last discussion (8th), Karen finally said what’s really important to a woman during sex is receiving “a lot of foreplay, good oral on her clitoris and the entire process to last for at least an hour”. Karen, why did it take you eight discussions to get to the point?

I’m 71 and on my 2nd marriage. During my first marriage of 32 years, my wife had fewer than half a dozen orgasms. I was married to my 2nd wife for fourteen years until she had he first orgasm with me. The reason was I did some research on the internet and found out from sexual therapists that most women seldom, if ever have orgasms, during sex.

The therapists (there are many on the Internet) are unanimous that the vast majority of woman can only have an orgasms when a man gives her oral on her clitoris. My wife know gets very vigorous orgasms each time. As Karen suggests, I initially give my wife foreplay and then oral on her ‘clit’. Once the wife starts her orgasm, I then enter her vagina with my penis for ejaculation.

The closest most men on FT (only a few) get to a woman’s ‘clit’ is with his finger. Almost all men on FT expect their partners to give him oral but would never give their female partners oral on her ‘clit’. The basis for my knowledge of the men on FT is because I’ve asked questions on the subject in the Chat Room for about three years.

The best example above by one of our great lovers on FT who’s wife probably has never had an orgasm with him is the man who’s response to Karen was ‘I don’t have a 12” dick, but I can go twice. Just sayin”

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Re: Penis- A Woman's view

Postby hoosierphilly » Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:27 am

Remember to start in the woman's head. Show interest in her, not just the TV. Stressful TV until bedtime does not cut it if you want her ready for love.

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Re: Penis- A Woman's view

Postby Chaz456 » Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:58 pm

Karen and Shipper,
Thanks for sharing your posts, love them!
Titan Touch installed 12/20/13, Then redone 03/21/14, Then redone again 06/13/14.

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Re: Penis- A Woman's view

Postby hoosierphilly » Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:52 am

My wife has always said....atmosphere, interest and desire shown by me are paramount (for 50 yrs). If the little guy works great....if he doesn't than I perform without him. Women have a lot of erogenous zones near the entry inside and out. So she agrees size not critical...its the techniques.

Don't forget they do when may say when they see an overly sporty expensive car or some gross exaggeration of sports or pets......little dick...showy object (car).....oh and we drive good cars (not flashy).

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Re: Penis- A Woman's view

Postby alan46 » Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:36 pm

In defense of men with large penises, I have always been considerate with women in love making. What pleases them is what I would do. I have always been unselfish. You aren't going to hurt a woman if you have a large penis as long as she is aroused. Foreplay is important and, for me, a major turn on. I think all the women would agree.

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Re: Penis- A Woman's view

Postby hoosierphilly » Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:14 am

Its now the size you have, its how you use it and your attitudes, both before intimacy and during intimacy. Don't forget the anticipation effect and your attitude to us in general. Don't forget if the little guys performance is unreliable there are other techniques to complete the intimacy. Intimacy is key.
You may find participating in non traditional ways to make your love climax unexpectedly satisfying as my man has. Oh and I participate actively in exciting him and his little guy. Couples should get over the commonly held attitudes taught by society and enjoy being together.

Hoosierphilly's Love

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